
Urban All-Area System

Wash your face once - Your charm has increased, Flex your arm - Your strength has increased, Read a book - Your knowledge has increased It becomes stronger every second without limit, and from then on, Ye Hong began his journey of hegemony, God of Healing, God of Cooking, God of Driving, God of Learning, God of War ... Dominate the whole field!

Tomiwa_Banjo_3524 · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
27 Chs

Chapter 23: Flying a ball!

Today's physical education content was basketball practice.

The physical education teacher in Class 18, named Jiang Bin, was a handsome young man in his early twenties.

A smart looking guy, in a black and white sportswear, full of energy.

The number of boys and girls in Class 18 was almost the same. After class, under the arrangement of Jiang Bin, they practiced in two teams.

For ordinary high school students, of course, they started with the simplest dribble.

Ye Hong didn't have much interest in basketball, so he randomly dribble the ball twice, and then found a reason to be lazy.

Under a small tree beside the playground, Ye Hong leaned comfortably against the tree trunk and closed his eyes for a moment.

"Ding! Work and rest combined, energy +1, current progress 1/10, current level: entry level."

emmmm... Even when I close my eyes, I'm still being constantly strengthened...

It would be nice if I could lie down here and make money.

The sun was warm since it was autumn, and it was very comfortable as it shone on the body, but Ye Hong accidentally fell asleep.

On the other side of the girl's team, Zhang Xuewei was absent-mindedly glancing at the distant trees.

"Xue Wei, look at you looking like a soulless one!"

"Go and find your little lover, if Teacher Jiang asks, we will say you go to the toilet."

After being teased by several girls, Zhang Xuewei suddenly red-faced and said: "Why, what lover, I'll kill you little long tongue wives!"

But she quickly bit her lower lip and shyly said, "Don't forget your promise!"

She then trot all the way to Ye Hong's location.

Behind her were a group of girls laughing and joking.

Ye Hong's ears moved slightly, and his enhanced hearing made him quickly feel that someone was approaching him.

Ok? Could it be that Jiang Bin had caught him lazing around?

His eyes opened slightly, and a small face dripping with sweat appeared in the sky.

It was a little ruddy after a little exercise, every time he took breath, a hint of the girl's unique fragrance will always come into Ye Hong's nose.

A beauty is worthy of being a beauty. They were so pleasing to watch at any time.

"Xuewei, is there something wrong?"

Zhang Xuewei turned her head shyly, but handed a bottle of mineral water to Ye Hong.

"Ah! I know, you want me to help you open it, right?"

Ye Hong took the mineral water and unscrewed the cap cleanly.

But when he was going to hand back the water, Zhang Xuewei buried her head,and in a voice that was lighter than a mosquito: "It's.. it's for you..."

Ye Hong froze for a moment and smiled: "Thanks Xuewei, yesterday's apple was also delicious."

Then he took a few sips of the cold mineral water.

Zhang Xuewei looked up and rejoiced: "Then I will bring you one every day!"

The two smiled at each other, with a little shyness of boys and girls, the picture was extremely beautiful.

But this kind of picture, in the eyes of someone else, was like a flame, burning his heart constantly!

Qin Long squeezed his fists, trembling and looking at the boy and girl in the shadow of the distant trees.

"Give me the ball!"

He yelled at a boy who was dribbling and scared the opponent to toss the ball over.

Qin Long transported the basketball and started to run on the playground, but his body unknowingly approached Ye Hong's location.

Finally, Qin Long pretended to accidentally take the basketball out, but actually secretly added some force to let the basketball fly to Ye Hong!

"Ye Hong, you are going to die for me!"

Qin Long's eyes widened, his expression was horrible!