
Urban All-Area System

Wash your face once - Your charm has increased, Flex your arm - Your strength has increased, Read a book - Your knowledge has increased It becomes stronger every second without limit, and from then on, Ye Hong began his journey of hegemony, God of Healing, God of Cooking, God of Driving, God of Learning, God of War ... Dominate the whole field!

Tomiwa_Banjo_3524 · Thành thị
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27 Chs

Chapter 10: I get upset

Hearing Ye Hong's words, everyone in the class looked stiff, apparently remembering Ye Hong's stunning performance in English class yesterday.

"No, it's impossible! His math can't be as good as his English!"

Everyone told themselves in their hearts.

Yang Daoshen sighed inwardly. He originally thought that Ye Hong wasn't bad. Although his entrance test scores were a bit bad, he could still try to perform well in the upcoming test.

Therefore, Zhang Xuewei, who had a good academic record, was arranged as his deskmate to see if she could change him.

This morning I heard that he performed well in English class yesterday. I thought that the prodigal son had returned, but I didn't expect him to be so full of himself that he thinks he was si full of himself thinking he was good in every subject.

Under the disappointment in his heart, Yang Daoshen's tone was also apathetic: "Carefully listen in the class, don't let me see you fall sleep again."

"Ok..." Ye Hong responded a bit perfunctory.

Just kidding, I have already learned all the lessons for this semester, like I still need to listen to your lessons?


The melodious and melodic grunt sounded again in the corner.


Zhang Xuewei was a good girl since she was a child. When she saw student Ye Hong who didn't give the teacher face, she felt that it was quite funny in her heart, and she couldn't help laughing.

This smile is as charming as an orchid blooming.

The few male students around were almost drooling.

Qin Long, who was not far away, was so angry and jealous when he saw this scene!

Why can a person who can only sleep make Zhang Xuewei smile?

What does he know? If she likes a person, she will find it charming even when he sleeps.

As Qin Long thought about this he got more and more angry, more and more unwilling, his head was hot, and he rushed up directly from the seat.

He took a few steps to Ye Hong's side, directly grabbing his collar, and picked him up from his seat!

"You bastard! Get out of this seat for me, did you hear that?!" As soon as they geard this the whole class boiled over instantly.

"Good job!"

"I've been watching this Ye Hong guy for a long time!"

"Qin Long, we support you!"

A group of boys clapped loudly.

There were also some people who felt troubled and want to dissuade them, but they were insignificant after all, and were directly overwhelmed by the rowdiness of the class.

"Qin Long! Stop it!"

Zhang Xuewei's face was sullen and shouted softly.

But this distressed look of Zhang Xuewei made Qin Long even more jealous in his chest and he put more effort in his hands!

Qin Long, who is more than one meter and eight meters away, pulled Ye Hong into the air without any effort, as simple as carrying a chick.

Ye Hong was very upset.

He just wanted to get a good night's sleep.

But he was woken up twice and again!

Yehong opened his eyes and looked coldly at the face in front of him.

Qin Long's face was full of madness: "Ye Hong, starting today, recognize your status!

Toad cannot afford swan meat, okay? "

"Release my shirt" Ye Hong spoke lightly.

"I won't let go if I step on a horse!"

Ye Hong didn't speak anymore, he just watched Qin Long silently.

"Ding! Staring at others, Aura +1, current progress: 1/10, current level: entry."

People who have been in high positions for a long time do not need to speak at all, they just need to terrier their aura.

At this moment, Qin Long only felt that Ye Hong in front of him suddenly became tall and majestic, and his pair of deep eyes seemed to be hiding an infinite storm.

This kind of high mountain feeling, he only felt it from his father!

Qin Long felt a shock in his heart, his hands were suddenly weak, he released Ye Hong, and his mouth subconsciously shouted.


Everyone: ...