
Unyielding Power: The Path to Dominio

I will be happy for support in any form, but I will be most pleased with a review, thank you to everyone who gave reviews, it motivates me a lot :))) I would like to be quite inspired by Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, I like the world but I don't like the characters and the MC at all

MorfusTv · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs


When he was underground his group spotted him

"Hey Bob you fought awesome on that bridge" Said Eduard with respect

"Oh I see you brought food" David looked at the 4 full shopping bags of food and drink

Bob and the others sat down on the wall at the edge of the underground and started eating

Edward took some dried meat and water

David took bacon chips and Sprite

Nina took some chocolate bars and water

When the other people saw that Bob and his group had food they started to whisper amongst themselves after about 5 minutes Bob was approached by a thin man who looked sneaky

"What's your name?" Said the man

"Bob" Bob said cold

"Ahhh the famous Bob who saves everyone" said the man

Bob looked at the man uncomprehendingly but the man ignored Bob's look

"Welcome to the underground Egrac"

Then the man looked at the 4 bags of food and drink

"Oh I see you came to save us" he said and didn't wait for Bob's reaction and immediately started talking again

"Hey merciful Bob join our group and I will arrange a higher status for you" the man said

"I refuse" said Bob coldly

Then the man left and pob sat down with the rest of his group

Then Bob pulled in the same jerky as Eduard and started eating

When the other people saw this a crowd of people came up to Bob

"Hey split the food!" Said a man from the crowd

"My baby is starving" said a woman from the crowd

"You seriously think you're going to keep that food all to yourself!!!"

[You entered the area of the second scenario. Find the place where the scenario will be running, and move to it]

Then the man came up to Bob

"Folks don't worry Bob has already agreed to join us. And he'll be sure to hand out the food later," the man said.

[Ruby Ruler says if you shake hands with someone, the person you shook hands with can give you coins]

Bob understood what Ruby Ruler meant

"I'll sell 1 food for 50 coins" Said Bob

The thin man looked at Bob in shock

"And that goes for my group too" Bob pointed to his group

You could hear people muttering angrily but they had no choice, even Bob's group looked displeased

Then Bob sat down and resumed eating

"I think that's a lot" said David

"My food, my rules" said Bob

Bob finished his meal and saw that there was a long queue in front of him waiting to buy food

2 hours later there was only 1 bag left which Bob kept for himself

[You got 2550 coins]

[Night Whisperer praises you for your coin count]

[Name: Bob

Level: 4

Class: None

Age: 21

Race: Human

Supporter: None

Titles: [Psycho] [First Blood]

HP: 150

MP: 9

Strength: 21 Agility: 23

Intelligence: 9 Vitality: 15

Bonus points: 2

Skills: [inventory lvl:1] [Eyes of God lvl:1] [Whispering Forest: lvl:1]

XP: 315

Coins: 3630

Inventory slots enabled: 1/5]

Bob went to minute XP but heard an argument in his group

"Nina go smoke somewhere else it just stinks here" Eduard said angrily

Nina took a long drag from her cigarette and blew the smoke at Eduard so Eduard started coughing

"Shut up" said Nina

Bob decided to ignore the argument and went minutes XP

[Name: Bob

Level: 4

Class: None

Age: 21

Race: Human

Supporter: None

Titles: [Psycho] [First Blood]

HP: 150

MP: 9

Strength: 21 Agility: 23

Intelligence: 9 Vitality: 15

Bonus points: 2

Skills: [inventory lvl:1] [Eyes of God lvl:1] [Whispering Forest: lvl:1]

XP: 315

Coins: 3630

Inventory slots enabled: 1/5]

[Level 4 -> Level 5]

[Strength increased by 1 Agility increased by 1 Vitality increased by 1]

[You have gained 1 bonus point]

[You have unlocked a class]

[Please choose a class]

1 [Warrior]

2 [Mage]

3 [Archer]

(Sorry today's episode was shorter)