
Bi's Childhood

Han Bi's stepmother beat her up so bad that she had fainted and if not for the intervention of her father, she could have died. Han Bi was only seven years old then. Han Bi's stepmother told her father that she was ill gotten bad luck and if they didn't get rid of her soon,she would be their downfall. The recent happenings had not been in Han Bi's favour,the Han family's stocks had plumaged and the company was slowly going bankrupt and after so many years, her father's wife had conceived but now it was miscarriage. Han Bi's father soon began to believe that his own daughter was bad luck.

He kicked her out with no where to go and she was taken to an orphanage by a neighbor of theirs. That was the beginning of her hardships actually, never had she found anything easy in life. Not since her birth,no. The orphanage she was put in sent them to school but they had to work for it. Actually it was some kind of agency in the form of an orphanage.

All they had to do was to be taken to homes to do household chores and their employers pay the money to the agency which in turn use it for their feeding, clothing and education.

It was nothing short of child labour but what could they do,they were orphans after all,helpless and defenseless. Han Bi had met Yi Zhengzhou in the orphanage and they became really good friends. They went to the same school and were almost inseparable.

When both girls had turned sixteen, Yi Zhengzhou had ran away and Han Bi did not hear from her again. Two years later, Han Bi left to become independent. Although she was not done with university, the demands of the agency owner was too much. He no longer wanted her to work, he wanted her body.