
Unwilling Protagonist: Trapped In A Game As A Male Lead

After a strange occurrence, Kai finds himself trapped inside a popular game as one of the useless male leads. But there's one problem: he never wanted to be the hero. As Kai struggles to navigate this new reality and figure out how to escape, he soon realizes that his actions may have a bigger impact on the game world than he ever could have imagined. With danger lurking around every corner, Kai must decide whether to embrace his role as the reluctant hero or find a way to break free from the game's grasp. --- 100 PS FOR FAST UPDATES!

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The Starlight Cruiser

After traveling for about an hour, we arrived at the dock that would take us to the Starlight Academy. The academy is located on a massive floating island known as Aetheria, surrounded by clouds.

To reach it, there was only one mode of transportation: The Starlight Cruiser; a magnificent flying ship.

As we stepped out of the car, we were immediately greeted by the sight of a humongous winged ship, its hull gleaming in the sunlight.

It was like nothing I had ever seen before, with intricate patterns etched into the metal and a series of propellers lining the sides. A banner hung from the mast, bearing the ship's name: The Starlight Cruiser.

Other students from the academy were already boarding, and there were even several cars belonging to nobles parked nearby.

Since the ship was the only means of transportation, we would be sharing it with every student from the Starlight Academy. It would make several stops to pick up students on the way, meaning that it would take us several days to reach the academy.

"...Which means, we won't be arriving at the academy any time soon," I muttered, shaking my head.

Rosalind overheard me and responded, "Yeah, you're right. It will take us a few days before we reach the academy."

I nodded in agreement.

Fiona let out a frustrated sigh, "Why didn't anyone tell me about this sooner? I would have prepared myself for the journey."

As we approached the Cruiser, Rosalind gave us a warning. "Once we step inside the ship, our nobility titles will hold no value," she cautioned. "Our status in the academy will solely depend on the class we are placed in."

We listened intently as she went on to describe the different classes in the academy.

"The Elite class is the most privileged, allowing you to live like a prince or princess. The Honor class is the second best, offering a lifestyle similar to that of high-ranking nobles.

The Advance class provides a comfortable middle-class life, while the Intermediate and Basic classes are the least desirable.

Instructors don't provide as much guidance, and training equipment and accommodations are of lower quality, making it a tough journey for those who aren't accustomed to such living conditions," she finished, coming to a stop outside the ship.

"May I see your ID and admission cards, please?" asked the guard stationed outside the ship as we approached him.

Rosalind promptly presented her ID, while Fiona and I handed him our admission cards. The guard scanned them with a small device, and a moment later, it beeped, indicating their authenticity.

The guard returned Rosalind's ID card and handed her a room key.

"You may enter," he said, stepping aside to let us pass.

"Thank you," Rosalind replied, taking back her ID.

But before taking a step in, Rosalind turned toward us and said in a serious tone, "Whatever you do, at least try to get into the advanced class so you won't have to struggle.

I will be heading towards my class as soon as I board the ship, so take care of each other and for once, don't fight. You'll already be competing with many strong candidates. so it's better to stick together."

"Not a chance!" Fiona retorted.

"Hell no!" I added.


"Tch, suit yourselves, you immature brats," Rosalind said in an irritated tone before entering the ship and stomping her feet.

I shrugged and entered the ship after taking back my admission card and room keys from the guard, followed by Fiona. And as soon as we entered, we went our separate ways.

I stretched my arms in relief because just hearing Fiona's voice was making me irritated, and I was afraid I would lose my temper.

As Kai, I was never the type of guy who would tolerate such insults.


As the ship began its journey to the Starlight academy, I found myself standing in a quiet corner, observing the excited first-year students bustling around me. They were eager to prove their worth and make their mark in the world, but little did they know the challenges and pressures that lay ahead of them.

As the chilly breeze swept past me, I couldn't help but notice two types of students on board. There were those who exuded confidence and reveled in the journey toward the academy. Then there were the nervous and anxious students, buried in their books, preparing for the upcoming exam. So engrossed were they in their studies that they failed to take in the breathtaking scenery around us.

Unlike these students, I had never been one to study diligently, even in my previous life. I could only imagine the pressure they were under during exam season.

Of course, I had gone through examinations before, but I was a pay-to-win type of guy even in real life.


As the sun began to set and the ship grew quieter, most of the students had retired to their respective rooms either to study or eat. I remained alone on the deserted deck, leaning against the railings and letting the cold breeze wash over me as I closed my eyes.

For a brief moment, I let myself get lost in a childish daydream, imagining myself as a villain from a fantastical movie, fighting the world just to protect the one I loved.

It brought to mind a quote from a book that resonated with me: "If you love a hero, they will sacrifice you to save the world. But if you love a villain, they will destroy the whole world in order to save you."

But my reverie was short-lived, shattered by the sound of a familiar voice.

"Don't do that. It doesn't suit you," the voice said. "You're just an average-looking guy pretending to be a hero."

Her words brought a bittersweet smile to my face as I realized that my thoughts were nothing but a mere daydream, an escape from my mundane reality.

'There's no lie in that,' I thought to myself, "I am imagining someone I don't have." I muttered as I opened my eyes slowly and turned to Adeline.

"Is there anything you need from me, Adeline?" I asked with a smile.
