

"How dare you!!" Zhang Min's anty said with anger and slapped Dong Mei loudly on her right cheek that it sounds like a school bell.

Dong Mei was standing at the front her looking on the ground and they were at the entrance of the entertainment apartment. Dong Mei just arrived home after staying with Zhang Min for some hours and this was how she was coming, so as she entered it was the woman that she met at the hut that she always use to sit.

She stopped her as she going inside, walked closed to each other and that was the first word she said and gave her the dirty slap, Dong Mei had know that she had heard what happened at the market so she didn't say anything just looking on the ground.

"I am so sorry ma!" Dong Mei said with low voice after few seconds that she slapped her.

"Oh! You have know what you did right! I sent you somewhere to make their day lovely and their nights as well as their entertainers! You know have the gut to disobey my client and also abuse him on his right" said with loud voice, Dong Mei looked at her and faced the ground.

"You leave the man that I sent you to and went to that Zhang Min at where she was, talking and charting with her! What a disrespectful to me, still now have the gut to be fighting with that man. Allowed Zhang Min to be abusing him still he got angry that he didn't want you again even you don't even bothered to go and beg him for your disrespectful did!" Looked at Dong Mei with angry face.

"I am sorry Ma! But even if we are men entertainers, we deserved some respect not to just be treating like a sheet or doing anyhow the way they like. He embarrassed me at the market side, right I forgot to tell him that I am coming but the way he acted is-------" the woman stopped her with another dirty slap and with a loud voice.

"If you don't shut up! You still want to be justify your stupid did. Saying you deserved some respect! He paid for you so he has every right on you idiot!" Dong Mei looked at her.

"I am sorry ma! But with due respect! But still the way he did was wrong, he cut Zhang Min's hand and even it's very deep because she was trying to correct him---" Dong Mei stopped talking and looking at right directions.

"Shut up! With the rubbish you did, still talking! Do you know how much I have lost, the girl he replaced you with is a junior one so he reduced the money more than half and you still have the gut to come home and justify your stupidity. Can you imagine how much I have lost now!" It was on Dong Mei and Chang ying that she uses to gain very huge amounts of money because they were seniors and they had been experts in entertaining of men.

"You are really stupid for what you done! And you must be punished for it so next time you will behave yourself!"

"I am sorry once again ma and I am ready to serve any punishment you want to give me!' Dong Mei said with low voice and looking on the ground.

"If it's not because of your rank, if it's just anyhow person for a month you won't come out to the party ground not talk of having a night with a man!" Dong Mei breathe in.

"Follow me idiot!" She said with loud voice and leaving the place and Dong Mei followed her walking behind.

Chang ying and others that were choosed for the youth were still with them, it was a day that they were paid for. So it was only few ladies that were at home and they had been dressing for the night as usual.

Dong Mei and Zhang Min's anty got a fruit tree at the backyard of the mansion and the name of the fruit was Rambutans. Dong Mei was standing at the front of the tree and looking at the woman.

"Poke all the fruits on this tree inside the baskets still the two baskets full, remove the fruit from the cells and after that you should packed the baskets and take it to the kitchen" Dong Mei looked at the very big two baskets on the floor.

"Make sure you do it finished before the next day and don't want to hear that I slept on it because right now you suppose to be somewhere so since you are unable this is what you will do still the next morning!" Said with loud voice.

"As you said Ma!" Dong Mei said with low voice.

"When you are done with the poking and removing of the cells let me know!' She said, turned back and living the place.

Dong Mei looked at everywhere around the tree and looking at the very big baskets. She carried the two baskets without anything inside them and took them to the kitchen, she put them down at the window side there and took a medium bowl that she saw outside the kitchen.

Going to the tree to poke the fruit inside it because she couldn't be able to carry the baskets again if it had been full with fruit because is was very big.

She put the bowl down under the tree and poking the fruit with her hands, dropping then inside the bowl.

The workers that were doing the domestic job have been outside cleaning the place and decorating it. Zhang Min's anty was at the small house that she always use to be training some girls how to dance for the man, treat them and how to pour wine for them.

"Some of the chiefs are coming today so you must know how to do them right! Don't want you to mess up and let them know that your seniors are not at home!" She was sitting on a chair and the girl were standing at her front.

"So now! When you want to pour the wine you must be very careful and I don't want to hear that my hands are shaking that is why I mistakenly pour wine on the chief's body!"

"Okay Ma! We heard you ma!" All of them said in chorused.

"You will have been seen your seniors pouring wine for the chiefs! You will hold the handle with your right hand and your left hand on the cover and pouring the wine with smile on your face little by little, not in hurry because nobody is chasing you or you have somewhere that you are going to"

"As you said ma! We heard you!" All of them said wearing a very lovely multi-colour dragon wrapper and which were the same even with design.

"You! Come and pure a wine for me and let me see before you go there!" Said with low voice and sitting on the chair very well.

"Okay Ma!" The young girl said and walked closed to her front, she held the small kettle handle with her right hand and put her left hand on the cover pouring the wine slowly, slowly and with a lovely smile on her face.

Other were standing beside each other on a straight line and looking at the girl pouring the wine when Dong Mei entered with full force and breathe in and out. The hand of the lady that was pouring the wine shakes as the result of the way Dong Mei bragged inside like something was chasing her.

"Why did you bragged in like that and distracted what I am doing? Also let her poured the wine on the floor"

"I am so sorry Ma! Don't mean to bragged in like that" she said with low voice and apologised.

"What is it? Have you done with the punishment I gave you?"

"No ma! As I am packing the fruit suddenly I just a heard a voice from our apartment and as I ran there and see that the lady that is pregnant among us have been feeling labour pain seriously so that is why I ran here!" Said loudly.

"So that is why you bragged in like that! Are you a new a member here, am I did one that use to attend to you when you want to give birth?" Asked with loud voice.

"I am so sorry ma!" She apologised with low voice.

"Can you take your leave now and go back to your punishment!" The woman said with loud voice.

"As you said Ma!" Dong Mei said and leaving the place.

"Back to what we are doing! You go back and you have been disqualified, what if it's a chief you are pouring wine for and something comes up is this how you will pour wine on his body and on nothing not serious!"

"I am so sorry Ma! The lady said and looking down.

"Another person should come over!" Another girl came out and the first lady went back to where others were.

Dong Mei was running to their apartment as she left the hut and going back inside to meet the lady in labour. She entered into the house and going to the lady's room but as she entered she noticed that the voice had went down and didn't hear thevvoice of a woman in labour again.

She put her mind down and walking slowly to the lady's room. She opened the door and entered into to the room, the lady was not there again, she had been taken away. Dong Mei was looking at everywhere but she didn't surprised.

"She has been taken to the labour room! But who are those men that use to carry us to labour room, where are they living?" Asking herself but unable to find answers to it.

"Safe delivery!" She said with low voice and left the room, closed the door and going out of the apartment and going back to where she was packing the fruit.

She just finished packing a basket so she started pocking the fruits inside the bowl and went to pour it inside the second basket after the bowl had full.


Sound of the door opened automatically inside the mansion and four faceless girl came out wearing pure black gown without wearing shoes or shocks. Four of them were not human they were a made creatures by a demon. Four of them collected the woman from the unknown four black clothed men and with the plank that they put the woman on.

The four men left and leaving the place, they always know when one of the men entertainers had been in labour and they would carried her without anybody knows.

The four faceless lady were holding the planks and taking the woman to the labour room, the woman had slept as the girl had collected her and didn't know anything again.

The door of a small room opened and the faceless girls entered, put the woman on the table and rolled her on the bed there. All the instruments that they could needs for the operation had set and well arranged down.

One of the girls tore the woman's cloth and made it half naked. Two of them started carrying out the operation when others were given them the intrstement that they could needs, they were seeing very clearly in darkness despite that they were faceless.

After an hour. One of the lady brought out the baby crying loudly and put her inside the baby's coat with the placenta, and started stitching the lady back. They cleaned the woman very well, put her back on the plank and four of them carried her, taking out from the room.

Door opened automatically and walking along the corridor, the wide door at the main entrance opened wide and the men had came back, they collected the lady with the plank and leaving the place. The four faceless lady turned back and going back to the labour room.

All of them entered as the door opened. One of them rolled the baby out from the room when others were cleaning the rooms, she faces her back and going to the room there.

The lady opened the door a little and push the baby inside with the coat and closed the door without looking inside. The female demon was in the room and in demonic form, sitting on the floor and looking with her scaring eye.

"Come closer to me my food!" She said with a scaring voice and the coat walked closed to her at where she was.

She brought the baby out from the coat with blood dropping from her body and looking at it.

She put her front long tooth on the baby's eye and poked the right eye into her eye and eating it. She poked the second eye and started eating the baby with the blood rushing out.

It was baby that the female demon uses to feed when the male feeds on a full human and that was what they use to eat three thousand years ago as well.

The baby's blood and full the ground and swimming like water. As she had been about to finish eating the baby all the lights in the room off at the same time and everywhere became dark. The hand of the female demon turned to a beautiful woman's hands and she vanished from the room.

Happy reading!!