

Everywhere was so dark at the old palace, it was only the reflect of the moonlight that penetrated into the house. The Demon was in a room there and in his demonic form feeding on the body of an innocent man that was brought for him by his dragon. He was sucking the blood and looking scaring with his red eye.

Blood was swimming on the floor like water and different party of the man on the floor. He tore the man's part into pieces as he was drinking the blood, head, legs, hands, eyes and other part had been separated from each other.

The demon opened his mouth with a loud voice and shouting, with blood in his mouth and flesh on his four long and sharp front tooth. He stood up from the floor, brought a small knife out from the pocket in his cloth and used it to take blood from the head on the floor.

Left the place and going to the room that the dragon eggs were. As dark as the room was, everywhere was so clear and bright in his eye and be like a daytime. He entered into the room, standing at the front of the eggs and dropping the blood on the eggs, the blood stopped on three eggs.

All the party of the dragon eggs started cracking and the head of the dragons started coming out. All the shells of the egg fell on the floor and the dragons standing on their foot and they were pure black.

"Go to my world! I released you to go out and get foods for me. Go to my world!" Said with command and the dragons flew out of the room and leaving the old palace.

"My revenge time has been about to start! The two KINGS of the demon fighter, I will kill you and send you to your ancestor as you did to me Three thousand years ago. I am back to take back my world!" Said with loud voice.

"I own this kingdom! And own it forever!" Said with the blood in his mouth and with red eye means angry.


All of the students of Martial art school just woke up and all of them were assigned works for by their seniors one. Few of the female were cleaning the rooms when few were in the kitchen assisting the man that uses to cook for them. Lee Yangyie was put at their Master's apartment, with the boys that uses to follow him around and another guy.

It was only the guy that was working, cleaning everywhere and sweeping the rooms. Lee Yangyie and his friends were just talking, gisting and sitting on the chair there. The guy was calling them but for them to join him instead they were abusing him and bullying him to do all.

Lee Yangyie stood up, went to where their Master's wines were and took one. Sat down on the chair back, opened the wine and poured it for him only as others said they didn't wanted. The guy looked at them, stopped the mopping and left the room going out.

Lee Yangyie quickly went to return the wine as they heard their Master's voice and sound of the door opening. Three of them were standing separately from each other and looking at their Master as he entered.

"Lee Yangyie and Co you are assigned to work as other are doing, and you are here charting, left only him to be doing it-----" Lee Yangyie cut their Master as he was talking.

"You are so stupid you this dog! Is that what you went and told him!" Talking to the guy in abusing way.

"You are so stupid for what you just did! You have the gut to be abusing someone at my present!" Said with loud voice.

"I am so sorry My Master! But he is mad for what----" He stopped talking as their Master shouted at him.

"How dare you! You this spoil brat. Still also have the gut to take one of my wine and drinking it in my house that you suppose to be cleaning!" Lee Yangyie looked at the guy with anger and ready to deal with him.

"I am so sorry Master! I am thirsty and that is why I drank out of your wine, I am sorry!" Looking at the guy.

"You are thirsty and you can't drink water, it's now my wine that you should drank. I will deal with you on this and your tearm, two of you clean this place very well and I must not see you at the training ground for two days. And everything they teach them you must know it without knowing it, you will be beat twelve stoke of canes!"

"We are sorry Sir and as you said!" Two of them said.

"You can go, two of them will do it and they must do it well. Lee Yangyie follow me!"

"As you said Master!" He said with low voice and following their Master out, walking behind him. His friends started working as they saw the door closed.

The guy, their Master and Lee Yangyie got down to the compound, the guy greeted their master and left the place. Master talked to Lee Yangyie and going to left direction, Lee Yangyie too followed him with anger full his body.

Two of them got to where many flower trees were and which were planted for decoration of the school and not far from the training ground. Their master went to the front and facing Lee Yangyie with a franking face.

"Make sure you clean all these place very well, I don't want to see a single flower on the floor. As it's dropping make sure you are picking it still it will clean!"

"All this entire place! How could you give me---" He stopped talking as their Master looked at him and franking his face.

"Clean the entire place and you will serve this punishment for good five days every morning, and also you must be in training ground. Today too you must joined them for morning training which they have been preparing for!"

"Can I go and eat before started serving the punishment, or you send someone to get me wine!" Said with low voice.

"You are stupid! If you don't hurry up and meet them for afternoon meal, that mean it's only evening meal you will eat today or nothing at all!" Their Master said, turned back and leaving the place.

"All these are rubbish now! Is this what father brought me here for, to been suffering like this!" Said with anger showed all over him, looking at everywhere full of flowers.

"Father must come and take me out from this place!" He took the long broom with anger and started packing it.

As he packed a bucket full, he took it and went to the landfill in the school which was not far from that place, poured everything and going back to the trees. Teeson was in the training ground wearing uniform and with his sword in his hand, looking at Lee Yangyie as he was cleaning the place and packing the flowers.

Lee Yangyie took the bucket again, went to the landfill and returned back to the place. Lee Yangyie was coming from the landfill at the fourth time when a lady got there.

"So sorry Lee Yangyie! Well done!" Saying in a romantic way.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing here and what is your business here?" Talked with arrogance.

"I don't like the way you cleaning this place! All these are not for you when we your crush are here. Let me help you out!" Said with romantic smile and wanted to collect the broom.

"What the hell are you doing here! What concern you here!" Teeson said and he got there.

"Greeting Senior Teeson!" The lady greeted when Lee Yangyie was just looking at him proudly.

"It's you that suppose to answer that question, what is your own here! What concern you!" Lee Yangyie said loudly.

"You! Leave this place, you want to help him to serve his punishment right! Leave!!" Shouted at the lady and the lady left, looking at Lee Yangyie with smile as she was going.

"Are you the Master that gives me punishment that now makes you to send someone that what to help me away. What is your problem this boy!" Shouted at him.

"Watch your mouth! I am your senior here and not like other that collect money from you. Serve your punishment and nobody should come here to help you again!" Leaving.

"You are stupid for what you just said! I will deal with you one day you this child of no one!" Shouted, Teeson didn't said anything just leaving the place.

"I must deal with this guy! He sent the lady that what to help me away! I will deal with you!" Continued with the work and he had become stressful.

Some minutes later. He had done with the cleaning and it was in the afternoon that the other students just finished morning and just leaving the training ground. Lee Yangyie dropped the broom there and going to their Master's apartment to tell him that he had done.

Sound of the door of their Master's house opened by Lee Yangyie and he entered, met Master eating lunch.

"I am done My Master!" Said with low voice and very tried.

"Teeson had come to tell me! So go and eat and prepare for afternoon training!" He just bow and leaving the room. Sound of the door opened and closed.

The students were coming out from the kitchen with their foods inside different plates and sitting on different chair at their dining room. All of them uses to sit according to their ranks, the pure white students table was very from Lee Yangyie and co when Teeson and co table was far from both of them. Teeson and co were there eating.

Lee Yangyie and his two friends entered, he was walking proudly at the front when others were walking behind him. Stopped at the front of the guy that reported them.

"How dare you reported us and making us to be serving a punishment, you are happy right?" Said with loud voice, everybody were looking at them.

"I am asking you! Are you happy now?" Took the guy's food and threw it on the floor and the plate broke.

"What nonsense are you doing?" Teeson said with loud voice as he was standing beside Lee Yangyie.

"Mind your business Teeson! If not I will kill you one day!" "And you! You have the gut to report us, that punishment that Master gave us it's you that been doing it and if you want to die don't do it-----" Teeson dragged his cloth.

"How dare you!" Lee Yangyie said with anger and wanted to slap Teeson, Teeson held his hand and dropped it with anger.

"I will soon show you the son of who I am? Are you the only senior here, other are my boys that I feed. If you don't be careful, I will kill you and nothing will happen!" Facing him and talking rudely to him.

"Lee Yangyie! Lee Yangyie!!" He faced back as he heard his name and with insultive words.

"Father! Father!! I am sorry!" Said with low voice.

"Meet me at the Master's room right now!" First chief said and leaving the place. Lee Yangyie looked at Teeson, pushed him with his shoulder and leaving the place.


Sound of the door opened and closed. Lee Yangyie entered their Master's room, met his father sitting beside their Master and standing at the front of them.

First chief was looking at him and didn't say anything, Sound of the door opened and Teeson entered. Greeted the first chief and their Master and standing at the right side.

"I saw your message my First chief!" He said with low voice.

"Why did you brought me to this place Father and with stupid people except from you My Master!" Said loudly.

"Will you shut up! I brought you here for a reason and for you to be very good in fighting. But you don't, it's stupidity you are performing here and there!"

"I don't tell you that I want to be a fighter!" First chief looked at him and faced Teeson.

"As the First chief not as his father, I put him under you and you should be training him for me-----" Lee Yangyie stopped his father with loud voice.

"What are you saying Father! Putting me under who? This stupid and crazy guy!!" Their Master shouted at him.

"I am sorry Master!" He said with low voice.

"Wake him up anytime, give him punishment if he misbehave and make sure you train him well. I order you!" Firet chief said.

"You better don't do it! If not I will kill him. You know I have told you before 'I will kill you!!" Said with loud voice and leaving the room, walking like he was on a horse. Didn't reply any one of them calling him back including his father. Sound of the door closed with anger.

"I heard you First chief! I will handle him!" Teeson said with low voice, bow and leaving the room.