
Unwilling Death, Reclaiming Dignity

Dying a sacrifice to the gods after years of abuse, Lei Mingxing was unwilling! She went back ten years, swearing that she would escape that d*mn fate! Injured Meridians and Dantian, unable to cultivate? Pah! What a joke! Unloving and cruel family? She wouldn't even give them a glance! Scum fiance and Father-in-Law? Just look at her surpassing them! The Gods will cry in front of her resolve! ... A certain guy she saved a long the way: ... Don't strain yourself.

Tenebram · Kỳ huyễn
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74 Chs

Assessing Injuries

Chang Liuyun panted loudly, his heart still hammering against his chest as a consequence of the life-or-death battle just now. It took a few minutes for his still-tensed body to relax and his rushing pulse to calm down. Finally, he could hear something else than just the blood rushing in his ear.

His own heavy breathing resounded in a steady rhythm but when he wanted to check Lei Mingxing's, the only thing that reached him was a very quiet, faint breath.

This alarmed Chang Liuyun.

He quickly propped himself up using the tiger's lifeless body while trying his best not to put too much pressure on his left leg. He hopped around, to see the person still half lying on the beast's body.

Lei Mingxing had her eyes closed, her uncovered features relaxed, breathing in and out slowly. But this sleepy appearance stood in stark contrast to the gnarly injuries covering her body.

Her clothes had been ripped for the most part, exposing bleeding bitemarks with entire chunks of flesh missing, one of her arms was hanging in an odd position while the other was crushed beneath the tiger's body, along with one of her legs.

Chang Liuyun's heart skipped a beat upon seeing her state. He hurriedly hopped around the tiger and knelt down beside her, he patted her mostly uninjured back several times.

"Hey, are you alright?!"

He waited anxiously for a response, just as he was about to continue patting her to try and wake her up, Lei Mingxing opened her mouth, her eyes remaining shut.

"I'm fine..."

Chang Liuyun sighed in relief.

At least she was still conscious, but, he didn't quite believe her when she said that she was fine, her appearance told a different story.

Unsure on what he should do next, Chang Liuyun looked at her injury riddled body.

He should probably focus on the still bleeding injuries, right?

Chang Liuyun thought anxiously.

Just as he was about to rip his clothes to use as bandages, Lei Mingxing spoke up.

"Can you help me pull out my arm and leg?"

Hesitantly, Chang Liuyun glanced at the stuck limbs.

"Are you sure? I think the other wounds on your legs and waist are more important..."

Instead of adressing Chang Liuyun's concerns, Lei Mingxing directly began tensing her muscles and pulling out her limbs forcefully. Chang Liuyun hurriedly assisted her by lifting up the dead tiger with his uninjured arm the best he could.

And soon, Lei Mingxing's crushed limbs emerged, two bloody messes with bones sticking out.

Seeing their mangled state, Chang Liuyun felt sick, the urge to vomit almost overwhelming him. But he just audibly gulped, ultimately staying by Lei Mingxing's side, moving to care for the bleeding wounds.

He didn't know what else he should have done, he was no doctor, but he had the feeling that not even the best doctor in the world would have been able to save the arm. So, he just kept quiet as not to unnerve Lei Mingxing.

The latter let out a long breath after her limbs were finally free, their state probably worsing throughout the process, but her voice was still eerily calm.

"Forget about those injuries, they will heal by themselves. Instead, can you please take a look at my shoulder? I think I dislocated it.

Chang Liuyun's heart trembled hearing her unbothered words and a shiver went down his spine.

What's with her?! Did she not understand the gravity of her situation?!

"It's dislocated, right? Can you pop it back in? It's very easy, I would have done it myself but..."

Chang Liuyun broke down in cold sweat on Lei Mingxing's behalf.

"No, I really think we should bring you to a clinic, your inju-"

Lei Mingxing abruptly opened her eyes and cut him off with a deathly serious expression on her face.

"Just do it, it will take longer to heal otherwise."

Her sudden outbreak stunned Chang Liuyun, but after hesitating for a while, he gently grabbed her arm.

He took a deep breath before tightly closing his eyes and yanking on her arm.

It took several attempts before he felt that 'pop' he had been looking for and he immediately let go of her arm after it happened. He hurriedly turned away and retched a few times.

With her arm able to move again, Lei Mingxing pushed herself off the tiger and used the leg that hadn't turned to mush to support herself.

She stood straight, lifting her mostly unharmed face towards the dark sky. Using her usable arm, she ripped off the face veil that was little more than a rag at this point and used it to wipe away the blood that was still sticking to her chin from earlier.

Wallowing in the familiar mixture of pain and the prickling sensation as her body repaired itself, Lei Mingxing stood as still and unmoving as the tall trees around them.

After a few seconds, she noticed something unusual. Her regeneration rate had improved to almost twice the speed! She examined her body a bit more carefully. Soon she realized what caused this change, her inner Qi, at least the bit she had left, was circulating inside her body slightly faster than usual.

Could it be...?

Lei Mingxing began controlling the inner Qi to circulate even faster. The prickling sensation grew more intense, and along with it, the rate at which her injuries closed.

She contiuned this process until there was none of her inner Qi left.

The bleeding stopped and even her crushed arm and leg clung a bit tighter to her still mostly exposed bones. Even her previously dislocated arm didn't hurt as much anymore.

Lei Mingxing slowly opened her eyes again.

Chang Liuyun's mouth was agape in shock. Fear but at the same time a sense of relief washing over his body.

Lei Mingxing slowly limped over to him and helped him get up from the ground.

"Should we go back?"

Lei Mingxing casually asked Chang Liuyun as if nothing had happened.

Baffled by Lei Mingxing's leisure tone, Chang Liuyun could only stare at her for a few seconds. But he ultimately shook his head.

"We won't make it back before they close the gate with both of us injured like this."

Lei Mingxing nodded thoughtfully.

"Any idea where we could stay for the night?"

A bit disheartened, Chang Liuyun parted his lips.

"Not really, the only spot I know is the cave."

He motioned at the cliff with his head.

"Do you think we can make it there?" Lei Mingxing asked, actually not expecting a positive answer.


"...not really."

Lei Mingxing replied honestly.

Lei Mingxing sighed.

"Do you still want to try?"

A few seconds passed before Chang Liuyun helplessly nodded.

Just like that, they picked up Chang Liuyun's sword and supported each other while starting their hike up the small hill.