
Unwanted Gift

Alma keeps running besides having her breath ragged. Red liquid trailed behind her. A series of rapid footstep echoing in the way behind her. Alma knows she can't stop here, because if she stops now, she will be dead. -------- "Why did you do this to me?" Alma asked the individual in front of her. She can't believe out of all the people, this person is the one who betrayed her. The person in question doesn't answer her. With a shallow smile, a gun is pointed towards her head. "Goodbye, Alma," he said. "BANG!" -------- Alma Visa is aware that her family can't be considered normal. They make every child receive military training when they are ten years old. Alma's family always stressed over the fact that they need to fight the dark creatures they call 'Aeternum'. Alma wants nothing more than to live comfortably with her parents and brother. But things went south when Alma's parents were murdered and her brother went missing. Left with no choice, Alma has to live with her uncle. Without realizing that a dark storm is about to hit her. PS: The character and background on the novel's cover isn't mine. Credit to: @My Anime For Life (background) and @babyiammreal (character) on Pinterest

1Little_Tree · Kỳ huyễn
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70 Chs

A Normal Day

Alma sighed while she leans on the tree. She watches her friend having a mock battle with each other. She feels bored and tired already just from watching them, even though it isn't her turn yet.

'I wish I was home reading my favorite novel while petting my cat', she thought.

For Alma, this kind of mock battle always makes her bored and tired. Something that she rather not do. She doesn't want to do any of this she just wants to live as a normal girl. But, alas - that isn't possible as she comes from the Visa family.

Alma knew that her family can't be considered normal. How can they be normal when they make it mandatory for every kid to begin military training when they turn ten years old? Not only training, but they also give a test to every kid and place them in different classes. In total, there are three classes; fighter, scientist, and Cipher.

Just how it is named, the fighter class is the class to train a fighter. The scientist is to study things related to medicine, viruses, and experiment. While Cipher in class, someone is trained to decipher code, building their program, cracking the enemy's device, and stuff like that. Honestly, Alma thinks Cipher is the coolest class among the others. But again, she isn't talented in code nor she is with science. That's why she is stuck with fighter class.

This year marked the ten years she has been having military training. Oh, and one more thing she forgot to mention is, despite having different classes all of them have the same mandatory class - theoretical class. Students from different class have to attend theoretical class twice in a week, Of course, they will have it with their class, but the things being taught is the same for each class.

In the theoretical class, they learn why they have to do this military training. Why they are categorized into their respective skills. It is because Visa's family has a big enemy. One that they have been battling since many hundred years ago. Even the record in Visa's family can't pinpoint when exactly they began to fight their enemy - Aeternum.

Aeternum is a creature of the dark. They have a similar appearance to humans the only difference is they are mostly handsome or beautiful. But, as the name suggests, Aeternum is something that lives for a very long time. No record mentions the span of their life. Some assume that Aeternum can live until one thousand years old.

What makes them a threat is what they consume. Aeternum only eats the human meat. They can't eat any other food besides that. On top of that, every Aeternum has tremendous power and supernatural power that they called a 'gift'. Each Aeternum has a different gift from the other. For example, they can control fire, control someone's mind, teleport, and many others that are out of logical mind.

Alma even remembers how shocked she was when she first saw a video of the Visa family battle against Aeternum, it was bloody hell. Alma spends the day puking whatever in her stomach after seeing how someone body can explode into many parts until nothing was recognized.

Her family always stressed that Aeternum is something they have to eradicate to keep the human safe. Some even said Aeternum is a demon. But, somehow Alma can feel that her family doesn't tell the whole truth to them. For example, how they know about Aeternum in the first place? Why they don't involve more people and instead of trying to eradicate Aeternum secretly? Sure normal people might panic, but Alma knows that even the government doesn't know about Aeternum's existence.

Despite having doubts, she can't just ignore her family order, because every time she did that she will be punished. Alma never breaks the rules of course, but she heard the gossip about what happened with those who did. Many people have seen body bags get carried, people believe that is the fate for those who don't obey the rules.

"Alma!" a thunderous voice called her name.

Alma snaps out from her reverie. Her eyes pointed towards the person who called her.

"What are you dilly-dallying for? It's your turn!" said the instructor.

Alma lets out a small sigh before she gets up from her position. She looks towards her opponent for today, another girl with a lean body and tanned skin. The girl gives a small smile to Alma when they already facing each other.

"Are you ready Alma?" asked the girl.

"Let's just get this over with, Daphne" Alma said while moving to a fighting stance.


'I wish I can be home' Alma thought once again before swinging her fist.


"Feeling good, Alma?" asked someone when Alma was already done with her turn.

Alma still doesn't move from her position. She is now sprawling on the ground without caring what the other student think. For Alma, the only opinion that mattered for her is her family and those who she loves.

"What do you want Rey?" Alma asked back lazily.

"Oh come on Alma, why do you always sound bored?" Rey asked. He sits beside Alma.

"Because it's boring"

"Pfft, you always said the same thing. Don't you want to get stronger and fight Aeternum outside?" the boy looked to Alma this time.


"What do you mean by no? It will be fun. We can finally put our training into a real fight"

"Because Rey, I don't want to fight anyone. Not even Aeternum" Alma answered. She gets up from her position and cleaning the dirt that sticks into her clothes.

"But you are the best fighter student Alma. How come you don't want to fight anyone?"

"I become the best fighter because they give reward money for the best student. That's all"

Rey watched Alma with a look of disbelief. He can't believe that someone becomes the best student for only that reason. But he knows Alma doesn't lie. He feels a little envious this girl has always been the best fighter in class ever since the start. Despite being lazy, Alma has a talent in fighting and strategy. Even the strict instructor can't help but praise Alma's talent, and yet also scold her at the same time for being lazy.

"Where are you going?" asked Rey when he watched Alma walked away.

"Home," Alma answered. Her steps now lighter, she feels happy. Finally, she can go back home.


Alma walked through different houses and buildings. It's afternoon time, so many people are going back and forth. Alma hummed her favorite song along the way she imagined being back in her room and reading her novel again. She can't help but fastening her steps to get home faster. But Alma noticed something strange, when she gets near her house, she saw people looking at her while whispering. They look at her with pity in their eyes. Alma feels an ominous feeling creeping inside her. Without pausing, she runs to her house.

She knows her parent went out on a mission last week. Could it be something that happens to them?

When she arrives in front of her house two officers already wait for her.

"Officers, what happened with my parent?" Alma asked with a frantic voice.

"They passed away in their mission. Unfortunately, we can't get their body back" said one of the officers.

Alma freezes upon hearing what happened with her parents. She can't believe her parents passed away just like that. She can't even bury their body since they can't retrieve them.

Tears fall on Alma's face. The world she knows has crumbled down.