

You were laying down on the bed in silence. looking up at the ceiling being in your deep thoughts. not noticing someone else's presence that walked in the room. not bothering to say or make a sound and walked up to the bed and sat on the edge. after the person let out a sigh it caught your full attention. you turn your head around and saw the same strange man from earlier facing you with his back which was nothing to question about but when he turned around to face you though, his face looked empty. like something ruined his mood, or worse like someone hurt him.

" are you hungry?." the strange man unexpectedly spoke up with a dull tone looking else where instead at you

" No I'm not, why?." you spoke as you looked away and took your gaze back on the ceiling

the strange man sighed before getting up without saying anything and left the room not forgetting to lock the door once he closed it which now confused you. but again you didn't question it. the sound of someone knocking on the door jolted you out of your place. you looked at the door and waited for a voice but heard nothing so you thought it was best to respond first.

" yeah?." you shouted a little low but it was clear enough for the other person to hear on the other side

surprisingly another voice was heard but it sounded different. so you thought it was one of those assistants that the strange man told you about.

" is it okay if I come in?." the person said with a calm tone which set you at ease and soon you agreed to let them in

when the door opened a silver haired male walked in flashing you a little smile once he spotted you. once he shut the door half way he walked up to you and sat down on the edge of the bed and turned his body around to face you completely.

" hi! I'm Park Jimin but you can just call me Jimin, what's your name?." Jimin spoke with a cute-like tone making you smile at his cuteness

" I'm Kim Y/N, but you can just call me whatever you like." you responded shaking the others hand with a gentle smile

The other smiled and released from the handshake. he then looked deeply into your eyes with an adoring gaze as his hands were under his chin balled into a fist.

" you have really beautiful eyes, jeon was right about that." jimin spoke once again as his eyes sparkled as he stared straight into you

you just sat there smiling at his little compliment then remembered the name he brought up.

" wait jeon? who's that? if you don't mind me asking."

" he's our boss around here and the guy that captured you. we call him Jeon because he likes getting called that but if you call him something else you're doomed."

" ..oh I see..what can't we call him by any chance can you tell me since I don't know anything."

" jungkook or kookie, he hates being called that I don't know why but he just does."

" ahh I'll keep that noted, thanks." you said nodding your head doing so as the other hummed in response

after a while of talking the sound of another knock interrupted the conversation you both were having and look at the door shouting out for whoever to come in. but once the person walked in you immediately regretted doing so when you saw the strange man looking at you with a evil grin while the other stood silent and quickly walked out of the room leaving the two of you alone.

silence but just your heavy breathing was heard. that made the atmosphere more strange than usual.

" what did I tell you hm? you were here for a couple of hours and now you already broke one rule? tsk tsk you deserve a punishment kitten." before you could explain the strange man slammed the door shut and locked it. walking over to you as he licked his lips in pure hunger which now made you a trembling mess

the other crawled onto the bed as you crawled back but once you hit the wall he continued to crawl until he was now hovered over you.

" hm baby didn't listen to daddy, why?" the strange man whispered softly as he brushed the strands of hair away from your eyes

you whined lowly at the contact and tried to push yourself away from him but that just made him snap.

" don't you push yourself away from me or I swear to god you'll regret it." his eyes burned with anger as he pushed his whole body weight onto you making it harder for you to breathe

you winced as he suffocate the fragile body that belonged to you. once he felt he done enough he got up but stayed on top of you slowly unbuttoning his shirt which made the confusion rise up. as he continued to unbutton you watch as his build up body showed in display making you're eyes get glued right on it. which clearly got noticed by the other that chuckled softly as he now stared down at you continuously unbuttoning his shirt in a teasing matter.

once all the buttons were unbuttoned he stared down at you with a little lust filling into his eyes then he brought your hands up to his abdomen and made your fingers touch the built abs he had. smirking as you let him do what he did as he continued to touch himself with your hands.

then with your hands he slid off his shirt that fell down on the soft mattress in a again slow matter.

it was weird but what he was doing was so addictive. like even if it wasn't his touch you felt but you certainly felt the touch that belonged to him.

being in a daze you still felt your hands roaming basically hungrily over the others body. then in a sudden move he placed your hands on his dick which now completely made you panic but his grip prevented you from pulling away. so there you were, supposedly touching the others crotch slowly that it turned to palming it. making him groan at the contacts. but before anything else could continue a knock stopped him and his grip finally released.

" who is it?." the strange man spoke with annoyance as he rolled his eyes waiting for a response in which he received under a second

" someone's here for you sir it's urgent." the voice said loud enough that the other hurriedly jumped off you and walked over to the door and opened it

where it revealed the same silver haired male who now looked serious.

" I'll be right there let them know I'll be down in a couple of minutes."

" but-" before jimin could say much more the strange man shut the door and rushed through the room as he grabbed his shirt and buttoned it back on

after he was done he ran out of the room leaving you still laying on the bed, surprised at how fast he can multi task. you sighed and sat up on the bed. wanting to clear the loneliness you felt at the moment. then saw multiple boxes filled with coloring things and also it included craft that hid under the desk that was placed near the window.

when you pulled it out someone emerged into the room startling you as you let out a small scream.

" oh shit sorry I didn't mean to scary you, I'm sorry." the male spoke in a apologetic tone while his eyes were innocently looking down at you

" oh no it's okay really! I just didn't see ya there." you assured the other who was already smiling so brightly

" ahh now that were okay, do you need any company since Jeon is busy?."

" sure I mean it won't hurt to have someone else's company around me."

but before the other could say something a loud cough was heard making the two of you look at the direction where it came from.

there stood Jungkook who looked visibly upset at the sight he was seeing once again.

" breaking the rule once again huh?, I guess I have no choice."