
Shadows and scents


Carson walked angrily as he headed to his house, he could feel eyes on him but he didn't care.

For someone that old he looked very young and handsome with a blonde, a very muscular body complemented his look, he stood tall about 6'7, and had the sexiest body stature ever. It was a pity he didn't have a mate though every female species even some males would do anything to lay on his bed and whoever did always wished to go back, especially Sonia {she is in charge of female affairs across the paranormal world}.

He had been busy with council meetings when they informed him of the arrival of the men he sent after HER, he couldn't sense her which meant they were back with another bunch of excuses on how they couldn't subdue a teenager.

With one kick his living room door flew open and everybody was already on the floor, it was a sign of respect in the paranormal world. He paused for a while as a comforting scent filled his nostrils, he knew the scent and his beast wanted the owner of that scent, and he moaned inaudibly as he tried to calm his beast and face his men.

"Okay, I want an explanation and I want one now" Carson Gary demanded irascibly as he paced the suddenly immaculate living room of his century-old house.

He regarded his second in command sternly "What in the blue blazes is going on?"

"Sir we had her but she was too strong for us" a guard explained, Carson was not having it, He held himself from strangling this guard in front of him.

"So you mean to say a sixteen or seventeen year's seventeen-year-old girl subdued four of my best men" he asked unbelievably. They went ahead to narrate how everything went, he still couldn't find their story plausible because he couldn't believe a teenager could fight off his best men, even though she was a HYBRID. It should be nearly impossible for her to do that.


Watching as they shivered in fear including my second in command was not something I wanted but I hate it when things are not done well.

This would be the fifth time my men came back with the excuse that they were subdued and I wasn't having it. I was getting weaker and the beast was getting stronger, if I didn't find her soonest I would lose it and end up like those locked down in the dungeon. The elders would be happy to see my downfall and I wasn't giving room for that.

I paced around for some time thinking of the best way out, I couldn't leave if I could I would have gone to drag that little hybrid down here. It wasn't only for my benefit but also for the clans, I would hate to see it fall into the wrong hands.

"Nick, come with me while the rest head to the training ground, you guys obviously need more training since a seventeen years old can overpower you guys" I commanded

We walked in silence but I could hear Nick's heartbeat, he was scared and sweating profusely despite the chilly weather.

"You know I can hear your tiny heartbeat, Don't worry I am not breaking your neck like I swore to do," I said to ease off the weird tension, I had promised to break his neck if SHE was not delivered to me, though I meant it as a joke but I think he took it seriously.

"Sit," I said, The tension was gone and the good, Old Nick was back.

"What do we do, the council members are beginning to bicker and the old excuse isn't working anymore" Nick informed me, I was already tired of their bickering and constant visits. No one except Nick knew I had a mate and I intend to keep it that way at least until I have HER here.

"Those old fools can continue bickering and please inform them to stop bringing their daughters to seduce me, it's getting tiring," I told him, he was already laughing before I could finish up what I had to say. It was tiring seeing different females every day.

I really admire their effort and consistency in trying to seduce me. We were still busy discussing how to stop the females when a knock came interrupting, a guard walked in and bowed, then whispered something to Nick before leaving, It happened so fast, I couldn't use my super hearing to eavesdrop but I knew Nick would tell me anyways.

Immediately after the guard left I gave Nick the inquisitive look, he knew exactly what the look was for.

"She is in West Virginia," he said, I knew exactly whom he was talking about, she really doesn't take chances, it takes only an attack to send her running.

"Should we capture at once, we can bring more men, and it's quite easier and there is no way she would escape our grasp this time around" he said crisply.

"It's not that easy Nick, as my second in command you are well aware of different eyes lurking around and if I send more than four men, we would be drawing attention and setting direct tracks for our enemies. Secondly, let's give the young lady a little space, It's quite stressful moving from one place to the other, so let her feel like she has succeeded in hiding. It would be fun I promise" I stated. He nodded in accordance.

I wish she knew how much trouble she had caused even without being here, power-hungry people waiting for any chance to take over and I not having a mate must have given them a bit of the satisfaction they had been looking for.

"Nick, I want you to send out our best men" I ordered

"Where should we bring her?" he asked.

I gave him the side eye and said " I didn't say capture her, send our best men like about two or three, let them watch her from the shadows and report her every move to me, I have this unsettling feeling though I don't know what it is yet".

"Hmm," Nick said giving me the shocking look.

We were still in our discussion when another knock came, I hope it's urgent. Nick instructed the person at the door to come in. It was our informant and he only came to the office when he had a piece of serious news, he bowed as soon as he entered.

"Leader, we have a problem"