

"Tonight, everyone needs to exercise greater caution. We must be the target of an attack. Everyone works more than twice as much as you did before." Instructs Rang to the dozens and dozens of black-coated men.

Everyone responds, "Yes, sir."

One of the black-coated men whispered in Rang's ear, "Sir, came…"

Anderson got out of the vehicle. Rang asks as he runs towards him, "Sir, are you alright? Nobody noticed you, sir?"

Anderson seems so disturbed, he takes off his coat and hands it to a guard. "Leave me alone, don't disturb me."

Anderson headed over to his bedroom. Rang says, "Johnson…, shit."

On the bed, Aera is thinking back to Han-na's words, 'If you go with your father, you know Anderson one day will come after you to get you... and they will take that opportunity to kill Anderson...'

"Lucas, give me the phone," said Aera.

"What phone? Do you mean my phone?" Lucas questioned.

"Stop joking, Lucas. I am certain that you stole my phone. Give it to me."

"I swear Aera. I don't have your phone. Perhaps you missed it. I already have a phone, so why would I steal yours?"

"For goddess sake, if you weren't my brother, I would place chrysanthemum flowers on your grave now."

"Whoa! How nasty your temper is. How did I have missed these temper, all these years?"

Aera leaves Lucas's room, annoyingly. In the meantime, he retrieves Aera's phone out of his closet. He flashes an evil grin.

As she was heading to her room, she noticed a 50-year-old man who was trying to speak to her father but stopped short when he saw Aera. He changed the topic and says, "Sir, I loaded the truck of roses into Gangnam flower bouquet shop."

Aera said, "Sir, you've been working with my father for even more than 25 years, right?"

He replies with a smile, "27 years exactly, Aera. Why are you asking this?"

"I'm conscious of my family, so stop using any more code words. Feel free to communicate." As Aera has stated, the 50-year-old man's eyes are writhing with shame.

Aera's father says, "Come, Dae-ho. Ignore her words."

Lee receives some paper lists from Park. Bo-ra queries, "What list is this, Mr. Lee?"

"Name of florist."

"Find Aera's parents!" wonders Bo-ra.

"Yes. Storm is actually striking this time." Says Lee.

"What does that mean, Mr. Lee?"

Park answers, "Johnson is dead."

Bo-ra said, "Johnson...! Was Johnson, Anderson's China dealer?"


"How did he die?"

Lee responds, "Obviously Anderson."

"Why, though?" she asked

"Perhaps he committed some wrongdoing behind him. Before the bomb started to explode, he managed to safely evacuate. From my perspective, Anderson is convinced that he conspired with Jeson to murder him. That's why, he may have killed Johnson."

Bo-ra says, "Johnson has international dealings. His ally might try to murder Anderson. He is in danger now."

Lee chuckles, "Who would put him in danger? He is the danger. That's not our concern right now. First, we find out Jeson, I already sent some cops to investigate the florist list. We ought to find some of them on this list."

Rang is seated in a despondent position with his hands on his chin. "When will he come out of his room? There might be an attack tonight. The boss doesn't even concern the attack." He looked around the garden, "And his guards are playing golf peacefully, without fear of tonight's attacks," he groaned with despair.

Guards shouted in excitement at defeating their opponent. One of the guards calls Rang, "Sir, come and play with us."

Rang whining funnily, "What am I going to do, with these silly guards."

Aera came out of her room and said, "Don't you hear anything strange?"

Aera's father asked, "What? Strange? Stop blabbering, come have some food."

Aera savors her meal silently. Aera's father informs her, "We brought all of your belongings, from your apartment. It is there." He shows her luggage.

Aera yells, "Dad, why did you bring all the stuff here? Even didn't ask me?"

"You are not required to go back to your home. You'll remain here with us."

"Dad... Have you gone insane?"

Her mother yells, "Aera…"

Aera shouts, "Dad…. Really you've gone crazy."

Lucas shouts, "Aera…"

Aera paused for a moment and shouted, "Can anyone go and check the damn sound. I am hearing again."

Aera's father says, "No sound is coming."

Lucas interjects, "Dad, don't speak. Really, the sound is coming." As he spoke, he walked over to the window and peered through the darkness. He observed some men trespassing into a flower garden.

"Dad, I think we should leave this place right now."

Aera's father asked, "Why? What happened?"

"Some attackers have infiltrated our location covertly. If we stay here, there may be danger. Dae-ho, call our men. Dad, get mom and Aera safely out of the place."

Bo-ra showed Lee an address and said, "I think we should examine this site."


"Intuition," Bo-ra says.

The three of them left the house after Aera's mother took hold of her hand. A farming area with a variety of flowers encircle the house. There are also some substantial flower pots there.

Aera is slinking slowly behind the flower pots. Her mother says, "Aera hid well, follow my footsteps. Don't get away."

Aera questions, "What is happening here? What's causing them to attack us? Has this occurred before, too…" as she speaks, a gunshot can be heard, and she instantly freezes to death.

"What the hell is going on here? Is this how you live your life…?"

Attackers are starting to emerge. Garden workers arrived on the site at the same time. Aera gave them a startling glare. They suddenly start digging in the vicinity of flowers and pull out their weapons.

"Explosions under the flowers...!" Says Aera.

Aera clenched his ears in fear when the attackers started shooting. As Jeson's men start using firearms, they do so without hesitation. Aera's mother says, "Aera, Aera…. Come over here…."

"Stop the car, Mr. Park. Mr. Lee, don't you hear something?" said Bo-ra, when they enters flower garden.

"That's gunshot sound. Shit... Everyone, hurry up. Bo-ra, stay still; the situation is risky. We are unable to defy the law in any way. Watch if anyone leave this property." As Lee states, he took up the rifle and followed Park and Jeong into the garden.

Fearfully hiding behind flower pots, Aera moved. Lucas is attacking them along with Aera's father. The man standing close to Aera is suddenly hit by a gunshot. Aera saw the man who had been hit by the gunshot fall to the ground and pass away.

She shrieked with dread, "Mom... Mom..." She searches the area for her mother; she's not there, though. She was more terrified as she proceeded forward and could only hear gunshots and some men wailing for their lives.

As she stands up, all she can see are numerous attackers marching forward and shooting with firearms. She trembles, breathes erratically, lackluster eyes. Aera was spotted by one of the attackers, who then approached her. A gun was pointed at her head as she turned to face the man.

Her pupil's dilated, profuse heart quickens, and her face begins to sweat profusely. Her thought is, "Is this the end of my life….!" She closed her eyes. When the attacker tries to shoot, suddenly Aera hears the sound of a bullet; jerks her entire body, and opens her eyes.

The attacker perished in front of her eyes. She whirled around as her father called her name, "Aera, come here, quickly..." Her father's voice is audible to her in a discombobulated tone.

His father commanded, "Out, this way, hurry up…" She took out in the direction her father had indicated.

"It was so close to death."

Lee said, "You two go this way," to Park and Jeong.

Attacker tries to strike Lee as he moves while holding a gun, but Lee defeats him before he hits. He continues on after spotting a house in the distance and saying "This is where Jeson lived all those years."

Aera running away from the attackers, somehow drew Lee's attention. As he tries to catch up to her, three attackers encircle him.

Aera, who is moving fast, spots a car and tries to get to it. But a man snatches her hair from behind. "Ahh… let me go…" she screams. Aera's mother unexpectedly appears and yanks the attacker's hands away from Aera's hair. She bends the attacker's fingers backwards; she smacks the attacker's neck with the sides of her palm.

Aera shockingly glanced at her mother as the attacker collapsed. Her mother commands, "Get in the car."

Aera watches via the car window as her father shoots the attackers and his brother executes everyone while holding two pistols. As she watches her mother perform various stunts and punches; she also strikes the attacker while whirling in the air with her feet.

Aera says, "I thought my family was such a spiritualist. They were so devout that they believed in shaman's prophecies, too. I believed my family to be much more than just ordinary people. However, they are not normal; no one in my family is normal." As she speaks to herself, the attacker suddenly struck the car's window while having blood in his lips. She screamed and passed out.

Rang is sound asleep while seated on the couch when a man in a black-coat calls out, "Rang sir, wake up. The sun has risen, wake up..."

"What?" he looks out the window and opens his eyes. "How did the sun rise?"

That black-coated man laughed, "What question was that? Every day the sun rises, thus that is a natural phenomenon. We can't delay the sun rise."

Rang mystified, "But, Cho, the attackers, wasn't here yesterday. How?"

Cho replied, "Yes, they didn't come. We stood guard all night, but not a single mosquito has been spotted."

Rang rubs his back head, bizarrely.

Cho remarked, "Perhaps, we were lucky."

"What are you saying? They were the one who were lucky. Anderson sir, was in a bit of fury, if they attacked us yesterday, any souls would get out of here with their bodies."

"I also intended that. If they showed up, we squandered bullets on them. Many chores would need to be undertaken to rid of those bodies. I therefore assert that we are lucky."

Anderson arrived while they were having a conversation "Rang, set up an important meeting with our members. Also, give Mr. Brian a call…"

"Mr. Brian...!"

Cho wonders, "Sir, who is Brain!"

At the flower garden, several police officers and their vehicles have arrived. Lee says, "I think we are going to face a serious problem. This is a complete mess." Lee is observing the completely destroyed flower garden.

"Come, Mr. Lee, you need to go to the hospital, you are hurt," says Bo-ra.

"It doesn't hurt."

"Who are the attackers?"

"They belong to Johnson."

Bo-ra says, "But you said, Anderson is the one who killed him. Why then did they target Jeson rather than him?"

"As I've already mentioned, Johnson and Anderson were longtime close friends. Jeson persuaded Johnson in 2017, into killing his own pal, and in return, Jeson gave the Korean dealerships to him. Johnson died because of…."

"Jeson...! Jeson tricked him into holding hands with him."

"Yes, right. Seems like, Jeson was the real murderer. So, in retaliation, his ally came to attack.

"You think, Aera will be safe there..."

"You are the one who said, even though they are Mafia, they are her parents too, so she will be fine. Get home, take some rest. I'll have to stop by Headquarters."

Aera is running frantically as attackers are closing in on her on a pitch-black night. "Aera…'' Aera hears a voice and is startled out of sleep.

Lucas said, "Aera, get off."

Aera exits the vehicle and looks up to see a massive, gigantic spiraling building in front of her. Everyone admires the building's glass, which glistened a beautiful gold color.

"Wonderful…! Is this a building? Amazing… however, I don't see any doors," wonders Aera.

Lucas leads the way, "Dad, this way."

When they got close to the skyscraper, the golden glass began to rise, which seemed like a wall.

A man greets Aera's father as they enter the building and gives him a hug. "Long time, no see, my friend," a man says. How was the trip? Is it uncomfortable in any way? Lucas caught his attention.

"You've grown up quite nicely, Lucas," he says as they shake hands.

He reaches Aera to give her a hug, but Lucas stops him and says, "Mr. Kang, that's my sister. Behave yourself."

Kang says, "Ahh… sister. I didn't realize that you had a sister. Unlike you, she looks so beautiful, pretty and..."

Lucas interrupts, "Show our room first. We are exhausted."

"Sure thing, this way, please."

Aera lies on the bed, relaxingly. She remember yesterday's event, "No, no, no... Aera, don't try to remember that incident. It was almost death."

"Do I discharge tomorrow?" asked Han-na a doctor.

A doctor asks with a smile, "Is it someone you love, who you want to see, instantly?"

Uncomfortably, Han-na examines him.

"I'm just kidding. You are alright, young man. You are able to discharge today. Take good care of your head injuries, which are still excruciating."

"Yes, doctor."

Jenny enters the room, "Han-na, yesterday there was an attack at Aera's place."

"What attack? Explain in detail."

"You know Johnson, the China dealer…."

Ha-na interrupts, "I know, he passed away four days ago."

"Johnson attempted to kill Anderson while holding hands with Jeson, and he died as a result. Johnson's allies went to attack Aera's property."


"I believe, Aera is fine. Bo-ra said… Lee informed her that Aera had safely left the area."

"It's a relief now."

"From now onward, we are not going to see her," says Jenny, dejected tone.

"I have a way, to find Aera."

"What's that?"

While there were many males seated in the meeting room, Anderson enters the room.

Standing next to Anderson are Rang and Cho. He begins, "I don't want to waste anyone's time. So I'll just get straight to the point. You are all aware that I was responsible for Johnson's death."

There was mumbling throughout the meeting.

He adds, "Once again, I'm warning you all. Don't do anything at my back. If you really wish to stab me; do so in the front, in the heart. Otherwise, worse things await you than death."

"From now on, Mr. Brian, will handle the international dealing."

After hear Anderson words, everyone in the meeting opposed. "We aren't going to agree that." "No" "We deny your decision."

Cho gaze went on the man, who was sitting silently with a look of naive. Cho asks, "Rang sir, is that elderly man Brian? He looks so pathetic. How could he handle international dealing? Is that even possible?"

Rang replies, "You haven't heard the old saying of 'Don't judge a book by its cover.' That suits him very well. He is the godfather of Anderson Sir. His father only entrusted him, when Anderson sir father passed away. Anderson sir is now having bad temper, brave, courageous, leader making decisions, surviving without fear of anything is all because of him. Mr. Brain was the one who taught him."

Anderson shouts aggressively, "Shut up." The meeting room as a whole becomes quiet.

"Please, don't make me repeat myself. The International dealership will be run by Mr. Brian. It's up to you whether you like it or not, but that's my final decision. I don't give damn."