
Party mood

When a car suddenly brakes, Bo-ra's body tends to move forward. "What happened, Mr. Lee?"

Lee got out of the vehicle and asked, "What... Park and Jeong…?"

Park said, "You're aware of the Anderson case…"

"I am no longer in charge of this matter," said Lee.

"The case was brought to our division."

Bo-ra exclaimed, "What?"

Lee chuckled, "Senior Park did that. What are you two doing, then?"

"Please allow us to join you. How did we uncover Anderson in a week, Mr. Lee? That's the higher-ups order. Is that possible? Please help us." The car was then driven by Park with Jeong, Bo-ra, and Lee.

"Thank you for your help, Mr. Daniel." Han-na praised that rude gangster.

"I admire your guts for putting your life on the line, for your love. But don't imagine that everyone in this business is like me. Everyone is evil, ruthless and, dangerous. Ensure your own wellbeing. If you need help, call me at any time," as Daniel said, he gave a hug to Han-na.

Jenny reluctantly hugs Daniel after he gives her a hug. "You too, be careful." After bidding farewell, that rude gangster fled the scene

"Hooray..." Jenny leaped with joy. "Aera will be with us soon,"

Han-na became enthralled with joy as soon as he read the piece of paper bearing the address.

"What's the matter?" In the garden, Anderson takes off his eyeglasses, folded the newspaper, and asks Cho a question.

Rang asked Cho as he turned around to face him, "Is there something you want to tell Anderson sir."

Fearfully, Cho replies, "No, I want to discuss this with you."


"Yes. I've heard you are ingenious, brilliant and intellectual. Please help me."

Both Anderson and Rang shrugged as they exchanged glances.

Cho begins, "There is a girl, who handed me the…"

Rang interrupts, "What is the name of the girl?"

"We'll refer to her as an Unknown-girl."

Rang frowns, "What did you just say? Unknown-girl..," Rang's response caused Anderson to laugh.

"Hear me out, Rang sir. Unknown- girl suddenly appeared out of nowhere. She gave me an Unknown-letter. What is in that letter is unknown to me. Unknown-girl stated that the letter needed to be promptly delivered to an important person. Unfortunately, the letter was lost in the fire."

Cho gasped, "Here is the problem, sir. I don't know her name, where she is from, or what the letter message is, but I should convey the unknown-letter message to an important person. How could I convey that?"

Deeply offended, Rang said, "Are you crazy? How am I supposed to know? Nothing in your statements makes sense. Who the hell is that girl in the unknown-girl?" as he said, his gaze turned around to Anderson.

"Why do I keep hearing that name of unknown-girl name? Figure it out on your own." While Rang said this, Anderson mocked him.

Cho pleads, "Please assist me just this once."

Rang calms down, "You know nothing about her. You encountered her at once, and she vanished. Why would you then be interested in her letter?"

Cho innocently asked, "What if that unknown-girl is in danger?"

Anderson pondered Cho's words. Cho continues, "What if she would get hurt, if I didn't convey the message? I was shocked and touched by how lonely and disturbed her eyes were."

Anderson thinks back to Aera's eyes, which are lonely. Cho words, 'What if that unknown-girl is in danger?' The state of Aera's home and those remarks from Cho came to Anderson's mind.

"You are aware of the receivers of your letters. Deliver the letters properly," ordered Kang to his guards.

Aera walks inside the highly decorative area, which was filled with numerous drinks, colorful lights, a tiny water feature in the middle, and several decorators adorning the palace. She approached Kang while observing things in a curious manner and asked "What are you doing, Kang?"

"Me? Including the names of the guests who will attend the meeting tonight on the invitation."

"These are the names of…"

Kang said in a hushed tone, "Gangsters."

"Can I ask you a question, Kang?" Aera says in a timid manner.

"Anything, gorgeous."

"Why is Anderson so despised? Like you, he goes about his business. Why then…?"

Loudly giggling, Kang said, "That's pretty simple. This world isn't fair for everyone. Almost everyone, including myself fell into this line of work, accidental. If we view this business from a distance. Everyone believes that engaging in gambling, the sale of alcohol, the trafficking of weapons, and the intimidation of others, are simplistic activities. The hardest thing to do, though, is that. Everybody's life swings between forth and back like a pendulum."

"A dead end is reached if the pendulum swings to the right and left. You are secure if you simply remain in the middle. But you can't stay there; in order to survive in the middle of the pendulum, you must daily skate your way through both dead ends. In this industry, everyone operates in the same way. However, the gangsters, thugs, goons, drug dealers, street gangs, and mafia employees of Richard are not pleased. They oppose the police, the populace, and their families"

"Anderson's father, Richard, was the biggest head in our business. He did nothing but collect profits from their stockholders and led a quiet life. At the moment of his death, everyone lusted after Richard's prominence. Out of the blue, Richard's son Anderson took his father's seat at the age of 17."

"Everyone worked tirelessly to earn that position. However, notice how effortlessly a 17-year-old kid sat in that position. That has infuriated everyone against him."

Aera patiently absorbed everything in his remarks. Kang adds, "But I didn't hate him for that dumb reason."

"Then why do you hate him?"

"Because of my love. He abducted my… your brother is coming. If he saw us, he would kill us." Kang scans the area, "Hide yourself beneath this table."

Under the table, Aera hides. Kang made fun of Lucas, "I am inviting our members. Would I extend Anderson an invitation? It would be enjoyable if I did."

Lucas frantically clutched his shirt-collar, "Don't make me angry, you pervert scum."

Aera began to creep out of the room after taking one of the invitations from the table cautiously. When Kang saw Aera depart, he laughed wildly, "I acknowledge that I am a pervert. But I ever touched a woman without her consent. What about you?"

"What? What about me?"

"Decades have passed; however I'll recall it for you. You are such a liar, backstabber, and traitor. You disguised your identity and so on…"

As Kang said, Lucas released his shirt-collar. Kang adds, "How long you are going to disguise yourself to Aera. One day, everything will be exposed to the light. You won't get hurt because Aera is the one. She will suffer heartbreak as a result of such lies. She deserves to know the truth. She is such a warm-hearted girl, believing everyone is a good one. That's why I can't lie to her face. Nothing has changed, tell her the truth, or I will…"

Lucas stammered, "I will handle her on my own. Don't stand in our way."

"You got a post from...," Rang says as he walks into Anderson's room. He looks everywhere but cannot find him.

"Anderson… Anderson…" Rang looked for him everywhere. After entering Anderson's office, he noticed a letter on the desk.

He opened the letter and read, "I am sorry, Rang. What Cho stated in the morning, popped into my head again and again, 'what if the unknown-girl is in danger? What if she gets hurt?' those words. I should find that unknown-girl. I can't hire others to do this work. I am going to find out on my own. Until then take care of our business. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Ander, you idiot… Shit…"

Cho informed, "Rang sir, we received a post."

"Where is it from?"

"Kang is inviting Anderson sir, to a meeting tonight at Blue Mountain Palace...!"

"It's driving me crazy."

Cho read the letter after taking it from Rang's hand. "What Anderson Sir went out for once more? Now what do we do? What if everyone knows Anderson sir, absence? There is a meeting tonight."

"Keep your mouth shut. Not even our guards. Close the door first."

Cho proceeded to close the door, but paused. Rang asks, "What are you doing there?"

Cho stumbles, "Rang sir… Ji-ho sir."

Ji-ho asks as he rolls his wheelchair toward Rang, "Where is Anderson?"

"Sir visited his father's graveyard. You know him, how long it takes him to see his father. What's the matter Ji-ho? Tell me."

Ji-ho's silence disturbed the situation. Rang questioned, "Is it about Lucy...? Again she…"


From the window of a little home, Anderson viewed the Aera's flower garden, which was in a full state of devastation. A woman in her 70s said, "Sit. Take this coffee."

"Thank you, grandma." He says, looking at the grandmother and the house, "You are living here alone…?"

"Yes… My husband passed away a year ago. My son got married; he visits when he has time," grandmother replied.

"Coffee is good, thank you."

"Are you close to Aera? How?"

"Friends, we are from the same college. I lost her address, I have only her parent's address. So I came here."

Grandmother gasped, "Despite having lived here for nearly 30 years, I have only ever once seen her. Her mother only ever discussed her. My daughter has a princess-like appearance, enjoys chicken soup and tteokbokki, among other things… Her mother talked extensively about just her daughter." While the grandmother spoke, Anderson smiled.

"Where did they go after that? Is there something wrong because their farm completely collapsed?"

"In the night, 15 to 20 days earlier. There was dreadful sound came from their farm. I ran to my blanket because I was so terrified. That noise sounded bombastic… No, no… Not a bomb sound… I heard it many times on TV. Ahh… it is gun sound."

Anderson was confused, "Gun sound…!"

"Yes, I kept hearing that sound for an hour. When I arrived the following morning, their farm was in a complete state of ruin."

"Were there cops examined?"

"Some officers showed up."

After pausing to ponder, Anderson questioned, ""Do you have any pictures of Aera's father, like on your phone or..."

"I've got a picture of him. Every year, only the elderly enjoy 'Young Age Gatherings' in our town. I took a picture of him and his wife at the event last year. Wait…" as grandmother said, went to search at his photo.

With her trembling hand, she showed him a photo, "This is Aera's father and she is her mother."

He was shocked when he saw the picture and exclaimed, "Jeson…! Aera is Jeson's daughter."

Jenny wonders, "Whoa… Incredible… Is Aera existing in this place?"

Han-na replies, "Yes. Blue Mountain Palace." Han-na is dressed in a posh party coat suit.

"Do I appear normal or pretty good?" Jenny is dressed in a stunning yellow gown.

"You look very pretty. Don't be nervous. Act normal, no one knows us expect... Lucas."

"Yes. How did you get the invitation?"

"Daniel presented it to me, as a gift."

"Such a good man." Both were gathered in a queue for checking, where security officers checked all the guests with invitations.

Cho and Rang had taken a position in front of Jenny and Han-na. Cho asks, "I don't think it is a good idea. We ought to use another entrance to the palace. Why are we waiting in a queue?"

Rang said, "I too thought that. However, once Anderson sir and I arrived to save Lucy, Kang tightened security even further. We can't enter no other entry points, expect this."

"But, I think, Kang is pulling a prank on us. Because of what we did to him. I don't think he invited them in a polite manner."

"Don't consider him. For Lucy, we came here. We should take off after rescuing Lucy."

Aera descended the stairs while adorning a stunning gown made of golden stone. She remembered that she had written Anderson's name on the invitation as she cast her gaze around the crowd.

Aera murmured, "God, please show me Jimin. Please. I believe he received the letter that I sent."

She is exploring the palace and observing everyone's faces. She moved to a dim part of the palace and whispered helplessly, "May be he won't be coming." After taking a few steps back and turning, she heard a strange sound. After stopping, she moved toward the door where the sound was coming from.

She opened the door and entered with a frightened expression on her face. "Is anyone on this here? Answer me."

She looked around the room, but nobody was in there. When she attempted to leave the room, a woman unexpectedly grabbed her leg, screamed, "Mom…"

Aera fell to the ground, "Who are you? How did you end up here?"

That lady is Lucy, Ji-ho's girlfriend. "Please help me. Please. I'm not sure why I'm here. I was jogging in a park. When I awake, am I in this room?"

Aera was staring at her pitiful appearance. Aera took her hand and walked out of the shadowy space. "Take this way out," she said after pointing out a route.

Lucy said, "What if someone saw me?"

"Don't worry, I've used this way before, it's total safe. Additionally, there is a party going on. Everyone is occupied. Quickly as you can, leave the place."

As Lucy said, "Thank you for your help," she sprinted off.

Lucas getting ready for the party. He commands, "Bella, don't come outside, until the party ends. Stay here."

"Why should I hide? Aera is roaming freely in the palace. I can't even reveal my identity to anyone, though."

"Stop arguing with me. I should keep an eye on Aera, tonight. That scum Kang…"

Suddenly, Bella hurls the lamps into the air and screams out, "Aera, Aera, Aera… Always Aera, why can't you see me, Lucas?"

She approached him and grabbed his arms, saying, "Lucas, how long are you going to hide yourself? Aera is the focus of many eyes. What if she was stolen from you by someone? Think about it… perhaps, Anderson. You are well aware that Anderson would surely come for Aera, one day."

As Bella stated, Lucas was caught up in the moment.

Aera is sitting in gloom and sipping wine. Kang gestures with his hand, "Come and dance with me."

"No. I am not in the mood."

Suddenly, he takes her hand. Some of them were dancing to the good music. Kang started dancing, and Aera smiled as he did so. She then began to dance.

Both were enjoying themselves while dancing in the midst of dance groups. Aera giggles a lot while she's dancing.

Han-na warns, "There is CCTV in every corner, be careful. We won't be able to find Aera if we stay together because there are so many floors. So you take that side. I will check this side."

Jenny says, "Be careful." As she said, both parted ways.