
Love is love

"Are you stupid? Why are you intending to go Lucas? And…" asked Han-na.

Aera screams, "I don't want to hurt anyone, because of me. Not anymore."

"What are you speaking? Explain to me, so that I can understand."

Aera says, "Lucas went to Jenny's place and wrecked everything; he hit Jenny, too. You heard it when Lucas said that if anyone defends me, he would kill them."

"What if he hurts you too if you get back? You would just make everything worse. Just remain here."

"In all these years, I wanted to be with them. But now I am running away from them. Why?"

She adds, "Why would he hurt me? Why...? He is my brother; why would he hurt me? Why am I running from my brother? And why is he pursuing me? Why? Why? I have tons of questions on my mind... And I am going to find out that"

"You ought to go back to your place. I'll go on my own. You've greatly helped me. I don't want to lose you. Just leave, Han-na."

"I tracked down, where Aera's had called. She made a call from a phone booth around 20 kilometers away," said Park to Lee.

Bo-ra asked, "What are you doing, Mr. Lee? How come you traced my phone?"

Lee says, "So should we just sit here and do nothing? Don't you have any concerns about finding your friend? Are you going to abandon her on Lucas hands?"

Bo-ra paused and said, "No. I want to locate my friend. Let's go."

"Aera… Why are you acting like this?" said Han-na.

When Aera tries to move, he pulls her hand back once more. "Listen to me, Aera." Han-na adds after taking a deep breath, "Anderson and your father Jeson are not on good terms. Moreover, both are foes to each other."

Aera blankly stared at him. He says, "You heard it right. They are rivals. Your father makes numerous attempts to murder Anderson. But he fell short. In 2017, he finally made another attempt to murder him. To slay Anderson, your father exploded the bomb."

"My father..!"

"Hardly Anderson showed up five years later. You are aware that he had stayed at your place. And I'm presuming I can't be sure—that your father is aware that Anderson stayed with you. He would drag down Anderson, by using you."

"That's why they urged you to stay with them. If you go with your father, you know Anderson one day will come after you to get you... and they will take that opportunity to kill Anderson... First we have to find out him, I believe that's the safest place for you now."

"I don't think Anderson is bad; he spent a month at your house. Despite the fact that you are Jeson's daughter, he had many chances to kill you. He is certainly capable of doing things like that, but he never tried that."

Aera is extremely perplexed by what Han-na said. While both were conversing in the middle of the streets, the car bumper light was flashing on both faces.

With the back of their hands, they both hid their eyes. Men emerged from the car in numbers. Aera was looking at them in fear.

Aera's hand was quickly taken by Han-na, who then bolted from the scene. Han-na approached his bike and turned it on. While the car is pursuing them, Han-na rides her bike quickly.

Bo-ra and Lee reached the spot. Park stated, "This is the booth where Aera made a call."

Lee said, "Take a look around the area. Hurry up..."

Aera turned around and observed the car that was still following them. Han-na accelerates his motorbike. He left the streets and entered the incredibly little forested space.

After the way out of the forested area. He takes the bridge. When he stopped the bike and turned around, no car was in pursuit of them. Han-na let out a sigh of relief, and removed his helmet.

They both smiled as they exchanged glances. Unexpectedly, a car pulled up in front of them. The car hit the bike rapidly, shocking both people. Both of them drop to the ground.

Aera takes a minute to carefully stand up and walks over to Han-na, who is unconscious and lying on the ground. She takes off her helmet and tremblingly touches Han-na's head, which is soaked with blood. "Han-na, look at me. Do you hear me? Han-na..." yells Aera.

Aera gave the man a thoughtful look as he emerged from the vehicle. "Lucas..."

Lucas is crouching down next to Aera and touching Han-na's blood. "Looks like he lost a large amount of blood. I don't think, he is going to be fine."

"Get your hands off, Lucas," Aera spoke vehemently.

"Okay. I won't touch him. Get on your feet."

"How could you become such a vicious monster like this? You threatened Jenny, now, Han-na..., and then who? Me or... Anderson."

Lucas begins enraged, "Don't say his name again, in front of me."

Aera is striving to wake up Han-na, "Han-na, open your eyes. Please, Han-na..."

Lucas pulled Aera's face in his direction by forcibly grabbing her jaw. "You've never heard that there ought to be just one king in a jungle. Nobody should defy the king; just follow his orders. Anyone who disobeys must be hunted down by the king."

"And our father is the king of the jungle; and Anderson must perish because he is against our father." Han-na slowly opens his eyes as Lucas continues to speak.

Han-na says her name, "Aera…"

"Han-na, are you okay? I am sorry, all happened because of me."

Aera is unable to understand what Han-na is saying when he speaks. She lowered her ear in his face.

"Run, Aera…"

"No. how can I leave you like this?"

Lucas stood up and extended his hand to her, "Come Aera. Our father and mother are waiting for us. Come…"

Aera aggressively yelled, "Go to hell."

Lucas chuckles, as he presses his foot against Han-na's knee. Han-na yells in pain and blood oozes from his knee.

Aera tries to move Lucas's leg from Han-na's knees, but she can't. "Lucas, what are you doing? Please leave him out of our business. This is between us."

"I love you more than anyone else in the world. And Anderson is the person, I despise the most in the world…. How was I supposed to remain calm after hearing that my beloved person lived with a despising fellow? It doesn't make sense." as he spoke, he squeeze Han-na's knee aggressively.

"We will deal with Anderson later. Don't be stubborn, Aera; you are now coming with me."

Han-na whispers with pain, "Don't worry about me Aera. Just run, he won't harm you."

"I like you, Mr… What's his name? Ahh… Han-na. What he said was right. I won't harm Aera. But I am going to kill you…" Lucas said, drawing his gun and putting it on Han-na's head.

Lucas says, "You helped Aera. Is it because you like her or… what? I don't like anyone who neared my Aera. So you must die." He tries to fire to gun.

Aera screams, "No, no…, Lucas, stop it. Please. Don't harm anyone anymore." She exhaled and responded, "I'll go with you. In return, you must let him."

"No. We never made that kind of deal. You should come with us. In addition, he should die. How could I leave him in a half-dead state?"

"You are really a monster, Lucas." As she said, she stepped on the bridge parapet.

Lucas was scared, "Aera, what are you doing? It is dangerous. Get down now."

Han-na says, "Come down, Aera."

The thugs approached Aera and attempted to bring her down. She threatens, "If anyone takes just one more step, I will definitely jump from the bridge. And you know, that I am not a swimmer."

Lucas said calmly, "You want me to leave him alone. I will do as you said. Come down."

Aera says, "Send the thugs away."

The thugs dispersed. "Sorry, Han-na," said Aera as she got inside the car.

Han-na cried out loudly, "Aera, don't go..." He drifts off and things become fuzzy for him.

"Han-na, you hear me, right? Open your eyes." His eyelids rise gradually.

A 45-year-old man in a white coat says, "Everyone stands aside, let him get some air," as he examines Han-na's pulse and eyeballs.

Doctor said, "He is more than alright. He is so young and he'll recover up so quickly. Take good care of yourself, young man." "Nurse, run a brain CT scan on him."

Han-na murmurs in a hushed voice, "Aera…,"

Jenny says, "You were lying beside a lot of blood on a bridge in an unconscious state. Thank god, you are alive, Han-na."

Han-na struggles to get out of bed, his hands and knees were wrapped by bandages. Bo-ra asks, "What are you doing? Just take rest Han-na. Avoid making dumb decision."

"Aera is now with Lucas, and that is dangerous."

Bo-ra stops him, "Come to your senses, Han-na. Jesus Christ, you are alive now. Everything happened because of you. If you had come to Mr. Lee, we would have found a way out. Now, Aera would have been with us."

"You committed all these mistake because of your stupid love. Look around, see how much you've messed up. Also, take a good look at yourself, how pathetic state you are in…" Han-na is staring at Bo-ra.

"Bo-ra, cut out the nonsense. Nothing wrong was done by him. To defend Aera, he went so far beyond. Better, if you get out of here. Let him rest a while." Jenny dragged her hand and both went out of the room.

Jenny said, "Are you insane? He failed to defend Aera, which makes him guilty as well. Please, Bo-ra watch your words before you say anything. Words will get easily harm others, than a knife."

Anderson standing in front of Aera's house and remembers when he came home with her. He stepped into the apartment. He unlocked the door after walking around the rooms. He remembers cooking for her as he takes a peek around the kitchen.

He approached the Aera photo frames and brushed the image of his face. He sat on the sofa, looking at the rooms, recognizing Aera's face everywhere. She is drinking water in the kitchen, napping in the living room, getting ready for college in the bedroom, and wiping his head with a towel as she exits the bathroom. He seemed to have a mournful expression on his face.

Aera first moved her middle finger, then her hands. She looks around after opening her eyes. She realized that she was lying in bed. She stepped out of the room, while her father, mother and Lucas were eating at the dining area.

Aera's mother said, "Come and eat with us, Aera. You've been hungry. I made your favorite dish Ginseng chicken soup."

Aera ignored her mother's words and instead opened the refrigerator and drank some water. Again she went to her room.

Aera's mother calls her name, "Aera."

"If she is hungry, she will eat. Don't bother her." said Lucas.

Anderson stopped by Jenny's restaurant. Through the glass, he can see the filthy restaurant with broken glasses, tables, and seats. He simply regarded her location. The door was closed when he attempted to open it.

"Nothing seems right. Were everyone gone?" while his phone ringing.

On the other line, Rang speaks, "Ander, what are you still doing there? Come back quickly. Johnson's men were aware of our killing of him. Please come back as soon as you can."

As he lies dejectedly on his bed, Han-na looks out at the moon.

Mother of Aera hasn't slept. She left her room and rapped on Aera's door. She opens the door and calls out "Aera...," but Aera isn't there.

"I am here, mom." A voice coming from the darkness. Aera's mother turning on the lights. At the table, Aera is dining.

"You presume that I was gone, right, mom? I am not a coward mom."

Aera's mother contacted her. "Don't approach me with another step. Just stay there and convey what you want to say."

Aera's mother said, "No mother in the world could ever harm her own child. Aera, I am not an exception. I didn't want you to bloom among these vile mud. I wished you to flourish in clean water. All those years I was worried more than you."

"No one will ever experience the pain I endured. You, too. I also don't want anyone to understand my suffering."

"What you said was quite compromising, mom. Vile mud, clean water. Yes, I understand..." Aera smirks and continues, "You believe that if you spoke to me in this way, I would sympathize for you. How hilarious."

"You experienced more pain than I did, as you indicated. How hilarious that was. All these years you had Lucas, instead of me. But I have no one's other than you." said Aera, as her mother gave her a regretful look.

The sunrises, Anderson placed his forehead on steering wheel. While his phone rings, on besides of him. He wakes up and look outside. He glance his watch. His eyes caught a couple teddy bear in next seat, which he brought from Aera's house.

Suddenly he screams with frustration by hitting steering wheel badly. "I shouldn't had left you on the first place... Ahh..."

"Open your mouth," said Bo-ra with a bowl of porridge, to Han-na, who is staring at other direction.

"Don't be adamant, Han-na. You should tablets, first eat this." While Bo-ra speaking, Jenny enters the room.

"Give it me," said Jenny as she stretch her hand. Bo-ra hand overs the bowl.

Jenny took a spoon of porridge and take near to Han-na's mouth. Now he eats the food.

Han-na asks, "Does Shin know that I hurt?"

"Yes, I told him, but…"

"He won't come."

"Stop hurting yourself, Han-na, because of you failed to protect Aera. First and foremost, you need some strength to get back and fight with them. Before that, you should prepare your mind too… without mental stability we can't get Aera back."

While Bo-ra is standing at the outside of the room's door and hearing Jenny's words. Jenny adds, "Let your grief out, here is my shoulder, cry as much as you want."

As Jenny said, he begins to start cry. He hugs Jenny and cried out loudly. While Bo-ra at outside also cries quietly with closing her mouth. Jenny says, "Aera always says, don't regret for loving someone. When it comes to love, we should overlook other things, because...,"

Han-na ends the line with cry, "Because love is love."

"Yes, love is love," Jenny patted his shoulder.