
Lie down

Bo-ra and Han-na were waiting in the hotel's lobby. "It's been five days, but we still haven't reach Mr. Lee? Why isn't he making an appointment for us? If it doesn't work out today, I'm gonna shift to other projects."

Han-na looked at her and said, "Don't look at this as a job. Consider it our life, you'll never be bored with it. Head Chung did not assign this task to any of the seniors; instead, he assigned it to us. Because he trusted us, if we have to wait another fifty days, we ought to have." As he advised Bo-ra immersed into deep thoughts.

"I think Mr. Lee has arrived," as Han-na said, each of them approached him. Both Bo-ra and Han-na are stopped by Lee's assistant.

Han-na yelled towards Lee's directions, "Mr. Lee, just 5 minutes. We'd like to speak with you." Continued his walking while that person does not even look at them.

Han-na shouted, "You were at the Dutch club bomb blast in 2017."

Bo-ra stops him, "Han-na, what are you doing? Are you insane? Stop it?"

Lee stopped and turned around, coming forward to them. "Can you tell me who you are?"

"We are from National Media Organization, we'd want to talk to you about Anderson…"

Lee chuckled, "I despise peoples who writes imaginary stuffs. Just get out of here," he turned around and walking away.

"Yes, we write imaginary stories since no one provides us anything to write about. You, too, haven't told the media about what transpired that night. Why?"

Lee grumbled as he approached them and grabbed Han-na's shirt collar. "What do you know about Anderson? First, get to know him. I'm not interested in journals or Anderson-related news. I want you to know what exactly about him."

Both exited the hotel, Han-na starting his bike. "How did you find out that he was there at the bomb blast? Because no articles weren't written about it," she curiously asked him.

He said with a smile, "It was just a fluke. Head Chung said that he was so keen on apprehending Anderson, he was well aware that a meeting would be held. So he surely attended that meeting, right?"

With a shake of her head, Bo-ra expressed her satisfaction with the situation. "Get on bike; we have a lot of work ahead of us."

Aera sat on the sofa, thinking about her mother and father. Jimin says, "Aera, Aera…" as he getting ready. She doesn't listen to him.

Jimin shake her shoulder, "Aera, are you okay?"

"Ahh… What? I am fine. Are you getting ready to go to work? Why don't you, take a day off? A new movie was released last week, why not we go and watch that movie?"

Jimin responded with a smile, "I like that, too. But, you know that I am a part-time employee. Don't worry, I'll be home sooner than expected."

"Okay. Bye."

Aera lamenting about her situation, "What am I supposed to do? Too boring. Jenny...! Jenny is available at the restaurant." Aera went to Jenny's place.

"Where is Jenny? Is she going to yoga class again?" asked the labor-girl.

"I'm here," Jenny said as she walked into the restaurant, exhaustingly.

"Hey, everyone felt rejuvenated when they came from yoga. But why do you appear to be so exhausted?"

"I, too, don't know. Please give me some water. Yoga isn't really my cup of tea."

"Then why don't we go to the parlor," Aera piqued Jenny's interest.

"Parlor! Yes, we haven't been to the parlor in a long time. Let's go relax for a while."

Both were in the parlor, covered their faces with sheet masks. Jenny begins, "Yesterday you went to your parents hometown, how are they? We've been friends since we were kids. However, I didn't see your parents even once. Even they hadn't been to our graduation," Jenny sighed.

Aera thinking something for a while and replied, "Yes, both are fine."

"You're aware that Bo-ra has a boyfriend."

"Boyfriend…! She once told us that she would only date once she have a job… Ahh, I forgot that part, she has a job now," Aera exclaimed.

"Yes, she got a job. With my two eyes, I caught her with a man on a bike; she was gripping him so tightly."

"Really!!! Bo-ra is having a good time."

Jenny suggested, "It's been a long time, why shouldn't we go on a trip to Jeju Island?"

"I am free, but Jimin works as a part-time employee. Also, Bo-ra now only has a job, so it won't happen."

Aera walked inside a cafe and sat down. "Excuse me," she called a man to place an order. The man approached her; but he didn't see her face. "What would you like to have?"

Aera replied, "You..." Jimin slowly looked at her face and Aera laughed, "I am. Just want to see how you are working. I am bored, so I came here."

Jimin smiled at her, "Wait, I'll go and change my dress."

"No, no. I wanted to drink coffee in your cafe, that's why I came. Just continue your work; don't consider me. I'd like to order iced Americano." After that she left the cafe.

As the sun fell, Aera sat in the park, drinking some juice, "Everyone's busy. I hoped my suspension days were supposed to be fun, but instead, turned out to be dull.

"Ahh..." shouted Aera out of nowhere. As she looked down, she noticed a dog that bit her.

When Jimin is working at a café, someone ordered an Americano. He remembered Aera's face all of a sudden. He left work early and returned to the flat. When he opens the door, Aera is lying on the sofa in a prostrate manner, with her face hidden.

Jimin turned on the light, and approached her. "Aera, what happened? Why didn't you even turn on the lights?"

"Nothing. I was just exhausted and forgot to switch on the lights." Aera spoke in a quavering voice; he noticed her.

He patted her back, and softly speaks, "Why? Don't you even want to see my face? But I missed you a lot, so I came early with tteokbokki. What happened?"

After a few minutes, Aera turned around and pulled the bed sheet away from her face. Jimin get shocked, "What happened to your face?"

"I was sitting in the park, and suddenly someone's dog suddenly bit me. I asked the dog's man to apologize for his dog biting me and advised him to take care of his dog. Because it could be an issue if it bit some child's. But that man become enraged and yelled at me. He told me that he always came out with his Teddy (dog name). 'Why did you make a scene for a small dog bite? Why shouldn't you just stay at home? And I'm not going to say sorry too,' he said"

"Then we both got into a fight, eventually he slapped me," as she says, she is scratching her leg.

Jimin noticed her leg, "Aera, why didn't you go to the hospital?"

"I'm a bit of too embarrassed that he slapped me, and a lot of people were watching me. So I returned home, quickly."

"Come, let's go to the hospital." Jimin grabs her hand.

Aera's wound has been treated. Jimin questioned the doctor, "Is she okay? Is she won't fall ill, right?"

The doctor replied, "Yes. She's in good shape, so there's no need to be concerned. But you should speak with the dog's owner. What if the dog bit a small child, it would be a serious problem."

Jimin thinks about what the doctor said. They returned to their way to home, he asked "Are you okay?"

"What happened to you today? This is the 20th time you've asked me this question. Are you cared about me a lot?" as she said, she grinned at him.

Jimin stopped walking, "Yes, I cared you a lot about you," he said with a serious face.

Aera stalled, stares at him without shutting her eyes. He hold her hand tightly, "Come, it's getting cold outside." Both of them returned home.

Bo-ra and Han-na have been hunting for Anderson's files and have visited a number of police stations. Then they went to Lee's office.

Lee said, "Come sit down. You two appear overly worn out. Need a coffee?"

"No thanks, Mr. Lee. What should we do first?"

"I want you to find a woman."

Bo-ra and Han-na are staring at each other blankly. "We gathered all the information about Anderson. We'll answer any questions regarding Anderson. We acquired all the information from the Police records," said Bo-ra.

"What girl do we have to find out?" Han-na questioned.

"Don't know. She is staying nearby Jungnim Street, and that is all I know about her. I've been looking at the CCTV cameras in the area but I don't have a specific date yet. As soon as I do, I'll send you a photo of her. So, till then, you should find out anything suspicious in that area. And notify me if you find anything oddly."

"Yes, Mr. Lee," both left.

Bo-ra and Han-na took a stroll down Jungnim Street side by side. Bo-ra laments on the way, "I didn't even sleep for the past two days. We looked through a lot of Anderson files. How many police stations did we visit to look into him? Ahh... But he didn't even ask a single question."

Han-na smiled at her, "Hey, stop your lament and come fast."

Aera was disposing of garbage when she noticed them talking. She approached them, "Bo-ra, why are you here? Wait a minute… He's the helmet boy, right?"

Han-na rubs his head. Bo-ra said, "We are media folks just searching for intriguing news. Why didn't you go to college?"

"Hey, I'm on suspension."

"Oh, suspension. Han-na, this is Aera, my friend."

"Hii," both Aera and Han-na said hello.

Aera observed to them, "You both seem exhausted. Come eat at my house and then get back to work."

"It's okay, we are going to leave," said Han-na.

"Don't worry. I'm having large appetite for the past few weeks, so we've prepared more food."

"Jimin, Jimin" Aera called him out loud. Jimin was cooking in the kitchen, "You know her already, Bo-ra my friend. And that's her friend, name Han-na."

Everyone is dining in silence. Han-na was looking at Aera and Jimin curiously, asked, "You both are living together, aren't you?" Aera is coughing up, bewildered.

Bo-ra states, "No, they are not living together. Aera is taking care of this big child because he lost his parents. She provides food and shelter and lives with him."

Han-na exclaimed, "Really. I, too, want someone like this to look after me." Bo-ra gives him a strange expression. He continues, "Yes, I want a beautiful girl like her to take care me."

"Cut the nonsense, Han-na," Bo-ra gets angry.

"Give me a call if you want to hang out anywhere. Don't be hesitant. Treat me like your brother," said Han-na to Jimin. With a smile he shook his head.

They both left, Aera is doing the dishes. Jimin said, "Move, I'll do the dishes."

"It's okay. You have to go to you part-time. Just go and get change your dress."

While Aera doing dishes phone rings, she looks at her foam-filled hands. Suddenly, Jimin took her phone, and attended to the call; he held it to her ear backwards.

Aera's heart skipped a beat. She answered the call quietly, "Shin, What? Right now? OK, I'll be there in an hour."

Again, Jimin came near to Aera and said things looked into her eyes, "If something happens, give me a call." Aera looked at his eyes, without blinking, "Okay."

Aera sat on the park bench and talking herself, "Nowadays, Jimin gives me a lot of heart attacks. I get a little uncomfortable when he gets close to me. Nevertheless, I want to stay with him all day. Maybe we've staying together for the past few weeks, maybe I'm attracted to him," as she says, blushed.

"Are you alright? You're sitting alone and talking to yourself with smiling. What?" Shin enquired.

"No, I am fine. Why have you called me?"

"I've been missing you a lot. I despise having to go to class without you."

"You talk quite well these days, what's the matter tell me? Curiously asked Aera.

Shin says with reluctance, "Classes are held in the morning only, evenings I am all free. So I decided to work part-time. How long will you pay my College fees? I want to take care of myself."

Aera hit his head, "That's my business. You just concentrate on your studies. Don't thing like I'm pitying you. In my family they don't need my money, even if I give it to them, they never take it. What should I do with my earnings? I want to use it in some way or another. That's why I spent it on you. Don't get me wrong."

Shin smiled at her; she continued, "First you must study, then…"

"I should find a job."

"No. First study, then enjoy your life. This is one life, if we keep running, when will we enjoy the things around us? So just enjoy your life."

"Ok." Shin smiled and stated, "I'm going to enjoy my life."

"Does Eugene attend class regularly?" Aera questioned him.

"Why would Eugene Mam come to class? She's on suspension."

"Right, suspension. But I thought she was the principal's daughter. So he would let her go to college." Aera was thinking about Eugene and remembered that she had earlier mentioned that her father had never aided her.

"Shin, I want to visit Eugene's house."

"Right now?"

Then they both went to Eugene's house and rang the doorbell. Eugene caught both of them on camera in her home. She assigns her house-worker to them.

Aera asked the house-worker, "Is Eugene at home?"

That house-worker said, "Mam went to shopping."

"Oh, shopping. Ok, thank you." Aera looked at her house in a pathetic state, and both departed. Eugene observed Aera's face.

Jimin arrived at work and left after only a few minutes. He visited several prominent hotels and inquired about something with the receptionist. Then he called someone in Telephonic booth and said, "I am in here, Seoul. Come here quickly."

Aera returned home and took a bath. She kept an eye on Jimin, who was intently watching the news on TV. She approached him, sat next to him. She addressed him, "Jimin, Jimin…"

He said, "Mmm…" He wasn't even looking at her when he was engrossed in the TV. Aera asked him, "May I lie on your lap?"

He turned off the TV and looked at her eyes, "Sorry." Pat his own lap and said, "Lie down. After a few minutes, Aera fell asleep, and he did so while seated on the sofa.