
Comforts me

"Had she got any sleep?" Han-na enquired.

"Yes, now only she slept," Jenny handed him the coke container. Both were on the balcony, chatting, and gazing at the moon.

"We never had so many thrilling days as children. However, we now have to deal with unexpected circumstances on a regular basis." Jenny laments.

Jenny is looking at Han-na, who is gazing at the moon with a smile on his face.

"Do you have feelings for Aera?"

Han-na shockingly looking at her, "No. What are you blabbering about?"

"Don't try to fool me. Your eyes were filled with love, whenever you looked at Aera. You arrived in less than 10 minutes after I called, but it takes more than 20 minutes from your home. And you shook and became anxious as you gazed at her."

"Is it obvious?"

Jenny sighed, "Once no one's around her. Nevertheless, she is still alone despite the presence of everyone around her. Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret from Aera until you tell her."

"Thank you." Both of them are gulping down coke. He adds, "Did you love someone?"

"No. We made a vow to each other as children. That is, we will not fall in love until we are stable and have the willpower to look after ourselves. I get a lot of proposals when in my twenties, but I turn them down."

Han-na busted out laughing, "Really!"

"Hey, I am telling you the truth."

"Then, could I set you up on a blind date?"

"Who is that?"

"I have a friend named Lim. He is a decent man; yet he appears to be a little overweight."

"When it comes to love, I never consider gender, color, size, or money... For me, love is love…"

"Yes, love is love." Han-na says with a pleasant smile.

"Sir, Kang wants to see you urgently," said Rang. While Anderson was shooting at the indoor gun range, Rang said.

Anderson smirked, "What? Urgently."

Anderson exclaims as he savors his breakfast, "Wow... Your culinary skills have improved. How did you manage to cook such delicious meals?" he praised the cook.

He asks Rang, "What are you waiting for? Sit and eat. Food will get cold."

While Kang waits in the garden area of Anderson's house. "What is your boss is doing?" Kang inquires of one of Anderson's guards.

He replied, "He is eating."

"Eating!" Kang screams, irritated.

Anderson then practices fighting with his bodyguards. Rang was glancing at his wristwatch with trepidation.

"You don't have any work? Why do you want to meet me?" asked Park, who works at Crime Division.

"We worked together, but I haven't given you a proper goodbye. I miss you, that's why I am treating you." Han-na, with a sad expression on her face, says.

"Don't pretend as though you care about me. Tell me, what exactly do you want to know about Bo-ra?"

"Yes. Then I'll ask you upfront. Did you hire thugs to chase Aera down because of her father?"

"Are you insane? We are cops, so if we want to catch Jeson, we will conduct a thorough investigation. Why did we employ a gang of thugs? We didn't do anything like that. But..."

"What but…?"

"Lee assigned Bo-ra to track Aera down and find out where her father was staying. Also he said that, 'After a long time now we have all the big fish, but no evidence or support to capture them. We now have Aera as a bait fish. If we use her properly, they all fall into our traps' that was what he said to us."

While eating at Jenny's restaurant, Aera receives a call from Han-na. She answers the phone, "Han-na, what's the matter? Me… I am eating at Jenny's restaurant."

Bo-ra appeared in front of her when she was on the phone. "Bo-ra…!" Aera exclaims, she hangs up the phone."

Bo-ra grabs Aera's arm as she attempts to leave. "What are you doing? Let go of my hands."

"Talk to me. What's your problem? Yes, I informed Mr. Lee of Jimin's existence. So, what? If you were in my shoes, you would have done the same thing."

Aera pulls Bo-ra's hand away from her arm. "Yes, if I were in your place, I would do the same thing you did. But, unlike you, I did not engage in any backstabbing. Forget it, don't force me to speak up."

Jenny stepped in between them and said, "Hey, what are you two up to? Aren't we friends? Stop your fight."

Bo-ra said, "Then speak to me. I'd want to hear. Why are you giving preference to Jimin over us?"

Aera yells angrily, "Keep your mouth shut, Bo-ra. You are spying on me. When I passed out in the bar four days ago, you were the one who drove me home. How did you figure out where I drink? Did your detective cop told you to follow me?"

Han-na entered the restaurant while they were fighting. Bo-ra adds, "Yes, Mr. Lee told me to spy on you and I am stalking you. Even though Mr. Lee told me to follow you, I never considered using you to capture your father. That's the damn truth..."

Aera sighed, "We will talk about this later. I' m not strong enough to argue with you." She attempted to move, as she stated. Bo-ra, on the other hand, had noticed Han-na.

"You are not going to believe me. Then what about Han-na? You spent a lot of time with him. You both drink, eat, he gives you a ride, and he lets you stay at his place. What about him?"

Jenny stops Bo-ra, "Bo-ra, please don't say anything. You're making everything so difficult."

Aera was staring at her with a blank expression on her face. Bo-ra adds, "Han-na loves you. That's why he is roaming around you. And you're still unaware that he is Shin's older brother."

The evening dawned, and Kang was waiting in Anderson's garden area. Eventually Anderson arrived, "Sorry, had you been waiting for me for a long time?"

Kang smiles with lips, but his eyes are ferocious, "I didn't hang around that long."

"Then, do you want something to drink? You appear to be very fatigued."

"I am fine. I'll get right to the point. I want Lucy, you are the one who kidnapped her. Give her back to me."

Anderson said, "She came with me... Sorry, I speak in your language, I kidnapped her. However, she isn't here right now."

Kang is enraged, but he maintains his composure. "Anderson, I am speaking quietly because of your father. Don't make me angry. You are aware that Lucy loves me."

"Loved you."

"Yes, loved me. She is my girlfriend."

"She is your ex-girlfriend. Now she loves Ji-ho, just let them be happy. I'll get Lucy if she still loves you, but she doesn't. Look for another female, who loves you."

Rang raises his voice, "When did Mafia Anderson care about other people's opinion? You've never given a damn about anyone."

"Yes, I don't give a damn about anyone, including you. She is, however, a woman, and she has the right to love the one she loves. There are a lot of women in your Blue Mountain; just pick one... Don't get too close to Ji-ho and Lucy."


"If you again step into my place, your Blue Mountain palace will vanish off the globe's map. Your palace will be moved to the underground. Get the hell out of here."

Han-na and Aera are seated beneath the tree. For an hour, both were kept mute. Han-na hesitantly begins, "I am in no place to say sorry to you."

After taking a sip of coffee and Aera responded casually, "It's okay. You didn't do anything wrong, as everyone does. Everyone loves. I, too, in love. We both are the same; we love them and didn't expect them to love us back. All we want is to be able to stay alongside them. I wondered to myself, is this how all the loved ones feel or I am the one who misunderstands love, but now I get a clear vision when I look at you."

Aera turns her eye balls towards Han-na, who is gazing down. "When it comes to love, I always overlook other things, like what's his character, profession, and is he good or bad, nothing... I just love them, because love is love. Then don't regret for loving someone. Because we learned something from them, or at the very least we learned how to love someone."

Han-na slowly lift his head and gazes tenderly at Aera, "Thank you Aera, for taking things so easily."

Aera said, "I am good at that. Then shall we stay as friends or..."

Han-na smiled, "Yes, I thought I loved you very much as a loved one. But it is not true, I adored you as a friend. I like you as a friend when we spent time together, more than I liked you as a lover." Aera, too, gave him a friendly smile.

"Then, when are we going to meet Shin?" Han-na was taken aback.

"Hey, Bo-ra. These days you seem so depressed. You appear to be melancholy these days. You're also not in your mind?" Jenny asks.

She adds, "You should give some time to Aera. She is having a hard time. She is not going anywhere; she is here with us. Why makes you so adamant?"

"Do you remember, how I went three years without a job?"

Jenny replied, "Yes, I know. Why are you dragging up the past?"

"At that time, I was really desperate, ate the moment. I became a drunk addict. I wasn't in my right mind either… One day Aera dropped me a visit at my house. She looked about my house, which was in shambles, with soju bottles strewn about and damaged items. She tried to rouse me."

"I told her, that I was going to give up my dream job."

"Aera, you spent a lot of money on me. You took care of my bills, electricity, and clothing... And so on. So on. I don't want to use you as a money machine. So, I am going to give up my dream job as a reporter for a National Media Organization."

Aera asked, "What did you just say? Are you insane?"

Bo-ra continues, "I am going to work as a sales person. I'll be attending that interview tomorrow. How much longer could I live like this? For the past few years, I've been stuck… No, all in my years I've been stuck… Everyone else is moving, but I'm standing still."

"Who said you were stuck? And you are not moving? That doesn't make sense." Bo-ra, on the other hand, is gazing at her.

"You didn't stay up all night; you're constantly going toward the light of day. You didn't stay in the same season; instead, you transitioned from spring to summer; then from summer to autumn, and finally from autumn to winter. Look at you, you didn't stay a child, you grew up… You became an adult. How did you come to the conclusion that you are stuck?"

"You didn't take a look at yourself closely, but I did. During these years, you grow more patient and tenacious in your pursuit of your desired job. Take a look at yourself; you've grown up nicely as well... Don't ever consider giving up. You've never been stuck because you're moving. Clean yourself up and keep trying till you succeed. I'm going to stand by your side."

Bo-ra says, "That's exactly what she told me. It comforts me a lot, now I am here because of her. I have a decent job, pay my own bills, and feed myself... Even if she won't speak to me or even look at me. I will keep trying till she responds. I am not going to give up."

Jenny said with a smile, "Then, do it."

"It's been a long time, my friend. How have you been?" Kang is engrossed in a phone conversation.

He said, "When are you going to come back? I'm afraid I have some unpleasant news for you."

"Now, Kang contacted Jeson to say that I am here," Anderson stated as he stepped onto the lift, glancing at his watch. "He also persuaded Jeson to return."

"What are you saying?" Rang asks, his face vacant.

Anderson chuckles, "We don't need to find Jeson. He is going to visit us. Just wait and see… Then what about Johnson?"

"Johnson! He fled the nation without a trace after the explosion. We are attempting to locate him. However, we are unable to do so. He was aware of the explosion that's why he escaped, hadn't even scratched on the body."

"Everyone is conspiring against me. It is also good, because I want to grow up a bit, so I need some traitors to turn on me."

At Jenny's restaurant, Aera and Jenny are having a drink. "How much are you planning to drink, Jenny? Stop it. I won't drive you home."

Jenny didn't pay attention to Aera's words and continued to drink.

Aera asked, "Are you mad at me? Is it because I'm still not willing to compromise with Bo-ra?"

She still doesn't hear Aera's statements, while Bo-ra enters the restaurant. Jenny asks, startled, "Why are you even coming here? Are you two going to fight again?"

Aera explained, "I called her."


"Come and take a seat here, Bo-ra." Said Aera

Jenny gave them both a startling expression. Aera says as she pours soju into Bo-ra's shot glass, "Drink it."

Jenny said, "I sobered up because of this cringiness."

Aera says, "I am sorry Bo-ra, for misunderstood you."

Bo-ra says, "No. I am the one who apologizes to you. I did a lot of things, behind you. I am sorry."

Jenny says, "Am I watching drama? An hour ago, both of them got into a fight. Now, they're both apologizing to each other. Ahhh..."

Bo-ra hugs Aera, tears welling up in her eyes. "I won't ever do anything to disappoint you."

Aera says, "Leave me. You are creeping me out."

Jenny's eyes also filled with tears, and she held Aera, "I am sorry, Aera."

Aera wonders, "Why did you even say sorry to me?"

Jenny says with tears, "I don't know, why I am saying sorry…. But please accept my apology, Aera."

Both of them hugging Aera. "You both are driving me crazy. Leave me," Aera screams.