
Untold Myth

This is the Prologue of the most epic ballads ever told. A tale of Titans and gods, a tale of gods and men. When time was young and the energy of the cosmos flowed freely over the land. This... is the age of magic.

Mickzy · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs


|•Chapter 9:- Terror•|

The news of what happened Chimera spread through the lands, terror and fear became a plague, people looking for refuge within the Foresters, kings and queens, rulers of nations hides in their secret chambers. Some cocky individuals has gone to confront him but none ever returned. It was terror, humans around believed it was judgement. Those who lived far called it a rumour and didn't want to succumb to the fear growing in them. Words has gone pass the realms of Midgard through the world and unto the seven realms. Even the king of Titan himself have heard the news which made him summon Alaric his son and his compatriots.

"You all should have known why I called" sitting on his throne the great baelon spoke "I can see psion and apollyon aren't here."

"Father" Alaric slightly bow "psion currently is in his chambers, he said he had something important to take care of and apollyon, well, he has ulterior motive."

Baelon shakes his head "I see, we have an issue on hand the elves they've carved up something destructive, I can't really tell if it's by there free will or some other motive but now they're on earth. A young man has engaged one, he seems rather interesting."

" A human fighting a dark elf?" Gideon chuckled " but how does the elves posses much strength? " Gideon one of the chosen five asked

"Alaric will fill you in. We won't do anything about this, if this pain can connect this humans then your mission is complete. You're dismissed for now" The three warriors bowed to their king.

Out of the three recognized warriors in kanras, only one was available. Lydo Dleo the electricity user had travelled far from where the elf has landed. Luke Tempest a young man from the Tempest clan, he comes from the long family of gunslingers which has passed down their skill over the years to their children with Luke being the last of the gunslingers in the family. His father died in a faceoff losing the title of the best gunslinger and left Luke and his mother fend for themselves. The Tempest clan was a clan of wind users, they were said to have received blessings from the gods making their wind stronger than other wind users. Tempest usually trained in high altitude to grow their strength faster. Luke had climber the mountains and began his several days of training, secluded from the real world.

The only recognized warrior left was Lorcán Kincaid. It was a rather cool eve, the gentle bounty Hunter reclines upon a tree branch, polishing his rifle when a flyer gently riding the wind currents lands on his face. Taking it in his hands, he reads it's content. At the end of the letter he smirks and a chortle escapes his mouth

"Interesting. This is the perfect chance to measure how well I've developed." Lorcán who had been training under the supervision of Dorian and Apollyon had improve greatly

Getting up and standing upright on the branch, he creates a portal behind him leading to the center of Torah. As he lets himself fall freely into said portal, he emerges at his destination. Looking around, he notices the diverse populations of various magical beasts and beautiful greenery. As much As he was amazed by the sight, he couldn't stay and gawk all evening. He activates his phasing and let's himself fall freely into the Earth. He stops when he lands in an open space

"This must be it... The guild of the Foresters". The place was crowded filled with many people from different places, it was due to the recent chaos. The underground guild was basically a large Pagoda with lights adorning it on the outside. As Lorcán lands, a slightly older robed man walks up to him and bows

"Welcome warrior. You must be here to receive the sacred blade to slay the dark elf?" The man looked pale, he had seen many strong warriors come here and never return. Lorcán silently looks at the man for a while then slowly nods "Yes. Where can I get it?" The man bows again

"Follow me warrior" The man walks into the house. The interior was like every other classic Pagoda house, with a myriad of rooms and a wide space in the center. This man walks into a room and closes the door behind him. He emerges again rather soon holding in his hands a sheathed long sword. When he unsheathes it, it is revealed to have a glowing Maroon blade

"I hope this serves you well"

He bows and presents it to Lorcán who receives the blade in his left hand and he thank the man

"Thank you. That will be all for now." Lorcán walks a few steps forward

"The next time you see me will be returning the sword filled with the power of the Dark Elf. " He declared.

A portal opens before him and as he walks through it, he emerges in the torn down kingdom of Chimera. Looking around, he had a little idea of how strong his opponent will be. Gulping a bit, he straps his sword on his back and yells, allowing his voice to travel over at least a kilometer


A chill moves through the air, a chill which bears the sensation of death's sting. The entire kingdom was a pile of ash and rubble, and sitting at the epicenter of it all, regarding it like an artist who was proud of his work, was Vishous, the dark elf.

As he admires his creation, he senses a being entering the kingdom, and before long, a voice resonates through the atmosphere Calling his name*

"Oh? Is that a challenge I hear? Let's go see who that is. " He spoke to himself.

As he finishes his Statement, a bolt of lightning hits him and less than a second later when it disappears, he was gone. Almost simultaneously, another bolt strikes a point 50m behind Lorcán, when this one dissipates, Vishous is seen, exuding an Aura laden with pure murderous intent

"You called lad?" Vishous was grinning ear to ear.

Lorcán turns around and smiles. From where he stood, he could feel the power of the foe

"Oh, you came. Good, saves me the stress of looking for you. I'm going to skip the formalities and tell u exactly what I want. I am a bouñty hunter and a certain group has offered a really attractive pay if I bring you down so... "

Lorcán begins to manifest his aura and let's sound out on the spiritual plane flow into his ears. He has mastered various technique during the cause of his training. "I'm about to execute my duties with my usual finesse and dexterity"

Before Lorcán finishes his statement, an iron senbon forms in his right hand and he throws it at sonic speed toward the bridge of the foe's nose. The speed gave it the force it needed to tear right through and lodge itself inside his brain matter

From where vishous stood, he could feel the needle ride the air and tear through it, making a beeline for his face. The speed at which it moved would however become insignificant as he ducks within a fraction of a second, sparks of electricity flying from his body at the slightest muscle tension and bursts forward, catching up to the foe almost instantaneously. His speed would not allow him manipulate any other form of magic at the moment aside from lightning so he simply tries to ram his head into the lad's gut with enough force to cause his intestines to bounce around in his abdomen and force him to be knocked off his feet.

Lorcán could perceive the thoughts of the foe with a technique he called sound of the mind, but due to said foe's speed, there wasn't much time to act so he decides that instead of attempting to block or tank the attack, the best strategy would be to evade.

Before the opponent could make contact with his torso, he leaps into the air at Sonic speed, leaving a crater on the ground beneath him. In the air he stretches his two hands far apart and pink auras begin to form about them. Quickly, these auras begin to take slightly physical form, as two balls of energy in his hands.

"Sound magic... "

Lorcán brings the hands together before him forming an even larger ball and faces them downward, by now he was plunging into the ground.

"Sonic boom! "

The ball turns into a metre thick beam which Travels Supersonic toward the foe, capable of tearing through even a wall of diamond. As he launches the beam, it also launches him higher into the air. The epic battle had just begun. A human and a dark elf who could talk down deity it was a matter of salvation of the earth. The fate of humanity riding on humans themselves, on their warriors coming out untop.