

Sebastian Yates son of Alexander Yates, ruler of the states. An epitome of good looks but an embodiment of vices. His family resides in the statehouse but his habitations are clubs and every place associated with evil. As punishment for reformation, he is abandoned and left to survive in a very scary and dangerous place. Alongside Domain his secret assigned guard, they have to survive in that horrible place. A valley of nothing but bones. A place where survival is for the fittest. Alexander anticipated nothing but a total change of character from his son little did he know. Everything was a trap. A trap to get rid of the only heir to the presidential seat to give a chance for a democratic government. Will Sebastian survive life outside the statehouse?

Invincible_Warrior · Hiện thực
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82 Chs


Sentron looked at the peacefully sleeping woman on the couch. He quietly walked to the balcony and dialed Sebastian's number.

"I have good news for you, Mr Yates. I would very much prefer if it were a surprise." He said the back of his lips curved.

"As you wish." He answered and immediately disconnected from the call going through the documents concerning an oil industry linked between the two countries.

All through his stay in Morocco, Sebastian had to be cautious about his mode of dressing, and how he carried himself around the Ministers and all high-ranked officials.

The culture in Morocco was nothing to be taken lightly and since he was in Morocco,  he ought to carry himself well.

In a huge room was a huge table where all business shareholders linked to the oil factory sat their eyes glued to one man. Sebastian Yates, his chair supreme and outstanding as he silently went through the documents placed before him.