

Alex a normal average teen who had a Normal life until she discovers her true identity...she's a cross breed,a vampire, werewolf,demon and a witch.... How does she take this new change,new life.....how does she take this new world she now belonged to,a world she only read in books....now her reality..... Read on to find out! ...... exclusive content

Sophie_Davies_ · Thanh xuân
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10 Chs


"kid who did this to you?...do you remember what your attacker looked like?"....one of the nurses kept on asking the badly beaten Jason.

"You said he was going to kill you...you do have anyone you think is out to get you?"....who you think did...

"Oh just stop already will you!, can't you see he's badly injured and still in shock?"...a male nurse said shouted at her.

"Well at least am trying to do my job here unlike you who sits her and snacks like a pig!"...the female nurse shouted back.

"What .....what did you just call me?"...the male nurse said standing up.

"Yeah you heard me....a pig, what you wanna hit me...try it!"...she yelled.

"Hey you better watch your...

"Hey! stop it, both of you!"...

"Mateo don't try to hit a lady"...

"But she...

"No excuses and please drop the snacks... we are in the middle of a crises for pete's sake!"....

"Am sorry Dr. Jake"....Mateo said apologetically.

"Damn i asked for a medical team and this is what i get"...Dr Jake said as he walked to his seat.

"Sir I personally think questioning this patient would help more in our research cause I actually think that....

"Oh God damnit Agnes! please could you stop acting like a cop and act more of a nurse!...Dr Jake shouted with irritation which made Agnes tremble...but just little, but it made everyone else stare.

"Jeez what are you now...a scientist?..... Talking about research"....Dr Jake said with a stressed tone this time around.

"Please just go and attend to his wounds or something"...

"But sir you told me to leave when I said the wounds won't seal"... Agnes replied.

"So does that mean you'll leave a patient unattended too huh!"...Dr Jake shouted.

"Am sorry sir,but I've tried to stitch them but it opens up again...am afraid i've never seen anything like this before sir.... that was why I talked about a research to find out why the...

"Agnes ... please am stressed out,tired,my head is full....don't start with this research thing ok?...your job is to attend to the patient not investigate... you're a nurse not a detective....ok?,so please just stop this.

"Ok sir".. Agnes said as she sighed and walked up to Jason who just laid there numb.

Jason turned to Agnes who was beside him trying to clean his wounds which as strange as it sounds looked like claw cuts.

"He told ...he told me..."Jason struggled with his words.

"He who?...he told you what!"...Agnes immediately questioned him as soon as she saw he was finally going to give her some information.

Just then Dr Jake came out from nowhere and injected Jason on his arm...

"Don't make me do your job"

Agnes couldn't outer a word to him as he was her superior...but how she hated what he just did,she wondered why he had to come on the road with them...

   Dr Jake went to his seat and rested his head in his palm and shut his eyes.


    Everyone just stared at him.

Few boring and awfully quiet minutes later.....

     "We are at the hospital sir"....the driver reported.

       "Everyone get down!.... Agnes check the patient in the ER...


"Sir!".... Mateo responded with all respect.


      "You assist her with the stretcher and get Dr Racheal to attend to him"...Dr Jake said with his eyes still closed and his head still rested on his palms.

    "Ok sir!"....Mateo replied.

     "Won't you be joining us sir?....you are the best we've got and this case looks pretty serious"...Agnes said


        "I'll be there in a minute, just need to get my mind ready"...Dr Jake said with closed eyes.

       "Oh ok sir"....Agnes said.

  "C'mon Mateo!....open the doors!"

           And just then they left

"It's just another surgery Jake...no need to panic, just take your pills.... it's just another surgery"....Dr Jake said as he finally opened his eyes and signed heavily.

      "Make way!make way!.... coming through!"....Agnes said as she pushed the stretcher.

    "Why do these patients only seem much when we have an emergency.....OUT THE WAY MISS!!".... Mateo said as he shouted at one of the patients.

       "You're just under pressure,save the energy till we get to the ER....I have a feeling this surgery is gonna be the strangest in a long time"...Agnes said as Mateo just looked at her as they kept pushing the stretcher.

     "We're here!...Go get Dr Racheal ready!"....Agnes said to Mateo.

     "BRB"....Mateo said

  "What in God's name is that supposed to mean?"...Agnes shouted at Mateo.

     "BRB....Be right back?.... that's what the kids are saying these days"....Mateo smiled at Agnes.

     "Jesus' Christ Mateo!.... just get Dr Racheal!!"....Agnes said as she yelled.

      "Oh yh right!"..... Mateo then took off.

     Just then some other nurses helped Agnes get the patient in the ER.


       Mateo hurriedly opened the door as he was in a hurry to get Dr Racheal's attention.

     "Doc we need you in the ER... NOW!....it's a big one ma!".... Mateo said painting heavily.

    Sitting on her chair with her laptop was an elegant, strict and a very unlikeable young woman...Dr Racheal. Her looks could say she was in her early 30's or so.

        "How would you like to be punished"...Dr Racheal said as she focused on her laptop,not taking a second to look at poor Mateo.

      "M..... Ma?"... Confused Mateo stuttered.

     "You know how much I hate to repeat myself.....so should I make you a cleaner, perhaps fire you or maybe...strip you off your licence?"she said finally looking Mateo in the eye.

         "Hahaha".....Mateo laughed nervously.

        "Oh am not joking"...Dr Racheal said with her hands on her jaw.

      "Oh am sorry ma.....I just don't know my offence"... Mateo replied as he suddenly remembered Dr Racheal's wasn't the kind to make jokes,she would rather make threats and this sure feels like one.

         Dr Racheal immediately hit her table with both her hands as she got up looking at Mateo in the eye which sent shivers to his spine.

          "You barged into my office and started ordering me around and you dare say you don't know your offence!"....Dr Racheal said as she grinned her teeth in anger.

      Mateo immediately took his brain to about 5 minutes ago raising his voice... though it was cause it was a situation of panic but he didn't think Doc Racheal saw it that way.

    "Oh...Doc,am really sorry...so sorry, just that we have a patient waiting in the ER and he's lost Alot if blood already and I was just trying.....

     "You know I could get you arrested for this right?"...Doc Racheal cut him off as she headed to her coffee jug at the other side of the office.

       "You could probably get 3,5 years..... minimum"...She said as she stirred the coffee and had a sip from the cup.

     What the!... what in God's name is going on with this woman!.....was the only thought going through Mateo's mind right now.

        "What?....ermm with all due respect ma'am,I don't think I did anything wrong...as a matter of fact,my actions were only in sync with the situation on ground...you can't possibly get me arrested for doing my job"...Mateo defended

      "Well Mr Smarty-pants your contact says if you make me comfortable in any goddamn way whatsoever and if don't follow my rules you have to pay.... just a thousand USD dollars,and if you fail to compensate....you go to jail, check it... second drawer,6th file".... she said with a cunning smile..

      Mateo remembered how he hurriedly signed the contract the first day he was told he got the job,I mean the pay was good and it had all the perks,who would think twice even more crazy who would reject such offer!

          But that wasn't what he   should b thinking about right now,a patient's life is at sake here.

         "Am sorry ma'am but a patient is gonna die if you don't come in...

        "Five years in jail it is then.. I'll be there in 5 minutes"she said as she waved her hand to tell him to go.

       Meanwhile Agnes was getting impatient as the patient was already gaining back his consciousness so she came to Dr Racheal's office to see what was keeping Mateo and Dr Mateo waiting.

      Just then she knocked and immediately she was told to come in she did.


      "Sorry to disturb you doc but we need you in the ER, there's a patient badly injured"...Agnes said as she gave Mateo a look to show how mad she is.

       "Yh yh I've been told, I'll be there in 5"...Doc Racheal said as she went throw my files on her table.

        "Ma his wounds won't seal even after I stitch them....it opens all over again!"... Agnes said trying to make her understand the gravity of the situation.

    "What!"....Doc said as she immediately stopped what she was doing and looked at Agnes with a hardened look.

     "Yes doc and Dr Jake told us to call you immediately to attend to him"....Agnes added.

        "Couldn't you have just led with that!"....she yelled as she fiercely looked Mateo.

     "Huh... but I was trying to.....you were just..."Mateo stuttered.

       "Oh just shut it!"....Doc Racheal yelled.

      "You lady nurse, let's go"...She said to Agnes as she quickly arranged her desk.

      Agnes went with Dr Racheal to the ER,while Mateo just didn't understand what just happened.


      Agnes opened the door for Doc Racheal while Mateo walked from behind.

       All the assistant nurses were already inside trying to stop the blood from gushing out from the patient's injured stomach....from Jason's stomach, immediately the nurses saw Dr Rachel come in they bowed.

     Jason was still weak and very much in shock,the sedation they gave him earlier had worn off,now he started screaming.

     "please don't hurt me .... I'll stay away!... please!"....he screamed as he started sobbing.

        "Status..."Dr Racheal said as she quickly washed her hands with soap and water.

     "He's been bleeding for a while now and his wounds look bad am afraid,if he loses more blood,he won't be able to hang on much longer"....one of the asst nurses Grace said.

     "I see..."Dr Racheal said as she dried her hands.


And just then a nurse handed her a glove.

    "Sedate him"....She said as she put on the gloves.

     Just then Dr Jake came in.

"Sorry am late"....

    "Right on time,we are about getting started"...Dr Racheal said with a smile.

     And of cause Dr Jake had a questioning look on his face as he heard they were just about to start.

     "Don't even ask"....Dr Racheal said as she raised her hand at him.

     "Won't even....so what do we have here....sedate him"...

    "He's currently on sedation"....Dr Racheal said as she focused on her patient.

    "Scalpel"....she ordered.

" Nice..."Dr Jake said as he prepared himself for the surgery.

      "Gloves"....he asked

"Prepare the suture and the stature needle"Dr Racheal said as she cut the would wide open with the scalpel.

      "Jake I think it's time you come in"...she said as she dropped the scalpel on the tray.

      Just then Dr Jake nodded as he understood what she meant.

     "You three go get the suture in the storage"...Dr Jake ordered.

     "The three of us?"...Agnes asked confused.

    "Yh the three of you,the storage is a bit unorganized right now,it's gonna be hard to find the suture...so the more eyes the better.....now hurry!"....Dr Jake Said almost raising his voice

     Just then the three left.

  Dr Racheal just as she smiled

      "And they said I was the one with the tone"

     "Not now Rachel...now please allow me focus"Dr Jake said trying to get ready for whatever he was about to do next.

     "But honestly I really don't why you need me here.... you're the one with the.....

      "Enough Racheal!.....he yelled

"Please..... let's just get this over with"... he said calmer this time.

    "Sigh....okay fine,do your thing"Dr Racheal said as she rolled her eyes.

     "Thank you" ...Dr Jake said as he took a deep breath.

     Just then Dr Jake placed his two hands on Jason's stomach like he was about to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) but difference was it was on his stomach not his chest.

     And just as he was about to start....

      "Jake wait!"....Dr Racheal immediately said.

     "Oh God!.... Racheal what is it now!"....Dr Jake said in uttermost frustration.

     "Look before you start yelling at me stupid!"....Dr Racheal yelled back.

     "There's a claw in him....what do you think that means huh!"....Dr Racheal said

     And just then Dr Jake looked and saw it.

    "It means our guy has a broken claw".....Dr Jake said

     "God damnit!,look we don't have time, just fix him already, let's get this done quick ok?....Dr Racheal said as she started pacing around.

      Just then Dr Jake took it out and closed his eyes as he placed his hands on them again like he did earlier....and just then his hands began to glow and Jason's wounds started to heal and it sealed like there was never a scratch there to begin with.

   "Good job Jake....you can open your eyes now"....Dr Racheal said as she patted his back.

     And just as he did,he lost balance and almost fell.

     "You good?"....she asked as she caught him before he fell.

      " Yeah.....am good"...Dr Jake said as gained a lil stamina enough to stand back up.

  Just then the three nurses cane back in with the suture in Agnes's hands.

      "Go sit over there I'll handle things"...she said as she cut Jason's stomach open again... just to avoid questions about how he healed completely.

       "We found it doc!....and the storage was really unorganized like you said"....Agnes said to Dr Jake as she shook her head....but she noticed he seemed rather unwell.

     "Good fix it in the suture needle"....Dr Racheal said as she acted natural like nothing happened.

       "You contract breacher,get me the forceps"....

    "Other one I don't know get me the Cotton wools and the surgical glue"...she said to Grace

    "Ermmm doc are you okay?".... Agnes said to Dr Jake who was looking pale from the chair he sat.

     Dr Racheal then looked at Dr Jake then at Agnes...

      "He's fine....now do what I asked you to do"....she said in a rather commanding tone.

     "But I don't think he's fine...he looks...

    "Lady nurse!!.....do not piss me off"....Dr Racheal said as she took a deep breath.

     Just then Grace gave her the gotten wool and surgical glue she asked for.

     "Hold on I still need the forceps"....Dr Racheal said with a straight face.

     Agnes just looked at her then Dr Jake then at her again...

     "Sure whatever you say Ma'am"....Agnes replied as she went to get the suture needle from the tray.


      "Now that's better....and please tell contract breacher over there to get me the forceps I asked for like 10 years ago!"....she yelled....but none of them knew she was acting up cause she was worried about Dr Jake,she wanted to get everything done and attend to him.

     Agnes just looked at her confusedly as she went up to Mateo.

   "Hey hey the forceps...and what's with this contract whatever stuff she keeps calling you"...Agnes said

      "Isn't it that crazy doctor,she said she.....

      "Don't make me repeat myself!"...Dr Racheal said as she was getting impatient.

   "Ermm...sorry doc but which one exactly"....Mateo said as if he was expecting a lash after what he just said.

     "Oh for peat's sake!.... stop getting on my nerves!" Dr Racheal was already losing it.

     "Racheal.....calm down,Mateo get her the forceps,"....Dr Jake said trying to sound as firm as he could,but his weakness gave him away,he wasn't that strong yet.

     "Am trying to sir...but there are over 600 types of forceps.....she could be more specific"....Mateo said as he was freaking out,cause getting on the wrong side of Dr Racheal was everyone's nightmare.

     "Wow nice to see you passed your theory exams in med school....but did you take the practical huh!

     "Here you go doc"....Grace said as she handed them over to Doc Racheal.

      "Finally someone with brains"....she said as she took it from her ignoring the rest.

     " I wonder who employed that jerkface!"....Dr Racheal said

    "Ermm...you did Ma'am"....Agnes said trying not to smile.

    "WOW... thanks for reminding I was the idiot who gave him a job"....Dr Racheal said sarcastically

    "Racheal! Everyone!....this is an emergency room and right now there is an emergency,now act like professionals that I trust you are!"....Dr Jake yelled as she groaned in pain.

     "Jake ....you shouldn't be stressing yourself really right now, you're still...

     "Then don't stress me Racheal!... just do your job and get this over with for heaven's sake"....Dr Jake said Interrupting her.

      Dr Racheal hated being yelled at in front of everyone....she just stared at everyone in the room then back at Jake.

    "Fine"....She said with arrogance clearly heard in her tone.

      "Let's get this done" she said to the rest nurses as she proceeded with the surgery.

     She cleaned the wounds, glued the cuts and kept her eyes fixed on the patient.

     "Suture"....she ordered.

  Then she sew the cuts and bandaged him stomach...and finally she was done.

      "Clean up"....she said as she took off her gloves and went up to Jake.

    "Good Job Racheal"....Dr Jake said with a feign smile.

    But Dr Racheal just kept a straight face at him.

     "You know just cause you're pain, I'll let this one slide"....Dr Racheal said as she then lifted him up.

    "Just cause of a lil shout ayy"..he smiled again with his pale face.

    "Oh please just hush,and stop smiling.....you look like the joker"...she said annoyingly as she finally lifted him up.

    " Rach....your.....your.... Your jacket.... it's.....it's covered in..."Jake stuttered in shock as he began to lose control of himself.

    "Huh what?.....oh jeez!....Jake am sorry,am really sorry!"... Racheal apologized, immediately she realized she had some blood on her doctor's coat.

     "Aren't you on your pills today!"she whispered

     "I ..... they.....they wore off.... Racheal get me out of here ...."Dr Jake groaned in pain as he clutched his trousers.

      "Fine fine, just one sec"...she said as finally lifted him up.

    Agnes was observing the both of them,she couldn't quite hear the words but she knew from the looks of it Dr Jake wasn't doing too well,and she couldn't help but find out what was wrong.

     "Ma'am is everything okay?"...Agnes asked doc Racheal who clearly had her hands full.

   "Ugh!...call me ma'am one more time and I'll slit your mother fucking throat!"....she yelled

     "And yh everything is fine"...she said with a forced smile which only creeped Agnes out.

        Agnes just looked away and didn't bother to try to understand cause she knew doctor Racheal was a psycho...at least that's what  all the nurses and call her.

     " C'mon try to cover your eyes jake"....Dr Racheal said to Jake who was very much unstable.

        Agnes couldn't help but keep wondering what happened to Dr Jake,and why wasn't Dr Racheal saying anything,she was curious but also a little worried,so she went up to Dr Racheal again.

       "You sure you don't need help,I mean....he seems to be in a terrible state.. what exactly happened to him?"...Agnes questioned without restraint.

      "God damnit!.... Lady nurse you sure are making me feel very uncomfortable....do you want to go to jail!"...Dr Racheal shouted at her.

     "What the..."Agnes said.

"Oh trust me you don't want to go there"....Mateo said holding Agnes back.

      " Let's just clean up"....

Dr Racheal carried Dr Jake to his office while the nurses just kept on staring as they left in questions in their eyes.

"Well you did say this surgery was gonna be strange".... Mateo said as he watched the two doctors leave.

"I sure did didn't I"....Agnes said as she too watched Dr Racheal carry pale looking Dr Jake.

Racheal took Jake to his office and sat him down on his chair...she rushed to lock the door as she rushed to his safe, unlocked it and got out two bags of.... BLOOD! and gave it to Jake as he drank the two bags in haste before he got himself back.

"Now you see why I need you"...Jake said with a weak smile as he hadn't gotten to his full agile self,not yet.

"And I really don't know why you still work as a doctor.....you and your job sure is ironic" ...she said as she sighed while Jake just laughs softly.

"And hey... About that patient..."

"It's him,he's at it again"....Jake said as his look hardened.

"Oh boy I thought as much....so what do we do now,we have to act fast".... Racheal said.

"We need to catch him and get him to talk".... Racheal added.

"I guess it's time we meet our old friend"...Jake said as he looked at Racheal with furry eyes.











Sorry for the delay guys.... being going through Alot,but am embracing it now so I'll try to be more frequent.

And am sorry if they may be any errors

Sophie_Davies_creators' thoughts