

When love is the only way to save yourself but you don't want to be saved by love.

AnonymousAnonymous · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

CHAPTER 1:; Supreme Alpha

A man whom looked like he was in his late 20's was standing been surrounded by 10 wolves in a densed forest.He didn't look bothered about it neither did he feel any danger signs, he was calmly standing waiting for the first to attack.

The first wolf lounged at him with it's sharp claws and in one swift move the man punched it at the neck sending the wolf flying, the moment the wolf landed on the floor it transformed into a man groaning in pains. The other wolves attacked fiercely and brutally but few moments later they were all in the same position as the first wolf, they were all in severe pains while the man was still standing with not even a single bruise on him.

He sighed. "Get some rest, we continue tomorrow" he said to them and he was gone, vanished into thin air like he was never there.

He appeared in a vast room, with exquisite designs and arrangements. He walked to the king sized bed and sat down.

"what?" he questioned

A man whom looked the same age as him appeared, "Su.. preme Al.. Alpha" he stamarred with his eyes locked on his feet not daring to look at the man he just referred to as Supreme Alpha.

"Go on" the alpha replied.

"we.. we.. lost the.. the.. battle to the outsiders, and ... and they are fast approaching the palace." the man said as he shivered in fear.

"How many survived?" the alpha asked

"None but me"

The alpha sighed. "call me Caleb and Karl, ask them to meet me at the boarders and you come along with them"the supreme alpha said

"yes supreme alpha" the man replied and was gone.

INTRO;; Xavier, the supreme alpha of werewolves, ruthless and shows no mercy, has the ability to destroy a life in the most cruel way possible.Xavier, rules over ten divisions of werewolves which all including their alphas submit to him.

Caleb, the supreme gamma( second in command to the supreme alpha)

Karl, the supreme Beta( third in command to the supreme alpha)


Xavier stood at the boundaries looking into distance. He could see the outsiders ( werewolves whom rebelled against his rule and were ready to do anything to bring him down), they were charging towards the boundaries with full speed.

Karl, Caleb and Rite (the one whom brought the information) all appeared behind him.

"Rite go on" Xavier said pointing to the direction of the approaching war.

"Supreme alpha, please be considerate, I can't battle with them all, I won't make it out alive" Rite pleaded while staring at the rising dust that is coming closer. There is no doubt that there is more than three hundred of them charging towards them.

Xavier smirked. "I'm considerate enough not to have killed you myself the moment you came back a failure. you're one of my best so I'm not asking you to go fight them.." Xavier paused

"I want you to race to their middle and come back, no matter what happens do not attack any of them"Xavier completed.

Rite knew with that look of amusement in Xavier's eyes, there was no going back.

What was he even expecting?


Rite sighed and transformed into a big brown werewolf and without further ado, he raced towards the coming war.

All this while Caleb and Karl were quiet just passing knowing glances at each other. But of course Caleb couldn't hold his curiosity, as usual.

"Are you really letting him die in there?"Caleb asked.

"why in a rush?, enjoy the show.If he doesn't make it back alive then he was never worth keeping anyways"Xavier replied watching as Rite disappeared into the coming war.

Rite raced into the midst of the outsiders grabbing their attention, he could hear the vicious growls of the werewolves he was surrounded and there was no possible way he was making it out of here without attacking but is that the best thing to do?

If he attacks and makes it out of here, he would be killed in a worst way for disobedience

And if he doesn't, he is likely to die in here. He didn't have time to think when the outsiders lounged at him ready to tear him piece by piece, he dodged the first set as he climbed on trees trying to get out of there but that won't be easy because the outsiders Joined him on the trees not taking it easy on him, they bite on his Left hind leg, his neck, ad they kept attacking him on vital places wanting to give him a slow painful death. Rite wasn't giving up, he kept struggling to get back to the boarders and luckily he saw a loop hole in their midst and he slipped out and ran with every last energy he could gather ignoring the pains he felt all over his body, his healing ability as a werewolf couldn't help him because he was brutally wounded and it would take days and rest to heal.

Rite began to feel dizzy and could no longer see properly because one of his eyes was scratched already but he could see the body figures of the the supreme alpha, beta and gamma. He can only get help if he makes it back to the boarders, he kept running but only few steps away from the boarder he collapsed, his body couldn't take it anymore and he transformed back to a human. The outsiders were close enough and so was the body but he couldn't move a bone.

"Supreme alpha, help....." those where his last words as his eyes closed.