
Chapter 356: Four Seas Trading Alliance, Ten Thousand Zhang Merchant Ship_2

Dịch giả: 549690339

With a strike of his palm, the wind from his hand shattered heaven and earth.

An intense collision occurred between the two, with the leader of the men in black engulfed in radiant purple light, while Lu Yun was enveloped in a blood-red mist.

After the initial clash, neither side retreated; instead, they engaged in fierce combat.

Two figures, one in purple light and the other in a blood glow, could be seen fighting relentlessly within the forest.

The blade aura was peerless, and the palm wind was overwhelming.

At the same time, the remaining six men in black clashed fiercely with Yuan Yao and Chang Xiaorui.

Although the men in black were of high realm, their cultivation techniques and divine abilities were mediocre at best, making their combat power as ordinary as it can get, unable to compare with disciples of the same level from a sect.