
Unsealing Emptiness

He was not a human since no human is aware of himself even before his birth. He has no blood and no heart, but emotions? He does have feelings, but can he express them? Why was he called a Devil's Spawn at his birth? Why did they cut away his arms and a leg? Why did no one ever visit him for years? And why does this emptiness... feels so... just so familiar? Why does the Void feel so... full? Who is he? Or rather... What is he? Countless questions—all left unanswered. This is Ozul Ashfall's Adventure to comprehend his own existence. ______________________________________ Disclaimer: I do not own this cover, and if you are the owner and want me to take it down, please contact me on the discord server: discord.gg/RVBHh4rTJJ

Bird_0f_Hermes · Huyền huyễn
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469 Chs


Haley had drawn a copy of the pattern that Ozul had shown before, and as he made his way towards the Ashin family's manor, they began to generate as many copies as they could under strict supervision from Raven and Blaze.

As Ozul had ordered, he didn't want any alterations  in the pattern while copying, so even with hundreds of people at work, it took them a while to get enough copies.

The main problem was that not every member of the Three-Eyed Strangers had taken strict secrecy oaths. Some of the oaths for outer members had a few loopholes, and as such these people couldn't be trusted with the task, as per Ozul's order.

As a result, the number of people who could be assigned to this 'simple' task was significantly reduced.