
Entering The Ruin

Taking a step forward to take a closer look at the statue, Jason noticed that the Triplett was looking at him in a kind of way.

"Have you not seen an awesome guy before or what" asked Jason as he turned to face them. 

The word that he just spoke really get them angry and the eldest was just about to match forward to teaching him a lesson only for his brothers to hold him back before whispering something to his ears and that is when he stops but the smile on his face when he looked at Jason shows that the Triplett are up to something.

"I guess I will have to stay far away from these brothers" murmur Jason as he quickly left the area where the Triplett are.

Setting in a place Jason begin to observe the statue in search of any hint that could get the guardian to come out but he couldn't find any. Looking at the others who have a conflicted look on their face as they were complaining about how to get the guardian to come out.