"... Huh?"
I stood up and look around my surroundings. All I see are the bamboos, and the pond surrounding me. I look below and see that I was sitting on a large flat rock that is conveniently big enough to fit my body.
Wait... where is this?
I don't remember. Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing here?
Let's see... what's this?
The only thing I can remember are weird things like cultivating, techniques, and a lot of other things. I wonder why is it?
I turned my gaze on my front and decided to leave this place.
Walking on water is simple. I just have to use the Water Walking Technique and I can easily traverse this pond.
After reaching the each of the pond, I walk on the dirt path connecting this pond to somewhere.
I wonder why I am here?
As I leave the bamboo forest, I find myself looking in front of a large stone wall. The wall easily reaches 50 meters it seems. The construction methods used is... primitive at best.
... Wait, how did I know that?
As I pondered about that, I heard someone calling out.
"Hey you! What are you doing here!?"
Turning, I see a guy clad in some elaborate armor. It have the symbol of a three petaled lotus.
Let's see. How should I greet him? Right, let's start asking him normally!
"Hello. Can I ask what is this place?"
He looks at me with a raised eyebrow.
"We're at the White Petal City. Are you a traveler?"
"I think so...?"
He is squinting his eyes at me after I say that.
"What is your name?"
Let's be honest with him.
"Actually. I don't remember anything about myself. I just found myself on the pond in that bamboo forest." I pointed at the way I came to.
"You don't remember?" His eyes seems to be inspecting me.
He stares at me for awhile and seems to be thinking about something.
"Okay." He nodded after saying that. "I'll let you in on the city. You can't just stand there in front of the wall, you'll look suspicious!"
"Thank you...?"
I am still confused what is so special in this place.
After leading me to a large gate, I saw some other guys who are wearing armor just like him. They look at him and he just told them to let me pass. He says something about paying for me, though I can't understand what he is talking about.
As I entered, he throws something in me which I immediately catch. Looking at it, I see that it was a pouch filled with something.
"Take that. I'm sure you'll need it." The guy told me with a dismissive wave.
Looking inside the pouch, I see that it was filled with circular metals. Hmm... what is this?
"Hey. Don't you know about coins!?" Seeing me shaking my head, he gave a tired sigh. "Ugh... I can't just let you clueless. That'll haunt my consciousness!" He walks forward.
Then he explained to me about the importance of money and what these coins can do. It seems like I can use this to trade for a lot of things, like food or clothes.
"You look like a noble so be careful out there. A lot of hooligans might find you an easy prey. I can't leave my post so you are on your own now!"
Well. I really don't want to stay here all day. I nodded at his words before moving to the streets.
Hooligans? They sound so dangerous! I wonder what kind of people are they?
Day turned into night. I am still walking around the streets without any aim. I don't really have any destination.
I might have taken a stroll all over the city. I have seen different types of buildings that people called as houses, pavilions, taverns, and a lot of things. The people here are not that approachable.
Talking to some of them led me to being yelled at, something about disturbing their business. Others just outright ignored me.
They are so rude. Why are they being mean to me?
As I take a turn on the corner, I saw a boxed with wheels and an animal tied with it passing through the streets. I have seen some of running around on the day, so I am not that interested anymore.
I am just going to walk when that carriage stops near me. The window of the carriage opens, letting me see a fair looking man within it. He is looking at me with a cold face before raising his hand.
"This one will do."
After that, the guy manning this box with wheels comes down and stops besides me.
"Young girl. You have been blessed. The Chu Young Master has deemed you worthy to serve his side!" He grabs my hand. "Come with us!"
I don't know what they are talking about, but I don't have any destination in mind so I just let him led me inside this box.
I entered the box and look at the interior. It seems like he is not the only one there because I can also see two girls on the opposite side sitting together.
I would have sit besides him, seeing that there is a lot of space in his seat, but the guy who led me here pushes me to the girls' side. It is a bit narrow, but I think I'll manage.
The guy looks at the fair looking guy, bows to him, before closing the door to this box. Then I feel this box moving.
The fair looking guy is just staring at us coldly. His face aloof and seems to be uninterested in anything else. The two girls besides me seems to be trembling, though they also look like they are holding themselves.
I wonder what do they want for me?
Growing curious, I decided to ask him.
"So. What is this? Where are we going?"
The girls snapped their head to my side with their eyes widening while the fair looking man just glances at me.
I waited for him to respond, but it seems like he is not going to answer me.
Well, I think that's fine. I can just wait. It's not like I am in a hurry or something.
Yes. She really didn't know what she is doing, and have no awareness to danger.
She is an amnesiac who only have knowledge about techniques and cultivation.
See you next time!~