
Unnamed Calamity (Solo Leveling Fanfic)

"Why am I being reincarnated in this world?!" He dies in the present day and reincarnates into a world of hunters. As a reincarnated person, he knows fact he's living in a Solo Leveling world. Determined to make a difference, Baek Seo as his new identį̷̯̕t̶͈̀̿̒̾̑̔̚y̴̧̝̚͝.̵̼̥̦̻̆̓.̵̟̜̘̘̲̺̾͋̀̈́͝.̴̢̨̡̭͈̰̹͓͉̪̄͌̒̆̈͋̅̕͝ [Error] [The Unnamed's Monarch is watching] [The Unnamed's Monarch is smiling] =-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== (HKnote: Not my first time writing a novel but pardon my English since I am not always consistent. Regular update Maybe? Harem? No. Romance, yes. Just don't expect our MC to follow Sung Jin Woo even though he's a "good guy". Maybe he'll fight him, who knows?)

HinataKen · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
8 Chs

Chapter 5: Improvise

As Baek retreated while dodging the arrows and leading the skeletons away from the archer. As they closed in on him, he suddenly stopped and spun around. With his lightning-fast reflexes, he summoned a bolt of lightning and hurled it at the nearest skeleton.

The knights stumbled back, momentarily stunned by the blast. Baek used the opening to charge forward and swung his axe with all his might, shattering the skeleton into a pile of bones.

The other skeletons quickly regained their composure and resumed their attack. He swung his axe in a wide arc, taking out another skeleton. The final knight charged at him, but Baek was ready. With a quick sidestep, he dodged the attack and delivered a powerful blow with his axe, finishing off the last enemy.

"I am lucky that I quickly grabbed the axe they threw otherwise, I don't think I could have finished them easily," Baek thought to himself as he held onto the weapon tightly.

Just as Baek thought he had gained the upper hand, he heard the sound of an arrow being released. He turned to see the skeleton archer had reappeared and had taken aim at him. Reacting quickly, Baek conjured a protective lightning field around himself, but it was too late. The arrow found its mark and struck Baek in the shoulder.

"Damn it," he muttered, as he took cover behind a nearby tree.

Baek quickly tore a strip from his school uniform and used it to patch his wound. He could only sigh as the pain set in, "I am careless. I thought I could handle it, yet my senses failed me. I should've been more careful."

Baek took a moment to catch his breath and assess his situation. The skeleton knight lay defeated at his feet, its bones scattered around the forest floor. However, Baek knew that he couldn't let his guard down just yet. The skeleton archer was still out there, and it was only a matter of time before it made another attempt on his life.

He touched the bone near his feet and focused his mind on absorbing the souls.

[Absorbing Skeleton Knights' Souls]

Feeling a surge of energy from his [Soul Level-up], Baek's eyes begin to glow with a dark green hue as he absorbs the souls of the skeleton knights. As the souls enter his body, he feels a rush of power and strength coursing through him.

[Absorbing Completed]

[Gaining Breakthrough]

[Soul Rank: D-]

[Unlocking The Unnamed Monarch's Ability]

[Ability: Soul Sight

Description: Soul Sight is an ability that allows the user to sense the life force or spiritual essence of living creatures and see their aura. When using Soul Sight, the user's eyes will glow with a dark green hue, indicating that the ability is active.

Using this ability, the user can perceive the aura of every living creature within their vicinity, which allows them to determine their level of health, vitality, and emotional state. The aura appears as a shimmering, colored field of energy that surrounds each living being, with different colors indicating different emotional or physical states

For example, a vibrant green aura may indicate that a person is in good health and has positive emotional energy, while a dark red may indicate that someone is injured or ill. If the aura is dark black then someone is experiencing negative emotions such as fear or sadness.

The ability to see auras can also provide the user with insight into the intentions and motives of other living creatures. For example, an aura that is a bright and intense red may indicate that a person is angry or aggressive, while an aura that is a soft blue may indicate that a person is calm and peaceful]

Without wasting any time, Baek activates his Soul Sight ability, causing his eyes to glow with a dark green hue. He sprints from his hiding spot and notices a green vibrant aura with a trace of darkness, which helps him see in the darkness. Although the ability doesn't allow him to pinpoint the exact location of the Skeleton Archer, it does help him track its movements and predict its next moves.

As he runs, Baek feels his strength and speed increase, which allows him to move faster than before and easily dodge the incoming arrows. With his new-found agility, he manages to close the distance between himself and the Skeleton Archer, who seems to be caught off guard by Baek's sudden increase in speed.

Suddenly, Baek disappeared into the woods, his movements silent and swift. The archer tried to pinpoint his location as he moved from his spot, but it was no use. Baek already disappeared from the skeleton's range.

After a minute, the Skeleton Archer suddenly felt a presence behind him. He quickly turned around, but Baek was already there, his axe raised and ready to strike.

"Found you."

The skeleton archer fired an arrow, but Baek instinctively dodged it and struck the archer with a powerful blow. The archer fell to the ground, its bones shattered.

Baek took a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline slowly leaving his body. He looked around, making sure there were no other enemies lurking in the shadows.

"Ha... As expected, they are just minions," Baek muttered to himself as he observed the shattered remains of the archer. "The skeletons could only emit a vibrant green aura with a trace of darkness. Once the bones shatter, the aura disappears."

As he calmed himself down, he began to understand some of the limitations of [Soul Sight]. He realized that it could not be used effectively on undead that were under someone else's control.

Baek suddenly winces in pain as he forgets that his shoulder is still wounded. The adrenaline that had been coursing through his veins finally leaves his body, and the pain hits him all at once. He realizes that he may have swung his axe too hard in his excitement, causing further damage to his injured shoulder.

"Ugh, I need to be more careful," he mutters to himself as he starts to patch up his wound more carefully, using his school uniform to stop the bleeding.

After finishing patching his shoulder. He absorb the Skeleton Archer's soul.

[Absorbing Soul Completed]

[Special Ability Discovered]

"A new ability? Again?" He couldn't contain his smile.

[Ability: Bone Creation

Description: Using the user's mana, the user can create bone structures, such as arrows or other weapons, out of thin air. The bones he creates are strong and durable and can be used for a variety of purposes. The user can control the size and shape of the bones he creates, as well as their density and other physical properties, allowing him to create bone structures that are tailored to his needs. The ability consumes mana, and the more complex the structure he creates, the more mana it requires]

"So, the reason why the archer is a bit of special... No wonder I don't see any arrows." He deduced. He felt pretty happy about the ability, it'll be useful in defensive and offensive.

He threw away the axe.

"I can't really use the axe because of my wound. I'm a goddamn idiot for forgetting that I'm injured because of a new ability," he mutters to himself, shaking his head in frustration.

"I need to find a better weapon, one that won't strain my injury. Maybe the skeleton knight's sword is still down there," he decides, starting to make his way down the forest path to search for the weapon.

As he searched for the swords of the fallen skeleton knights, Baek noticed something strange. The skeletons that he had defeated earlier had turned into piles of ash.

"Better than seeing these creepy skeletons, I guess." He shrugged.

Baek continues on his journey, his pace slightly slower due to his injury. As he walks, he reflects on his recent battles and the new ability he had discovered.

"Soul Sight," he muttered to himself. "Definitely a useful ability, but I need to be careful when using it on undead enemies. It won't be as effective."


[Inheritor's Status

Name: Baek Seo

Soul: D(-) Rank

Job: Inheritor of Unnamed Monarch's Fragment

Race: Human

Mana Quality: C-rank Hunter.

Mana Points: C-rank Hunter.

Fragment Collected: 1/4]

"It's good that I managed to increase my mana quality and my soul rank. But..." He looked up at the dark moon, "This is a double dungeon... If the skeleton were on my level, then what would happen if I enter the double dungeon? I am not Sung Jinwoo."

he felt a sense of despair creeping up on him. If the "rulers" were enemies, he couldn't do anything about it. He is weak. He is hopeless. He is powerless.

"Can I even run away?" He shook his head. "I shouldn't overthink... All of this is just making me frustrated."

Baek suddenly hit his head against something, causing him to stumble back and rub his head in pain.

"Ouch... What was that..." Baek looked in front of him and his eyes widen, "This... the double dungeon."

It was the unmistakable entrance to the double dungeon, the massive gate standing tall in the middle of the forest.

Baek bit his lips in surprise but rather than cowering in fear. He smiled despite the fear.

[Warning! If Baek Seo entered the double gate then the system will be disabled]

"What's the point... If I didn't enter, I doubt I can get out from here alive," Baek muttered to himself, looking at the imposing gates of the double dungeon. "But I can't just give up now. I'm already being targeted, and I know I'm not strong enough to face whatever lies ahead. But my heart tells me I need to be tough and keep moving forward."

[The Unnamed Monarch revealed his reaction!]

[The Unnamed Monarch respect your decision]

Baek chuckled, "So, I've been watched, heh."

Of course, he had always felt like he had been watched since he first got the system, but he could never confirm it. Although he wanted to ask a question, he decided to hold it in and continue forward.

As he pushed the gate, it creaked open, revealing the entrance to the double dungeon. Baek took a deep breath and stepped inside.

"Here goes nothing," he muttered to himself, taking his first steps into the unknown depths of the double dungeon.

- To Be Continued.

(HKnote: Soul Sight only works on humans effectively. If it's monsters then it could only be their life force. It may work differently though to superior beings)