
Unnamed Calamity (Solo Leveling Fanfic)

"Why am I being reincarnated in this world?!" He dies in the present day and reincarnates into a world of hunters. As a reincarnated person, he knows fact he's living in a Solo Leveling world. Determined to make a difference, Baek Seo as his new identį̷̯̕t̶͈̀̿̒̾̑̔̚y̴̧̝̚͝.̵̼̥̦̻̆̓.̵̟̜̘̘̲̺̾͋̀̈́͝.̴̢̨̡̭͈̰̹͓͉̪̄͌̒̆̈͋̅̕͝ [Error] [The Unnamed's Monarch is watching] [The Unnamed's Monarch is smiling] =-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-== (HKnote: Not my first time writing a novel but pardon my English since I am not always consistent. Regular update Maybe? Harem? No. Romance, yes. Just don't expect our MC to follow Sung Jin Woo even though he's a "good guy". Maybe he'll fight him, who knows?)

HinataKen · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
8 Chs

Chapter 2: Well...

Baek walking in the street. It's after school and he is still thinking about his circumstance... Taking overthinking to another level, huh.

Baek sighed and lamented about his situation. He couldn't see the light of his circumstance.

"Should I just accept my fate?" Baek scratched his head.

Suddenly, a sound rang in his mind.

[Initiating "Dungeon"]

"What?" Baek let out a surprised voice.

A hologram appeared in front of him, a green hologram with white text. But there was a crack in the corner of the hologram, just like a broken smartphone.

Before Baek could give any thought, a portal appeared in front of him. The strong gravity around the portal pulled Baek towards it.

"DAMN IT!" He tried to hold onto something, but he was too slow and couldn't grab anything.

The portal disappeared the moment Baek fully entered it. There was no one around to witness the scene, and the higher entities didn't notice any disruption.

Meanwhile, Baek was falling from the sky. Instead of screaming, his mind went into overdrive, trying to think of how he could survive the fall.

He quickly used his backpack as a shield to lessen the damage, even though it wasn't much. He saw a lake below him and tried as much as possible to aim for the center.


Baek hit the lake, and luckily he didn't hit the bottom of the lake, but it seemed like he was deep down in the water. His head was a mess after hitting the water, and he couldn't muster any strength to swim.

"Dungeon... Am I going to die? What's with the system popup? Damn it... Even after all of that, I am still overthinking," he thought to himself.

He closed his eyes in despair.

[Initiating Awakening]

[Initiation Failed]

[Initiating Reawakening]

[Initiation Failed]

[Initiating Unnamed Monarch's Fragment]

The notification sound caused Baek to open his eyes again.

[Will Baek Seo accept this arrangement?]


Baek used all of his power to move his finger and press the [Yes] button, even though he was not sure what he was doing.

[This power is not given to you, but you are worthy to take it. Prove that your existence, which causes disruption in the universe, deserves a place in this world.]

A light emanated from Baek's body, and he felt immense strength overflowing within him. He could move easily in the water and tried to swim out of the lake.

After successfully swimming out of the lake, Baek coughed up water as he lay on the ground.

"I almost died..." He sighed in relief.

After calming himself down, he looked around at the place where he currently resided. It was a jungle, but with oddly big trees that were almost as tall as eight-story buildings.

"This... is a dungeon? I thought I'd be inside a cave, but this is something else."

[As the inheritor of Unnamed Monarch's Fragment, you have gained a Soul Level Up ability.]

"What? Soul Level Up? I have too many questions..." He scratched his head.

[Name: Soul Level Up.

Information: As you kill living beings, you can extract their souls to be absorbed. Absorbing the soul will give you a "Level-up" to become stronger. The stronger the soul you absorb, the stronger the "Level-up" will be.

Note: Soul Level Up will be stagnant after you reach a certain level, causing the ability to be erased. Please level up to discover new abilities as the inheritor of Unnamed Monarch's Fragment.]

"Level up... So, it's like collecting exp from the monsters you killed, but this is from any living beings. This is just like an ability I knew from a certain Manhwa... What is the name? Grim Reaper or Necromancer? Probably the latter," he stood up and looked up to see if the dungeon exit was there.

"I don't see any... How the hell am I supposed to get out of here? I lost my backpack while swimming, but fortunately, I still have my wallet," he sighed.

Suddenly, he heard a low growl behind him. He turned around and saw a monstrous creature approaching him, its eyes glinting in the darkness from the woods.

"Damn it... My fate is damned cursed." The creature lunged at Baek with incredible speed, but Baek was somehow faster than the monster.

He dodged the attack and with his instinct, he punched the monster in the side with all his might. His hand felt like it hit a brick wall, but the monster was visibly hurt by the blow.

"How... When I have that kind of strength and speed?" But he remember he still has to fight the monster, he shook his head and took a deep breath.

He charged forward without letting the monster have any second to stand up but he was too late as the monster quickly attack Baek with his claw. He sidesteps and moves backward as he makes it into a safe distance.

Baek knew that he couldn't let the monster have a chance to attack again. He quickly got up and charged towards the creature with his bare hands, his eyes locked on the monster's glowing eyes. The monster roared and charged back at him, claws ready to strike.

Baek jumped and did a roundhouse kick to the monster's face, causing it to stumble back. But the monster was quick to recover, and it swiped at Baek with its claws. Baek dodged the attack and landed a solid punch on the monster's side, causing it to roar in pain.

The two continued to fight, exchanging blows back and forth. Baek was quick on his feet, using his agility to dodge the monster's attacks and land his own. The monster was strong and fierce, but Baek was determined to defeat it with his bare hands.

Suddenly, the monster lunged at Baek with incredible speed, its claws aimed straight at his chest. Baek dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack. He quickly retaliated with a punch to the monster's chest, causing it to stumble back.

But the monster wasn't done yet. It let out a deafening roar and charged at Baek again, this time with even more ferocity. Baek jumped and did a backflip, avoiding the attack just in time. However, the monster managed to land a scratch on his arms as he landed.

Baek gritted his teeth and charged forward again, not giving the monster any time to recover. He punched and kicked with all his might, not letting up until the monster finally fell to the ground, defeated.

Breathing heavily, Baek stood over the monster's body, victorious. He had defeated the monster with his bare hands, a feat that few could ever accomplish. He looked around and realized that he was alone in the dark forest, but he was no longer afraid. He had faced his fears and emerged victorious.

"Haha... I won... I won! I can't believe I survived." He breathed heavily as he couldn't believe what he had done.

It felt like a long grueling fight but it ended in a few minutes. He looks at his light wounds, he is lucky that he doesn't have any serious wounds and still ended up winning.

"Should I try my new ability..." He doesn't know exactly how to absorb the soul but he put his palm on the wolf monster's head.

(HKnote: Do I forget to tell you that it's a wolf? Just imagine direwolf from Tensura, the normal one)

He closed his eyes to focus when suddenly, a notification system pop up.

[Absorbing direwolf's soul]

White energy flowed from the direwolf's head into Baek's hand. He felt a strange tingling sense but soon he felt an immense power coursing through his veins. He could feel his muscles bulging, his senses becoming more acute, and his mind becoming clearer than ever before.

[Unlocking direwolf's bloodline ability]

[Lightning Field

A spell that allows the user to generate a potent electric field that emanates from their own body. The field is created by the user's mana, which forms an electrified barrier around the user, making them dangerous to approach.

The intensity of the field can be adjusted by the user, from a mild shock that can stun an opponent to a deadly burst of lightning that can instantly electrocute and incinerate anyone nearby. The field can be manipulated and directed by the user, allowing them to move it towards a target, deflect incoming attacks or create a barrier to protect themselves or others.

However, the user must be careful when using this spell, as the field can also harm themselves or those around them if not controlled properly. Additionally, the user must be cautious of using the spell in damp or wet environments, as it may cause unpredictable and potentially dangerous electrical discharges.

Overall, Lightning Field is a powerful spell that can be both offensive and defensive in nature. It requires a skilled and disciplined user who can effectively control the field to maximize its potential and minimize the risk of harm to themselves or others.]

As Baek read the description of the Lightning Field spell, he felt a mix of excitement and fear. The idea of being able to produce an electrical field from his own body was thrilling, but he couldn't help but wonder about the potential consequences.

"What if I can't control it properly?" he thought to himself. "I could end up hurting myself or someone else."

Despite his reservations, the idea of gaining such power was too tempting to resist. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to focus his thoughts.

"I can do this," he said to himself. "I'll just have to be careful and practice until I can control it properly."

With renewed determination, Baek opened his eyes and began to visualize himself using the Lightning Field spell. He could feel the energy building up inside him, and a tingling sensation spread through his body.

Suddenly, a bright flash of light burst forth from his hands, and an electrical field crackled around him. Baek felt a surge of power and excitement, and he couldn't help but let out a whoop of triumph.

"Oh damn, this is magic!" he exclaimed, feeling the energy coursing through him. "This might be an exciting journey."

Suddenly, a group of monsters appeared on the horizon. They were sprinting toward Baek, their eyes glowing red. Baek's heart pounded as he heard the thundering sound of the approaching horde. He stood there, without a weapon and only his newly acquired spell, the Lightning Field, to defend himself.

"I take my words back..." Baek took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. "It's survival."

He readied himself for what was to come, hoping that he would survive this encounter.

-To Be Continued.

(HKnote: Inspiration of Lightning Field is from Arifureta! I just thought that the anime really make the Lightning Field spell seems useless when it's not. Can be great in many ways including offensive and defensive, I just want to be more creative with the spell. Anyway, please correct my grammar mistakes as I am still learning with the help of Google trying to find words that fit)