

Meadow watch the Male from her tree. He was tall, muscular,light tan vibrant red hair white streek in the front right side. His dark chocolate eyes fixed on her. The two locked in a stare unable to look away from the other. It was an invisible pull that the two couldn't resist. "Hello female I'm Arrow from the fox clan." Meadow's knees went weak hearing his voice. It was a smooth warm tone. Meadow blushing unable to understand what she is feeling. Why is she not turning away like she always does. 'He is the one I picked for you' A voice rang in her head. "I'm Meadow from the Tiger clan." She said shyly looking away. He smiled at her before being pinned by her father. Winston growls at the young beastmen. "Meadow go home your mother is waiting." He never used his dad tone with her unless he was worried she never questioned it.When she got on the ground Parker picked her up and ran home. Iris finish plating when they arrived. Parker gave Iris a look she nods taking Meadow in the back room.

Meadow pov

"Mom whats going on? All the male did was say hi and gave me his name." I said as my mother looks pale more so than usual. "Meadow honey what clan was he from?" She asked slowly. "He is from the fox clan." I said unaware of the tragedy that happened. "Meadow the Fox clan was wiped out fifteen years ago. you and your brothers were just born months prior to it. The Ape king did so to protect the city of beasts from on particular female. You see like me and you she has been blessed with fertility as well. She is dangerous be she killed one of your brothers. Parker has yet to forgive her for it. I still remember holding him in my arms as he passed. That female her name is Bai Qingqing your aunt. That fox must be her son and he to is dangerous until further notice. You stay away from him and any other fox you come across. I'm sorry sweetheart but it has to be this way." She said tears in her eyes. I hug her not wanting her to cry. It was to painful to watch. "Ok mom I will." I whispered as she tighten her hold on me. "Good no go get ready for lunch." she said leaving the room. I go out back to the small streem so I could wash my hands. When I get there I see Arrow he was scratch up a bit. "I had to make sure you were ok Meadow. You are the most beautiful female I have ever seen. Your beauty rivals that of my mother. Meadow something is coming and my mother wants blood. my brothers are following her. I decided to brake away because I don't agree with her. You need to get me an audience with the Ape king please. Your the only one that can." He said with pleading eyes. "I thought that was the case." I snap my head to see my mother. 'Oh this should be fun.' I thought knowing her all to well.