

Iris Woke a few hours later in pain. Winston was behind her supporting her back. Shu held her hand as Parker waited for the first cub to come. Curtis was in the room by the door. He wanted to hold her hand but knew he had to be ready to go get a doctor when instructed. He just hoped it didn't come to that. Iris was in tears yelling a slew of things that a lady should never say. Winston only chuckles saying he loves her kissing her cheek. five hours later and four cubs and one female was born. Iris looked exhausted but who could blame her she just popped out a litter. The tiger cubs looked like regular orange and black Tigers well one was white and black. Winston held the little female in his arms tears in his eyes. She has white hair like her father and green eyes like her mother. The small female has pail skin looking so fragile. She lifted her arms up her hands reaching for Winston's face. He moved closer so she could see him better. She smiled knowing she was safe in her father's arms.

Winston pov

I couldn't believe it I was holding my cub. She is beautiful just like her mother. I can't believe it I have four sons and one daughter. "Daddy promises you will never be hurt. Any male that tries has a death wish my sweet little Meadow." I said tears stream down my cheeks. "Congratulations Winston on the litter." Shu said kneeling by me looking at my daughter. "Thank you Shu but the real Congratulations should go to the mother of the litter. I know its not easy birthing children." I said looking at a very tired Iris who is nursing our sons. She looked tired but happy. After the boys got there fill she sat up more holding out her arms. "Ok her turn she needs to eat." She said I hand our daughter over and when I say she chowed down I mean it. The little girl was hungry for sure. We got the cubs fed and settled down when Rosa came in. "Aunt Iris uncle Winston" she sounds worried till she sees the cubs and has a warm expression. "Congratulations but Uncle I need to speak with you." I nod and follow her into the other room. The Ape king and my brother stood looking at me with concern. "Brother you need to know Bai has escaped. One of her Males survived and we have no idea where she went." My eyes widened apon hearing this. I growl knowing my cubs are probably in danger. "Where were the guards how did this happen?" My brother looked away with shame. "We are doing what we can to locate them. I ask you stay close to your cubs and her. I have no doubt Bai will try something." He said placing a hand on my shoulder. "She has our protection brother. Go to her and let us handle this." I nod knowing that keeping this from her is a good idea for now.