

Bai pov

I head to the Ape king's castle. I need the upper hand on Iris. I hear she is taking Shu on as a partner. At this rate she could take over the city. The Ape king sat me down so we could talk. "so you poisoned one of her cubs? Why she is your sister and after all she did for you." He seemed shocked at my Confession. "Ape king if we don't take Iris out....the number of beasts born will rise. You see my sister and I go into cycle every month unless pregnant. His eyes widened shaking. "you both have been blessed with fertility by the beast deity. She smiled apon your birth child. Your sister is playing her role doing her part. You should too Bai also you should go to her and try to move past the hate you have. She is a kind soul to have taken you and the snake. She didn't have to do that , but she did for you. Obviously the one with the problem here is you. I also must warn you kill another cub and you will die." He said before leaving the room. I growl how am I going to get rid of her now. Then it hit me the only other person that wants her dead. "I will drive you out of the city like the bitch you are." I said chucking as I left the castle.

Iris pov

I was sitting feeding the cubs when Winston came to me. "Tonight want to go somewhere private?" he asked calmly. I did promise him a litter and now that he knows I go into cycle every month. He was bound to ask *sigh* "sure sounds like a good idea. We don't want to scare the cubs." I said before sitting in his lap. "I need to go into the city. I will be back soon. Tell Parker he is on watch duty tonight." I said before standing up. "Ok why are you going into the city Iris?" He asked confused. "I am meeting with Shu. I want to give him his answer." I said before kissing him tenderly. When I pulled away he was blushing. "Ok just be careful you are in your cycle." I nod before walking out the door. It was a nice warm day. The ground was still a little cold but not to bad. I was halfway to the city when Curtis stopped me. "Have you seen Bai she left this morning and haven't seen her." He looked worried about her I feel a bit worried myself. But you also can't change the fact she killed my child. "I haven't I'm sorry. The last time I saw her is when we found out what she did. I told her she could stay till cold season was over. she left that night and haven't seen her since." I said my heart hurting all over again. "What did she do Iris?" He asked Wow she didn't tell him. "She poisoned one of my cubs. I held my cub as he died Curtis. Parker and I are hurt me more so. I never thought she would stoop so low as to harm and kill a child. She used your venom. " I said before walking away. I could tell was a shock to him. He slithered off to find her. I hope he does find her can't imagine what she is doing. I soon made it to the wolf king's castle. The guards led me to Shu. He was playing with some Pups he would make a wonderful father. "Whose puppies?" I asked having him look at me in shock. "they are my little brothers." He said plinking before wondering why I am here. "I want to speak with you if its ok." I said playing with my hair. "You have have an answer for me?" He asked hopeful. "Shu if the offer still stands will you be my male?" I asked blushing shyly. He pulled me into his arms before kissing me passionately. He had the Goofiest smile I have ever seen. "Lets tell my father and mother the good news." He stopped as the breeze blew past. "Your in your cycle but how?" I explained to him I have a cycle every month unless pregnant. "So the Ape king was right you and your sister were blessed by the beast deity. She smiled apon your birth." His father said walking to up. "I take it you have given my son good news. *laugh* he can't stop wagging his tail." Shu blushing looking away. I giggle at how cute it was. "Take care of him he is a good male. I also want to warn you, your sister is plotting against you. You have the wolf clan behind you. You have nothing to fear when it comes down to it." he said holding his fist over his heart. As Shu carried me home I couldn't help but think, Bai really wants me dead. "Shu Winston will get a litter before you because I promised him." I said hopping he wouldn't be mad. "I know I was there when you promised him. I can wait for the opportunity to have pups with you. I am your male no one else can have me." He said before kissing my forehead. "You are my luna the one I will fight for and defend. I do so without hesitation. Even if I face death I will do so only for you Iris."