

Right before that mighty presence could make his existence and that of Erolia's crumble at the weight it expressed, Noah felt a firm consciousness take hold of his body.

Instantly that shining figure disappeared from the sky only to appear right before him, except now it no longer shone.

Erolia panicked seeing as she had been unable to follow the entity's movements, but that familiar figure made her come to a halt.

Even Noah felt surprised at the event, but a smile replaced his worried look.

Lady Edna had arrived and although she looked happy to see that he was in one piece, he could not but sense the great anger that coated her figure.

She was livid.

And that truth transformed into the death for everything that was not Noah or Erolia.

The army of whisp-hounds all exploded in unison, their bodies and cores directly disappearing from the world due to the height of might expressed on their figures.