

The night time came quickly, and shockingly all the time before that point had been spent in total silence.

Noah had sat close to the windows on the carriage and gazed at the gradually passing landscapes. That scenery reminded him of the train rides on Earth. Only this one was far more beautiful and from a higher perspective.

At some point after those hours, a knock arrived on the carriage's door, startling the trio. After all the beast was still flying.

Noah wasn't worried however, Sir Olio had informed him of someone's arrival. That had to be the person.

A moment after the knock, the carriage's door parted open to allow the entry of a tall figure clothed in a silver garment featuring the crest of the guilds council.

Noah inspected the individual's features and saw that he looked young.

"I trust you've had a good time since the journey began," the man's polite and soft voice reached their ears, and they nodded.