
407. FATE

Noah opened his eyes with a deep grunt, almost a growl. He tried to raise his body by supporting it with his right arm but sank back.

A curse exited his mouth as his state dawned on him, and even more, curses did he utter.

Noah felt weak. By every standard one could be considered weak; he felt weak. His very bones lacked their fundamental strength and everything felt heavy. Even breathing.

His thoughts felt slow and his mind fragile. He was suffering the effects of his skill, and now he hated it with all his being. He even began to regret his decision.

Noah lay on the bed within Riveta's tower and continued to sigh for more than half an hour.

He couldn't support his weight or felt too tired to. Even if his body was completely fine.

He was suffering a 90% decrease in all stats, he was probably as strong as a baby in that form.