

Noah and his golems appeared in a wide field resembling that on the first floor, only that the yellow ball that represented the sun stood high in the sky illuminating everything in that place.

Throughout the three days, he had been there, the sun had never gone down, and due to this, he had barely been able to keep track of time. But he did. Somehow.

The grassy field looked stunning as a soft wind blew across it, allowing the grass to flow graciously, but Noah wasn't concerned about beauty.

The pitch-black figure that stood right at the center of the field had gained the entirety of his attention.

{Kill the boss to move on to the next floor}

"That looks dangerous," Noah muttered allowing more magical circles that revealed 12ft tall golems to expand around him.

Throughout the three days, he had spent within the maze his forces had dwindled and he had needed to recreate them.