

Once upon a time in a modern city, a man died and was reincarnated into a body and a new mythical world. This world holding many secrets, and wonderous things, but he possessed something that was highly regarded in terms of importance and usability: SPEED. Join Noah on his quest to acquire great power, meet new people; while also discovering the many mysterious features of this new world he'll eventually learn to call his home. ___________ Disclaimer: The world In this book is absolutely nothing like Earth. Rules that apply on Earth may not apply in it. It's a fantasy novel. ____________ *Please note; the book cover doesn't belong to me*

Adamoforder · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
665 Chs


Noah quietly sat inside the whiteness of his cultivation room, while rivers of seemingly liquid essence of a deep yellow shade floated around him.

Something about that energy felt different as its quality seemed to have taken a significant hike, standing in a realm of its own.

Noah, who's body remained cloth-less, saw his chest rise and fall in a series of rythmic patterns, allowing for his the cultivation of his essence core.

A few hours passed and his whole body experienced a violent tremor, forcing him to stop that training session.

"This one too," Noah muttered, lifting his eyelids to gaze at the spot his spherical core lay, peacefully rotating

However, different from the usual black core it had, Noah's core had clearly experienced a change. His core looked far darker than before, and the essence within it resembled liquid, and exuded a level of power and purity far higher than he should have.