

Silence. His words met utter silence; but he didn't feel insulted by their lack of words.

Heck the question was more to himself than his colleagues, which showed of how weird their situation had become.

"Is he even human?," one males present spoke, and his words met another wave of silence.

"He definitely is. He has no resemblances to the other races," the man fire mage explained, storing his sword, and straightening his position.

"But I heard that high level dragons, or dragons with noble blood can manipulate their physical form...." The man who had mocked Aiden upon his unconscious arrival tried to make sense of the situation.

"You heard yourself. How would a high level dragon, or even noble dragon lose to a mere grasshopper. What would one even be doing here," the fire mage snorted placing Aiden's body on his shoulder.

His colleagues reasoned his words while carefully following his movements due to the entity on his shoulder.