

Jon dashed out of his office. His figure crossing hundreds of feet in mere seconds.

He could sense the tension present in the now quiet streets of the village, and felt he could slice it with his swords.

His eyes fell on the village gate, and platforms made of orange flames didn't hesitate to materialize in front of him. His feet stepping on them to arrive on the empty guard's post up there.

The five most powerful figures stood at the fore front of the clustered group of around 200 tier 2 experts.

The path to his village had been too narrow for such a large number of people to ply without difficulty.

Apart from the marching sounds and occasional grunts coming from the clustered troop's, there was utter silence.

Wearing a dark expression, Jon went ahead to sweep his gaze on the leaders. Their faces were filled with complete confidence, and one of the five men present spoke.