
Sortie Again

"You're here." Xiao Ran patted Kira's shoulder and said with relief, "I know you won't abandon us and leave."

Kira put her fist in her chest: "Everyone stays on the ship. I can't just leave here, and I want to protect everyone."

"Well, let's protect it together." Xiao Ran laughed and turned to look at Mu: "Mu, your MA is not suitable for fighting in such a situation. I will go with Kira."

"Your Ginn cannot also fight in the low-orbit range." Mu heard Xiao Ran's words a little bit surprised.

"I can shoot from the ship with the Strike's equipment. At least I can't let the enemy approach the Archangel." Xiao Ran took the helmet aside and walked out of the waiting room.

Once Xiao Ran sat on Lightning Ginn, he contacted the bridge communication. When Murrue saw Xiao Ran's face one the terminal of the communication in the bridge, she showed a surprised look: "How can you be on Ginn, you should be on Strike, Lightning Ginn can't resist the earth gravity. Once you are pulled down by gravity, you will be dead!"

"Kira is back, and naturally that he will drive the Strike Gundam." Xiao Ran looked at the figure of Murrue on the screen and said with a smile: "I don't need to pilot Lightning Ginn. I'll stay at Archangel for protection by using Strike's Hyper Impulse Cannon."

"I see." Once heard Xiao Ran's explanation, Murrue understood it instantly. She looked at Xiao Ran with a worried expression and hung up the communication.

"I can't pilot Ginn for a long time after this battle because it cannot fight in the atmosphere. This mecha will destroyed if fighting at the atmosphere." Touch the operation panel of lightning Ginn, Xiao Ran took a deep breath and pressed the start button. For a moment, the screen and lights in the cockpit lighted up. Xiao Ran also held down the communication button and shouted, "Miriallia!"

"Received." Miriallia's voice sounded both inside Ginn and throughout the hangar: "Sortie system is on, the auxiliary transport system on, begin the movement. Prepared the Hyper Impulse Cannon."

Along with Miriallia's voice, Lightning Ginn is moving to the launching pad of the ejection port. After a slight vibration, Lightning Ginn grasped the Hyper Impulse Cannon slightly protruding from the side of the ejection port. The Ginn is then squatting up the cannon in front of him.

"The system is ready; the line is OK. Lightning Ginn can sortie." Miriallia added after saying: "Teacher, please be careful."

"Loud and clear." The image of Miriallia on the Xiao Ran screen reached out and gently swayed her hands. He then lightly stepped on the pedals with his fee "Lightning Ginn, sortie!"

While Lightning Ginn being eject, even though Xiao Ran is prepared, he was still pressed by the huge inertia on the chair and recovered after a second. The lightning Ginn flying from the Archangel, Xiao Ran did not directly turn on his maximum propulsion speed. After doing a circle in front of the Archangel, he landed on top of the Archangel. He then takes the Impulse Cannon and removed from the protective armor. A small cable slot was pulled out of a small notch to load the cannon directly.

The moment the Hyper Impulse Cannon was raised, the shooting and aiming equipment in the cockpit also popped out in front of Xiao Ran. When seeing the chaotic battlefield in the picture, Xiao Ran took a breath of cold air.

Although he expected that the numbers of MA would not be the opponent of MS, Xiao Ran did not expect that except for the four Gundams, most of the mecha can freely shuttle in the MA battle cluster, like acupuncture. They also can penetrate MA's defence easily like cutting a thin sheet of paper. Since Zaft's warship is outside of MA's firing range, the MA's looked useless.

The rapid alarm suddenly sounded in the cockpit, and when Xiao Ran took a closer look, he narrowed his eyes slightly. Duel Gundam and Buster Gundam unexpectedly separated from the large troops and bypassed the centre of the battle. Looking at the two fast-moving airframes while making various maneuvering movements, Xiao Ran also began to aim and shoot at the two Gundams.

Several consecutive red electromagnetic pulse beams suddenly blocked the two Gundams who were cheerfully approaching the Archangel. The average attack frequency of fewer than three seconds suddenly made the Duel and Buster feels more pressure.

In the face of the flashing red beams, there is nothing in Yzak's mind other than scolding the asshole for cheating. Buster Gundam quickly separated from Duel Gundam and approached the Archangel from another direction. In this way, Xiao Ran could only take care of one side and had no time to treat the other approaching mecha.

However, Yzak and Dearka's intention was mistaken. After the two mecha split and moved forward, Xiao Ran ignored the Duel Gundam and allowed it to approach the Archangel. As for the Buster Gundam, Xiao Ran only once shooting from time to time as he put more attention on the chaotic battlefield of MA and MS in the distance.

At the same time that the Duel Gundam approached the Archangel, a mecha suddenly flew from the ejection port of the Archangel towards the Duel. The sudden appearance of the Strike Gundam interrupted the Duel aircraft's frequency and the Blitz Gundam even its movement to support the Duel Gundam combat with Strike Gundam.


"Defeat the unranked mecha of this faction and deduct 500 Military Point."

"Defeat Class D mecha and gain 500 Military Points."


Listening to two progressive voices inside his head, darkened Xiao Ran's face. Just before, Xiao Ran controlled Lightning Ginn and aimed at a too aggressive Ginn. Still, unexpectedly a Moebius appeared on the attack path and was directly penetrated by the red beam into cosmic trash. Of course, the Ginn targeted by Xiao Ran followed in the footsteps of the MA.

Although the broken body was an unranked mecha, it still deducted 500 Military Achievement points. It can be said that the penalty was doubled and Xiao Ran, who broke the two mecha, made no progress. No wonder he doesn't look so good.

Xiao Ran, who was already upset, suddenly heard Badgiruel voice: "Major Xiao Ran! What are you doing!"

"Why you blame on me!" Xiao Ran replied aloud: "Who knew it would suddenly appear on the track of my attack. It's annoying!"

Murrue's voice also rang at this time: "Don't make a noise, Major Xiao Ran, please pay attention to it next time."

"I try to be careful." Xiao Ran replied dully.

Although Xiao Ran, who hung up the communication, was unhappy with the accident that just appeared, he did not dare to attack because of this. He hated fired a few shots towards the distant Buster Gundam, and he scared the Buster and showed the muzzle turned to the place where ZAFT had the most MS and naturally, the area with the most MA.

Just when the two sides were fighting like fire, a considerable change took place on the flagship of the Eighth Fleet, and a battle triggered by four people who were launched from the Eighth Fleet.