
Unleashed Destiny

"In a world where destiny hangs in the balance, where ancient prophecies weave their intricate webs, and where the power of choice can shape the course of history. A tale of adventure, magic, and self-discovery awaits those who dare to embark on this extraordinary journey. In the land of Veridia, Julia, whose fate is entwined with the threads of an ancient prophecy. As the prophecy reveals itself, her dormant powers awaken, setting in motion a chain of events that will alter the course of Veridia's future. But lurking in the shadows is a malevolent force, seeking to exploit the Julia's powers for their own nefarious purposes. Betrayal and redemption intertwine as loyalties are tested, and the line between good and evil becomes blurred. Join us on this epic quest as this novel takes you on a thrilling adventure through a world of magic, mystery and self-discovery. Are you ready to unlock the power within and embrace destiny?”

Abigail_Crown · Thành thị
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9 Chs

Chapter 4


Hannah leaned on her mother, finding solace in their shared love for the person they had lost.

Over the years that followed, together, they created new traditions, finding ways to honor and remember the life of their beloved father and husband. They laughed, they cried, and they grew stronger, leaning on each other during moments of both joy and sorrow.

Lilian's decision to live with them since the incident not only provided a sense of stability and support, but it also allowed them to preserve the memories of their loved one in a way that felt tangible and real. They found solace in sharing stories, looking at old photographs, and keeping his spirit alive through the traditions they upheld.

Through their shared experience of loss, Hannah and her mother forged an unbreakable bond. They learned to lean on each other during the darkest moments, finding strength in their love and the memories they held dear. As they journeyed through grief, they discovered that together, they could find healing and comfort, one day at a time.

As the weeks rolled by, it had been three weeks since Gabriel talked about his searching for his roots. The day finally came. It was the night before the day they were to leave.

"Have you packed everything?" Gabriel asked his wife.

"Yes, I have " she replied

Julie sat there as she looked at her parents walking up and down about the room.

"Hey Jules, what are you thinking about?" Her father came closer to her. He carried her unto his laps. She nestled into his embrace.

"Can you not go, papa?" Julie said teary eyed

"We have to dear. Do no worry dear, I will bring lots of gifts home for you alright?" He said

Julie nodded her head.

She fell asleep in the father's arms and held unto him tightly even while sleeping.

Gabriel tried to release his daughter's hand but he could not, if he used force, she would be injured.

So he slept with his daughter in his room. Julie was placed at the center of the bed and her parents were on either side of the bed. They drifted off to sleep.

In another town, where it rained cats and dogs, a boy was seen standing by the window staring at nothing in particular. The torrential downpour had transformed the streets into a chaotic scene, with water cascading down from the rooftops and forming miniature rivers on the sidewalks. The sound of thunder reverberated in the air, punctuating the relentless raindrops that hammered against the windowpane.

As the boy stood there, his gaze fixed on the deluge outside, a sense of melancholy seemed to envelop him. His eyes reflected a mixture of wonder and sadness, as if he were contemplating something beyond the storm itself. Perhaps he was lost in his thoughts, seeking solace or answers amidst the tempestuous weather.

The raindrops painted intricate patterns on the glass, distorting the world beyond. The boy's mind wandered, carried away by the rhythmic pitter-patter of the rain.

It was still raining ceaselessly outside. His butler came in with a glass of blood tea.

He looked at the boy a solitary figure in the dimly lit room, momentarily disconnected from the world around him.

"Are you done staring Alfred?" The boy asked coldly.

"I am sorry young master" Alfred replied

"I brought your blood tea" he continued

"Bring it over." The boy said

Alfred walked closer to him and gave him the glass. He drank everything and returned the glass back to Alfred. "You can leave now" the boy said.

Alfred, the loyal servant, meticulously arranged the young master's room. Despite his tender age of fifteen in the human world, the boy possessed the knowledge and experience of someone who had lived for almost ten decades in the vampire realm. His father, the lord of the Verdian Empire, held immense power and influence.

Verdian Empire was just one of the Empires. There were four others.

Verdian Empire which was the land of the vampires.

Silver crest Empire, land of the werewolves.

Crystalia Empire, land of the Elves.

Frostholm Empire, land of the witches both white and black.

And lastly, Aetheria Empire, the land of the humans. Although, humans lived in the other four Empires, they were very populated in this Empire.

Verdian Empire had four towns, Willow brook, Oakville, where Julie and her family resided, Ashbourne, where the lord of Verdian and other vampires lived and then Pine crest.

Alfred made sure every detail reflected the young master's unique nature.

The room exuded an air of mystery, power and wisdom befitting the young master's dual nature as a child.

Alfred left the room, knowing that he had created a sanctuary where the young master could nurture his knowledge, fulfill his destiny and ultimately become the rightful heir to the Verdian Empire.