
Unleashed Destiny

"In a world where destiny hangs in the balance, where ancient prophecies weave their intricate webs, and where the power of choice can shape the course of history. A tale of adventure, magic, and self-discovery awaits those who dare to embark on this extraordinary journey. In the land of Veridia, Julia, whose fate is entwined with the threads of an ancient prophecy. As the prophecy reveals itself, her dormant powers awaken, setting in motion a chain of events that will alter the course of Veridia's future. But lurking in the shadows is a malevolent force, seeking to exploit the Julia's powers for their own nefarious purposes. Betrayal and redemption intertwine as loyalties are tested, and the line between good and evil becomes blurred. Join us on this epic quest as this novel takes you on a thrilling adventure through a world of magic, mystery and self-discovery. Are you ready to unlock the power within and embrace destiny?”

Abigail_Crown · Thành thị
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9 Chs

Chapter 3

The following day, Gabriel got up early because he had to go to the workshop on time. His wife had already woken up and prepared his breakfast. As he could not eat it at the time, so she put it in a thermos flask.

He went into his daughter's room and kissed her forehead, she stirred a little and went back to sleeping, he left the room.

He picked up the flask and kissed his wife goodbye.

As Gabriel was on his way to the workshop, he met one of his neighbor.

"Good morning, Mr. Turner" Gabriel greeted

The man replied "Good morning, Mr. Adams. Thankfully I met you. I wanted to ask if you could make a table for me."

"Uhm, okay. I am a little busy now, but before the day ends, see mr in the shop so we can discuss the details. " Gabriel replied

"Ohh okay. I definitely will. See you. " Mr. Turner says and then left.

Gabriel continued to think about his roots on his way to the shop.

Back at home…

"Julie, Julie" her mother tapped her gently.

"Mm, mama can I sleep for a little longer." Julie asked

"No you can't dear. You have to master the act of waking up early" her mother told her.

Julie rubbed her eyes as she said, "Okay mama"

"Jules, I will be traveling with your father fir a few days. I do not know when but I am just telling you now. I want you to behave yourself while we are away. Take care of grandma for me, alright?" He mother told her

"Yes mama. I will be a good girl, but I am going to miss you and papa" Julie said.

Her mother replied "We are going to miss you too dear. Now let's go and bath you."

Julie nodded her head.

But something strange happened when they got to the bathroom.

The weather was cold and Julie's mother went to get the water she boiled. Julie as in the bathroom when her mother went to get the water. She she played with the water in the mean while.

As she was playing with the water, something happened, the water began to turn increasingly hot, she quickly removed her hand before it scalded her.

"Mama, mama" she called out to her mum.

"You am coming Jules" she said as she got to the bathroom and she saw her daughter's panicked expression. "What happened Jul…"

Before she could finish asking her question, she noticed the steam evaporating out of the water into the air.

"Mama, I was just playing with the water and it happened. I do not know how. What is happening to me mama?" Julie asked

Her mother could not say anything for sometime. She finally regained her composure.

"What just happened mama?" Julie asked her mother.

"I do not have any idea, Jules" her mother said

Her mother quickly had her bath for her and went to prepare the food.

After preparing the food, she fished it out for her daughter.

She stared at her daughter as if in deep thoughts.

She said inwardly "We have to go quickly to find out Gab's root."

She went to find her mother to tell her what exactly happened.

After her mother heard she was shocked also.

"When are you going to leave?" Lilian asked her daughter

"I am not certain about it yet. It all depends on Gab" Hannah replied

"How was she able to do that?" Lilian asked

Although Gab did not know who or what he was. But he was also like that when he was a child. He knew her powers were sealed for now but not for long.

Hannah explained to her mother.

"Gab said she would only show signs for now" she said

She continued "I would trouble you to help take care of Jules mother.

"You do not have to worry about that" Lilian told her daughter.

Then they changed the topic and talked about other things.

Suddenly Lilian said "I miss your father"

"You miss him too mum" Hannah replied

They began to talk about when he was still alive.