
Special Chapter XIX - Devil's Sun (part 1)

"Wh-Wha-waha! Wahaa!!"


Prym dropped his ass on the ground as he tried to run for safety into the forest. As he ran, he summoned a bunch of items from his inventory into his hands. 


Magic energy bottles, he drank every single one on his stash while running, and even got choked while drinking it. He summoned a magical ring that can enhance fire power, but will destroy itself once its juice is out. He also summoned a magical ring that can continuously heal your wounds, and just like other magical rings, it will destroy itself once the juice is out.


All these… were done because he knew that he was going to die. Prym is doing whatever he can to stay alive, because that pressure his opponent was emitting was very inhuman.


No, that form itself was already inhuman.


The heavy pressure behind him suddenly became sharper, straight towards the back of his neck. His senses screamed extremely loudly that he should escape, and Prym immediately began flying again, despite how tired he was.


He was able to barely dodge it.




A giant explosion occurred just at the spot where he was previously running. The explosion was so big, it destroyed every single tree in a twenty meters radius.


That fire power is twice as big as his ultimate thunder strike, and that is ignoring the heat level that the blast emitted. 


The difference between fire magic and lightning magic, is that lightning magic focuses more on speed and explosion, while fire magic mainly focuses on the heat rather than any other aspect. So if a fire mage was able to create an explosion that powerful, that mage is simply too dangerous to be kept alive.


While he was flying in the air, Prym could see the entire battlefield. His opponent is tens of meters in the air, staring down at him.


The opponent is also flying. Her brown robes were nearly gone, leaving only her adventurer clothes and a black cape from what's left of the robes. But the rest of her appearance simply made Prym even more afraid.


Her retinas are black. Added with the shining red pupils, her eyes looked extremely scary. Her hair was being swayed heavily by the force of the wind, as if it was a burning flame on top of her head.


Right under her feet is a flame booster. She used it as a method to keep her up in the air. A painful method that no one used, mainly because it's very hot and can burn the feet. Plus, it's quite energy wasting, so no fire mage ever uses this method too often.


But flying right in front of Prym isn't a normal human. It's a devil, and she wants him dead.




Prym starts to fly backwards, creating a distance as far as possible from the devil. 


Unfortunately, the devil chased.


Heaving this heavy pressure and bloodlust continuously chasing after him, Prym knows very well that he is going to die.


"Bloody hell, I'm going to die!!"


Prym sensed a pressure aimed at his neck once again, and he quickly dodged by moving to the left. A gigantic fireball, with the diameter of five metres, flew past his face like a bullet. Prym just barely dodged that, and the fireball exploded when it reached the ground.




The explosion was so huge, it threw Prym off his focus, but he was still able to keep flying.


Prym's flying technique came from his second element, which is wind. He is a dual elemental user, but his wind magic is quite weak. It's only at the beginners tier, but it was enough to make him fly. It can also be used to cast his ultimate lightning strike technique, which is a combination with his king tier lightning magic.


Prym knows that he has no choice but to use that technique now... As many times as he needs to kill this devil.


Prym's sheathed sword is still behind his back. He took one sword out and held it with both hands. His eyes are focused on the devil flying towards him at high speed.


The grin worn by the devil made him panic, so he continued to move as quickly as he could.


He focused on swirling the air on his sword, and cast lightning magic on the skies above his head. Before long, yellow lightning struck down from the clouds and zapped his sword.


The black mark on his sword was slowly filling up with a bright white energy. After a while, the black mark was completely covered in white, simply showing that the sword is fully charged.


Prym prepared for a strike when the time was right. The devil is flying at a really high speed, so it should be any second now.


What he did not expect is that the devil was completely awake.


Prym saw the opening, and focused the edge of the sword towards the flying devil.




An immensely burst of lightning strike came out from Prym's fully charged sword. It slices through the air and combusts everything in its way.


The lightning strike slices through the air all the way towards the devil.


"Do you really think it will be that easy?"






The devil did not try to dodge. The lightning struck the target perfectly and exploded. Prym was grinning when he realized his shot didn't miss, but his grin immediately disappeared.


The dust cleared quickly thanks to the strong wind, and the devil is still floating there, with her arm reaching out forward.


She took a direct hit from Prym's thunder strike with her hand, and yet… it look completely fine?


"Man... That was painful."


The devil spoke with a very grim tone. Her voice was very different from the one he heard earlier. Even her chuckle was very scary.


Prym couldn't move in the face of the true devil.


In front of him, the devil shows an evil grin. She let out a slight chuckle as a ball of fire grew on her left hand. The fireball grows bigger and bigger as her chuckle turns into a laugh, but the fireball just keeps on growing bigger. 


After a while, her laughter stopped.


The fireball had also stopped growing, but it was simply too late.


The fireball, it's… just as big as a castle.




The pressure coming from this fireball was intense. Prym simply couldn't believe the sight right in front of him. 


It's like the whole sun was created right on her arm. The pressure was immense, and the heat is definitely at the level that can melt steel without even touching it. 


And it was all created and held within her arm.


Anyone from the kingdom would just look at this fireball, and wonder why the sun suddenly appeared. After all, this is just so big, and both the heat and the pressure was nothing to laugh about.




Prym had lost all hope.


Seeing the hopelessness on his face, the devil chuckled once more.


Her fingers started to curl, and it slowly formed a claw form. The fireball followed the fingers' command, and it begins growing smaller. The fireball kept on going smaller and smaller, until it's just the size of a ping pong ball.


The fireball just went from the size of a castle into the size of a ping pong ball, all done from simply curling one's fingers.


Not just that, but the color of the fireball is no longer dark red.


It's golden.


The devil lifted her other hand that was free, and placed her finger on her lips, telling Prym to be silent. With a low and heavy tone, she whispered at Prym.


And funny enough, Prym can hear her words clearly.


"Sshhh... Don't be too loud, will ya?"


Her other palm that was holding the ping pong fireball turned towards Prym, and the ping pong ball slowly flew towards Prym.


It's flying quite slow, but Prym knows that he is dead.


Prym immediately snapped out of his doze and entered his lightning mode. Using as much speed as he can, he began boosting backwards. Even inside his lightning mode, he still knows that he is very slow. Compared to what is about to happen, he knows that this speed is nothing. 


The downside about Prym's lightning mode was that he could only move in one direction until he had to get out of the mode, and waited five seconds until he could use it again. But this time, he doesn't need to get out. He just has to rush away from the devil.


But even at this speed, he is still not quite safe from danger.


Behind him, the event has started.