
Special Chapter XII - Trio of Destruction (part 1)

To get to the other side of the beach means that we have to cross the main road.


The beach is surrounded by a dense forest, so it will be quite easy for us to cross the road without being seen. 


Or... so we thought.


The main road to the beach was extremely wide. Shop stalls are placed on the sides of the road, in front of the trees and facing the road. And since the road was big, it was made for a reason.


The reason was because it is the most crowded spot of the beach. It's like a bazaar here. People go here and there trading and buying stuff, either as souvenirs or as something to eat. Most of the food are seafood types, but that doesn't mean they don't sell vegetables or chickens.


This place is extremely crowded. A perfect spot for us to cross without being seen.


The group watched from a distance as we developed a plan. Gajah kept an eye on the road, and he was quite in deep thought. He didn't turn even when Belmar tried calling his name multiple times.

"Gajah... Gajah. Gajah!"


"Huh!? Yes? What?"


Gajah snapped out of his daze and glared at Belmar and the others. Everyone else is staring at him, waiting for him.


"What should we do?"


Asking the obvious question, but nearly unanswerable for Gajah.


"I'm not sure... We could always act like some knights from the kingdom."


"And what if the 'real' knights from the kingdom noticed us?"


"Well, that is the issue, isn't it?"


"Then, come up with another plan!"


"You think it's easy!?"


Kirene's ears slowly turned red, and she snapped at the two.


"Shut up, you two!"


She scolded Belmar and Gajah for fighting in the middle of a mission. The captain stepped forward and studied the main road in front of us, outside the trees.


Right now, we are quite hidden from the people's eyes. We are still behind the trees, therefore people won't be able to notice us unless we call them.


"One by one, we will cross the road. We will go horizontally, so hopefully, no one will notice us."


The captain always had such good judgement, but this sounds stupid.


However, it's the only plan we had anyways. I'll just stick with it.


Gajah volunteered and started going first. He put on his sun hat and a long torn robe he brought on his bag. And carefully, he exited the forest and crossed the road without dragging any attention, and finally entered the forest again on the other side. When he arrived on the other side of the forest, he hid behind the tree and gave us a thumbs up.


Seeing that he actually made it, everyone let out a sigh of relief.


"Wow. It actually worked."


The captain mumbled, and everyone turned angrily at him. He never expected this to work from the beginning. He just said the plan, without even being sure that it would work.


What an asshole, he just sent Gajah as a testing object.


One by one, our group crossed the road. Some even crossed at another location on the road, so it wouldn't look suspicious. They grouped up at a certain location on the other side, and waited until the rest had arrived.


After a while, only four of us haven't crossed, including me and the captain. The captain said he will go next and headed towards the road.


I don't know why, but maybe it's because his body is a little too big. That someone from the crowd recognized him.


"Yoo! Margen!"


Someone from the crowd shouted when the captain crossed the road. That person, along with his friends, walked over to the captain, who is cladded in shiny armour.


"O-Oh, Amburt! You're here."


Ah… fuck.


It was one of the guys that the captain met at the beach and played arm wrestle with. That guy must have recognized the captain from his face, but did not recognize the armor worn by the captain.


The captain wiped the sweat from his head. He complained about the heat inside his mind as he slowly approached his new friend.


"Woahhahah! What's with the shiny armour?"


"Umm... This is..."

The captain had to think of something. Everyone on the other side is counting on him.


Before long, the captain started his act. He let out a sigh, and shrugged the back of his head.


"Well, I guess it's time for me to come out. I'm actually a knight!"


"Damn! I mean it's obvious from your armour. But the shape of the symbol seemed different..."


This Amburt guy is sharp indeed. The captain chuckled and stared at the badge on his chest.


"It's because I'm on a special task force! You did hear about the situation at the beach, right?"


"Ohh, I get it!! That's why you asked me about the undead thingy!"


Luckily, the Amburt guy is quite chill.


"Well, I'm running on a clock. Play with 'ya later, okay?"


The captain ran towards the other side of the forest, leaving the confused Amburt and his friends behind. Amburt just lifted his shoulder and continued strolling down the main road.


One by one, the other two next to me followed and headed to the other side of the forest.


And at last, it's my turn. I purposely stayed behind just in case something went wrong with the others, so I could move in immediately and save them. But since nothing went wrong, it's my turn to cross the road.


I tried walking as normal as possible, and walked to the other side of the road. But as soon as I arrived in the middle of the road, my foot stopped walking.


No, it was stopped.



I can feel sweat slowly rolling down my head as I tried really hard not to look that way. An extremely heavy pressure was emitted from my right, on the side of the road that comes from the city.


Something... Someone… People… 


There are more than one, and they are extremely powerful.


I tried moving my eyes to look around, and it looks like it's not just me. Everyone else around me on this road stopped moving. I can see their eyes slowly going red from the stress, as well as sweat falling down from their head as they tried really hard to breathe.


The force kept on getting stronger and stronger as the group approached. I didn't dare to move even an inch, but I could if I wanted to. But if I moved, the opponent would notice and immediately tried hunting me down.


And I know very well it will exhaust my energy, even if I manage to defeat them.


I couldn't see the source of the pressure very well, but I can tell the group is slowly walking this way. When they got closer, the sound of footsteps could be heard. As expected, there are multiple steps. 


Now that they are really close, I began to panic even more. Thank god I didn't move, fighting all of them will be impossible.


The footsteps slowly went closer, and I counted three deadly energies, with one of them much more fearsome than the others. After a while, they got even closer, and I could hear their conversation.


"Say, are you sure that fearsome energy came from around here?"


A female voice can be heard. From the way she talks, it's clear that she is the bewitching type.


"Well, yes. I mean I just felt it just a while ago, before the second bell. It was a heavy pressure, I probably wouldn't be able to stand it if I stood close to... whoever that is."


The sound of a young male. So one male, and one female, both young. That male seemed to be the one who sensed a pressure coming from this area. 


But who's pressure was it?


"Are you sure? If it's somewhat of a let down, or the person is actually very weak, then I might as well leave..."


A third voice, male, and it sounds heavier than the first guy. The sound of his footsteps are also a lot heavier than the others. And based on the shadow, his body is quite large.


"Hey, just have faith that it was actually from that ass rebellion that can use undead, okay? I mean it is located at the beach. If there's any other reason, then it might be something we weren't prepared for."


"Hmm... That is true."


The owner of the heavier voice slammed his knuckles together. Just from slamming his knuckles together, I can feel the powerful pressure waves emitted. I'm sure a lot of people around me lost their consciousness thanks to that knuckle slam, but they didn't drop to the ground because their body couldn't move.


"Damn! I can't wait to fight this person!"


"Chill it! I'm taking the first taste!"


"Hey, I'm the one who detected it first. I should be the one getting the first taste!"


As the steps walked past me and headed to the beach, I could slowly glance at their backs. There are only three I counted from the tail of my eyes. A tall female, yellow haired guy, and the giant bald guy.


Once they were at a distance, I dashed forward with no sound exerted.




The blonde haired one turned around almost immediately to see the place where I once stood.


"What's wrong, Prym?"


The female asked him, but he shook his head and continued his walk to the beach.

"Nothing. Enough with the pressure game. These people needed breathing."




The blonde haired boy commanded the other two, and they dropped their pressures. The air around the beach turned back normal, and everyone at the beach started gasping for air. Some of them even passed out, even the knights guarding the spot can't do anything.