
Just a normal life

It's the last day of school before March break, I have a sleepover today with two of my best friends. I was still laying on my bed sleeping and dreaming about my crush when the alarm rang crazy. It was 6:30 a.m. when I usually wake up. I slowly got out of bed and change into the cloth I prepared yesterday.

Then I opened the curtains and the window. It looks like it gonna be such a lovely. The sun was shining so bright and the snow on the ground was melting. I walked into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, my dad called me for breakfast. My mom was trapped in China because of the Coronavirus and my classes was also canceled because of it.

I just turned 12 yesterday and I am in grade 7. My life was pretty normal, I am not those popular girls in school. My grades are pretty good, the average would be a A+ but I am not a nerd because I like to excises and I learned three different dances. Chinese dance, Ballet and hip hop. I just have a really normal life and wanted something special to happen.

"Lisa, come down and eat your breakfast" yelled my father.

"Okay." I said then ran to eat my breakfast. School was boring and very normal, the only reason why I like school was because I like taking math test , spying on my crush (but sadly he was not here today) and I also like meeting my friends. Since I will have a sleepover with my best friends so they came to my house after school. Their name was Emily and Amy. All three of us liked adventures and our parents were all really strict. We usually can't meet up because of all the homework and classes. Our parents are strict but they care a lot about safety and as I said the classes was canceled.

After we studied, we ate dinner then had some free time. We played card and video games then talked about different things. For example, what we wanna be when we grow up, what school do we wanna go, if you are going to make three wishes what will you wish, and things like that.

We got to bed and when my parents was asleep, the fun part begins. We sneaked down and got some food, the opened my laptop and started to search for movies. We turned the sound low so my parents can't hear. Then it became tiring after 12 o'clock and we fell asleep.