Michelle knocked on the door and entered. "I am here to touch up your makeup. So sorry for the surprise. She was just so adorable. I asked Cindy for her clothing size and she brought me one of her outfits. The one she brought me was perfect for the photoshoot but I created some to go along with your outfits today. I knew that you would not mind and Liz wanted a child model for the pictures. It is too bad the original people backed out at the last minute."
"I do mind but the surprise on my face was so genuine. Now that I know I really don't mind. So when you were done with me you styled Tiana's hair? She turned out to be adorable so I forgive you. I am glad that she enjoyed herself." Kitty placed the lollipop down on the dressing table.
"I'm sorry." Michelle clapped her hands together and bowed. "I did not think that you wouldn't approve."