
Their Date

MINA TRIED to surprise visit Hershey to hang out with her, but she was the one who got surprise instead. Hershey told her best friend-slash-cousin that she won't be able to spend time with her today. Apparently, Hershey and Glyde's date were scheduled today.

"OMG! Who's that guy? The last time I know is that you and Kian are doing pretty well, I almost thought you'll be announcing your engagement soon"

Hershey gave a soft laugh, "Kian and I are still in good terms and we are still friends. But Glyde is someone I want to have"

Mina stopped and formed an "o" with her mouth as she raised her brows. She was actually shocked with what Hershey said. "You...want him?" she repeated to confirm it.

Hershey shrugged and nodded.

Mina furrowed her forehead as she was quite confuse. "You want him, but not like?"

Hershey tilted her head at Mina's question. "Well, anyway, you're timing is quite bad today. I have to meet up with him at 11 and it's already 10:45"

"Okay, fine. Enjoy your date! Update me about this soon!" Mina said as she bid good bye at her cousin who is now rushing on her way to the car.


Hershey arrived at the meeting place 10 minutes late, due to traffic. She was able to immediately see Glyde at the distance.

"Glyde!" She happily greeted him.

Glyde waved his hand at Hershey to acknowledge that he saw and heard her. "Hey," he greeted back.

"So? Where are we gonna eat? Oh, right! Were you waiting for too long? I'm sorry. My cousin arrived at our house at a very bad time and we also encountered traffi----"

Glyde cuts Hershey off, "It's fine. There's a Japanese restaurant that I want to try. Do you eat Japanese food?"

"Yeah, sure!" Hershey readily agreed. While they were walking, she shamelessly held his hand.

Hershey noticed how Glyde's shoulder froze. She giggled as she intertwined their hands tighter.

"We're dating now, so shouldn't we at least do this?" She said as she raised their hands smiling.

Hershey was aware that she worded that out with a different meaning. Glyde stared at her eyes for a second but he didn't complain. Hershey took that as his okay sign.

"How's work?" she asked.

"It's going well. Let's not talk about work related stuff as I'm sure you wouldn't like that topic either"

Hershey turned her head to look at him, "How would you know that I don't like that topic?"

"You're not working, so obviously you wouldn't know what our job is like. It'll be hard for you to follow"

"Hey! That's quite rude"

"Oh, was it? Sorry" he said in a genuine tone. "If it were me, I wouldn't like to talk about those stuff. So I just concluded. I didn't mean to offend you"

Both of them went inside the restaurant that Glyde picked. They were able to pick their order fast as both of them already have a meal they have in mind.

When the waiter left, Hershey rested her chin on her hand. "Don't you like your job?" she asked.

"It pays me off well, so I guess I like it" Glyde shrugged.

"But is that your dream job?"

Glyde shook his head, "I don't have a dream job. Well, as long as it could give me a lot of money, I guess."

Both of them talked more even when their order arrived. Hershey's flirting and teasing Glyde were also visibly getting frequent but Glyde didn't mind them at all. In fact, he entertained some of them.

Hershey was certain that Glyde already knows that she have her eyes on him. That is also why, she was now way more comfortable in revealing her intentions with him. She was basically telling him that she wants to date him for real with her actions and sometimes with her words.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Glyde repeated this question for the fourth time. He has been asking her this since earlier. She was touched by his concern but every time he ask this she would always just say that she is fine. Although, deep inside, she was kind of getting dizzy. She just doesn't want to ruin their date.

"I am. Don't worry. Why? Do I look sick?" She jokingly asked.

"You do." he said in a serious tone. She heard him sigh which made her worry. "Let's go back home. I don't think you're fine"

"No!" She quickly declined.

Glyde's eyes widened at her refusal, but was able to compose himself immediately. "I'll bring you back home, Shey. Let's just continue our date there. hmm? Let's watch a movie or something. I don't feel comfortable that you are out here when I feel like you are not fine. If you could only see yourself in the mirror how pale you look right now." He said trying to convince her.

Hershey noticed how Glyde look so worried about her right now. At that time, she knows she can't refuse him anymore. She feels weak when she look at those worried eyes. She doesn't like seeing that.

So she conceded, "Fine."

Glyde gave her a smile and whispered at her, "Thank you."

She was supposed to be the one who's saying 'thank you'. She also know herself that she could pass out at any minute if she tries to push herself a little bit more. She was really not feeling that well anymore.

She cursed the disease she have for acting up at such important time.


When they arrived at Hershey's home, she invited Glyde in. Glyde walked inside with her as they were still holding each other's hands. Of course with the reason that Hershey doesn't want to let go of his hands.

Hershey wasn't expecting that her sister and mother would be there. Glyde was about to take his hands off but Hershey just hold it tighter. He left with no other choice but to let it be.

"Mom and Lisa, this is Glyde. Glyde, this is my mother and my younger sister." Hershey introduced them to each other.

"Good afternoon" Glyde greeted politely as he bowed his head slightly.

Queen, Hershey's mother, stared at their hands for a long time. She was not saying anything. That is why Lisa, Hershey's sister, was the one who spoke on their mother's behalf.

"Are you two dating?"

Hershey was about to answer but she didn't expect when Glyde spoke up. Everyone was left dumbfounded at his answer.

"Well, we are dating now" he answered calmly.

He was neither sarcastic or boasting. And there was no hesitation with his voice at all. It was like he was just stating the obvious answer.