
Unknown hero

On hiatus. Focusing on other novel for now. System unlocked. Potential Level 500 fighter. Enter name - ... the name is ... the name is.. The year is 4069. Earth has developed drastically and now is on type 2 civilization. In this world now people live by how strong they are according to their levels. The strong dominates weak and seeks for more stronger power. Harvey brights a student of overdrive highschool is a victim of bullying since he entered the first year. He never tried to fight back the bullies but instead told the teachers but they would not listen to him. Harvey gets angry about school authorities doing nothing. Now what will Harvey do about it. Will he sit back and take the abuse or will he face slap them all.

Zukashi_zuno · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
11 Chs

A violent hero.

"Unknown hero!!?" tokita shivered hearing his name.

An unknown hero were those people who broke the system and had powerful stats and levels which they can change upto their choice. Before, there were more than 100 unknown heroes on the world but after the influence of political powers most were vanished.

Harvey was one of the unknown heroes still left on this type 2 civilization world.

Harvey's right hand began showing a sphere like structure on his palm of his hands while raising it in the air, aiming towards tokita.

Harvey laughed with mouth wide open and left hand clawing his face.

Tokita wanted to run away from Harvey but seeing his other 4 overhaul members standing there he ordered them to attack Harvey.

Tokita shouted " Don't let him leave this place alive! Kill him!!" saying that tokita and his members rushed forward in a 5 man pentagon position surrounding Harvey from each side.

Harvey chuckled " Huh! Poor peasants." Tokita saw this smile and immediately retreated by himself.

Harvey from his sphere twisted the dimension around the other 4 overhaul members and broke their arms and legs.

"Now it's your turn" Harvey looking at tokita and slowly approaching him.

Tokita fell on the ground not being able to stand up, trying to crawl back but slips, calls for help but his friends had dislocated arms and legs.

He knelt near Harvey's feet asking to forgive him.

But Harvey was not gonna listen to what tokita had to say.

Harvey grabs his face and brought his own face near him and said " I don't have the word forgiveness written in my dictionary for scumbag like you."

He then pushed back tokita's face and raised his hand near tokita's face.

" Now enjoy the suffering you gave to others." Harvey shot a black sphere at tokita's head.

On the staffroom.

The Don looking with black suit, big mustache, a black gentleman hat and with cigar on his mouth entered the staffroom and asked the teachers about where is Harvey.

The teachers panicked looking at the Don coming at the school.

The Don came to overdrive school only if there was something seriously important.

A teacher approached Don and said " Sire you said to not stop Harvey and overhauls fight." he stuttered " They are on the rooftop fighting." the teacher added.

Don then straight went to the rooftop after thanking the teachers present in the staff room.

Back to the roof top

Harvey could smell a pint of smoke coming through the rooftop door direction.

He turned his head around and found the Don looking guy entering through the rooftop door.

The Don guy carefully handling his hat entered through it as he was taller than the door.

The Don asked Harvey " Is he dead?"

Harvey spoke " No he is not dead but will be soon after he comes out of the illusion of sufferings he gave to other people."

Don then praised Harvey and told him " Now that the overhauls are done for your next target will be given to you via system."

Harvey accepted Don's request.

"You are still the same as you were 5 years ago Harvey." The Don spoke.

Harvey coming back to his normal form said " I don't want any kind of injustice in this world any more. Just because they have higher power they abuse it on the poor." Harvey clenching his fists in anger.

" I also do feel like that Harvey, that is why you must help me and I will help you." don smoking his big cigar said.

Harvey nodded his head once, agreeing to don's proposal.

" I will continue to work with you as long as your agenda is to bring the power abusers down." Harvey spoke.

" I am more than happy to hear that and don't worry about the dead bodies lying here, my team will be coming now to clean them off. Now I must leave, take care." Don left the rooftop.

Harvey looked around for a while at the damage he made to the rooftop. " You deserve what you get." looking at tokita and the other members lying there lifelessly Harvey left the rooftop as few black suited people with mask on came to the roof. They were don's people.

Students and teachers were looking up the rooftop stairs.

No one dared to approach Harvey coming down from the rooftop building.

But then one and only one person showed up to him and asked " Hey are you okay. You are bleeding from your right hand, let's go the nurse office." Maya Angelou worried about Harvey spoke.

Harvey appreciated Maya caring for him and not wanting to be rude went with her to the nurse office.

On the nurse office.

" I see.." a nurse taller than Harvey having brown hair and doctors coat spokewhile looking at Harvey's hand wound. Her name was nurse Anna.

" Those this happen whenever you use your power or just today?" Anna knew about the fight that had happened. He heard it from the teachers and students.

She assumed that it was because of his use of power that he had this wound, because no one in the school saw the entire fight.

Harvey spoke " It will heal itself." and stood from the bed.

" Then why did you come here?" Anna questioned.

" Maya asked me to come here. If a person offers kindness or says things just for your own betterment I don't refuse them." Harvey while leaving the nurse room spoke.

Outside the nurses office Maya was waiting.

As soon as Harvey came out of the door seh asked about his injury and if he is okay?

Harvey told Maya that the wound is now healing and he will be fine.

" Oh that is good." Maya blushed.

Harvey taking his hands on Maya's head spoke. "Umm do you have fever or what? Your face is kinda red. You should go to nurse now."

Maya's face was becoming more red. She pushed away Harvey's hands and ran off.

Harvey with confused face on his look said '' I guess she is fine if she can run like this."

Harvey went back to his classroom.

Taguchi approached him and said " Hey Harvey you should don't have to worry about Paul and Rengar, they are fine now thanks to Kai and Danny rushing them to the hospital."

Harvey was happy to hear that Paul and Rengar were fine.

Taguchi hung his arm over Harvey's shoulder and asked if he wants to go meet them.

Harvey without thinking anymore said yes.

Maya also volunteered to go with them.

Harvey, Taguchi and Maya reached the hospital.

They went into the room were Paul and Rengar were admitted.

Kai and Danny were sitting on the bed with a little space made for then to sit on Rengar's and Paul's bed.

They were chatting with each other.

Harvey saw Kai and greeted him. He greeted Danny Paul and Rengar.

He thanked Kai and Danny for taking Paul and Rengar immediately to the hospital.

Kai said " It's okay. We only did what was to be done at that situation."

Danny gave a thumbs up to Harvey agreeing with Kai.

Paul and Rengar still had bandage on their face, plastered leg and hand.

They were most likely needed 3 weeks of rest.

After 3 hours of chatting with each other Kai and others left leaving Harvey behind.

Paul asked. " Is it okay for you to stay like this? Won't your parents worry?"

" Yeah you should go to home too. Paul and my parents will be coming soon. They were out on abroad so they couldn't come instant." Rengar said.

Harvey with a smile said " If you are okay with it then I will be leaving. If there is any problem call me okay?"

Paul and Rengar smiled and waved goodbye at him.

Harvey exited the hospital building after staying there 10 more minutes.

Kai was waiting outside for Harvey.

He approached Harvey and asked. " You are an unknown hero aren't you?"

Harvey was shocked to hear that Kai knew about it but didn't show it on his face.

Kai was looking at Harvey seriously.

Harvey behaved like he had no idea what Kai was talking and tried to leave immediately.

Kai spoke again." What happened to the overhauls? Where are they? Why are people acting as if they didn't exist?" Kai with a cold and curious stare at Harvey asked.

Harvey not wanting to answer anything to Kai just walked away from him.

" You are not gonna able to hide for lifetime you know or maybe until I am at this school." Kai saying that walked away on his own way.

Harvey now on his way home began thinking how Kai came to know about it and as for overhauls the memory of them should have been erased by his power but Kai's seemed unaffected.

• Here is your next mission. A message popped up.

" I will worry about him later now time to do my next mission."

The message on the system displayed

• Find out about koro hakura and report.