
Unknown Gift I Got In Fictional Universe Made Me OP!

He always had a truly terrifying luck around him. However one day, he died saving a child. However that wasn't the end. Since his death was not something the universe expected, it gave him a chance. He is allowed to choose or random choose one gift. and got one extra as a service. After he randomly chose one, he was sent to the universe of anime and movies. there he saw that his gifts are.... _______________________________________ The characters from each anime and movies are not mine. I'm just borrowing them for some fun. Also, he sometimes go to other universe to pass the time during each world main events. It won't be the worlds given below. Though if you have any recommendations, just comment the latest chapter! Though I won't be using their characters that often, they will still be in the story. Thanks for reading! _______________________________________ World's : 1.) One Piece (Currently!) 2.) Tensura 3.) ??? 4.) DxD 5.) ??? Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from these anime,series or movies. The only thing I own is my own characters, (OC)

Mad_Crazer · Tranh châm biếm
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61 Chs

Chapter - 44 [ #V1.27 : Danmachi : Sparring! ]

'I take my words back. She is one sly little Amazoness...'

"If I fight, it's guaranteed for your defeat. And I know what you are planning, Tiona. But I'm not interested. Also, it's better if you don't put your hopes on Tatsuya, because it will be dangerous for both of you."

Tatsuya was confused, so Ash explained the Amazoness cultures, which made him stunned. But suddenly, the entire place began to froze slowly. Everyone's eyes turned towards Miyuki who was emitting slight murderous aura, making even Loki tremble.

'Oh boy, Yanderes are a pain to deal with...'

"Stop it Miyuki! I'm not planning to accept anyone else!"

To which she stopped her scary aura, but she smiled happily towards him and said,

"Okay, Tatsuya-sama."

Everyone sighed, Tiona awkwardly laughed.

"Then, let me face her! She is so beautiful and strong looking!"

Tiona said pointing towards Ais. The doll like beauty looked towards Ash for permission. He nodded and she smiled and stepped forward.

"Then, this fight will be between, Tiona Hiryute from Loki familia and Ais Wallenstein from Ash familia. This is a friendly spar. And since it is one, I have created a special barrier which will allow you to use your all power without killing each other. Any questions?"

The two shook their heads. He nodded and looked towards Haruhime. She nodded before going towards the center. She stood there and said,

"Then, this match will start in, 3, 2, 1 Start!"

Without even waiting another second, the two ran towards each other. Though Ais was only Level 4 now compared to Tiona who was Level 5, her overall stats already surpassed Tiona as they can only have at max S rank stats. But for Ais and the others, they have two more levels meaning they have at least two times more strength and stat!

So it was a fair fight considering she was level lower than Tiona. Ais who was using her sword he gifted her, a rapier, slashed at Tiona. However the Amazoness reflected it with her sword Rolan made by Tsubaki apparently. It was long sword even bigger than her whole body. But even then, it didn't brake Ais's thin rapier if compared their size.

Ais who noticed that her strength wasn't enough to push her opponent back, jumped back and pointed her sword at Tiona. Seeing that Ais was going to attack her with a new skill or something, Tiona smiled crazily. Ais, activated her Ariel, which instantly covered her entire body with a ball of almost invisible wind in a radius of 500cm from her body. If she doesn't have the strength, she will use her most important aspect. It is speed. With Ariel, her speed was increased tremendously!

Even a metal rod striked by a human hand at the maximized speed can smash it. So, using speed wasn't necessarily a bad choice. In Tiona's eyes, Ais flashed towards her in a second and she felt a heavy attack hit her sword pushing her back!

But she stopped her momentum and kicked the ground to jump and attack Ais who stopped. But unlike she thought so, it wasn't just a skill to increase her speed. Instead of the sword touching her, the wind barrier pushed her by reflecting the force.

"I see... So as long as you have Mana, and you activates that spell, i can't touch you huh..I wonder how much stronger attack can you reflect? From a level 6, or a level 7?"

Ais nodded.

"You are correct. But i can reflect the attack almost anything, even a level 9 albeit with only small injuries. The only downside is my mana."

This earned incredulous shocked faces from the Loki familia and their goddess.

"So, how much can you hold on?"

"About two more hours if my weakness is not taken advantage of..."

Tiona sighed and said,

"I admit defeat...I don't want to wait for two more hours..."

"Winner, Ais!" Haruhime announced.

Ais nodded. "Well, I think we are evenly matched. So, we can still fight in the future."

Ais and Tiona shook their hands. Initially, her Ariel wasn't that good. He just modified it a little after she unlocked it.

Ash patted her head when she returned to his side. Then he asked,

"Who wants to go next?"

This time, Riveria raised her hand.

"I would like to fight her."

She pointed towards Miyuki. Miyuki nodded and first bowed elegantly before going to the ground. They stood against each other in the training ground, with Haruhime as the judge.

"The same conditions as before. Are you two ready?"

To Haruhime's question, they nodded.


The first one to attack was Riveria. She first chanted extremely fast,

"Harbinger of the end, the white snow. Blow with the wind before the twilight. Closing light, the freezing land. Blizzard, the three severe winters - my name is Alf!"

The next moment, an ice elemental spell that said to be capable of freezing even time spread towards Miyuki.

"She used Wynn Fimbulvetr? That is one dangerous spell to use it on a human..."

Finn muttered. But seeing the calm look both Ash and Tatsuya was showing, Finn decided to wait.

Miyuki didn't expect someone would try to use her own speciality against her. When coming to this world, Ash have trained them in using magic without CAD or needing to remember any characters. Instead it worked like games, they simply need to will it, and say the spell name.

The area around Miyuki turned blue as she said,


Her own spell spread through the area and froze Riveria's incoming spell in the air. But it didn't stop there and continued towards Riveria. She was about to use a fire elemental spell to stop the attack, but Miyuki said,

"It's useless. This is an attack that can affect soul, rather than body. So even if you block it, your soul will be affected slightly. Don't worry. You will not die. At the most, you will feel a little fear."

But before her attack could land on Riveria, Ash snapped his fingers and stopped it. Miyuki pouted at him which made him smile but he said,

"This is a friendly match, you girls. One of you used, a spell that can even freeze time, another used a spell that can freeze soul. Are you guys trying to kill each other?"

Hearing him, both of them lowered their head and left feeling a little ashamed. Haruhime announced it a tie.

"Next is Finn. And I guess you want to fight against Tatsuya."

Finn nodded. Tatsuya also nodded and moved towards their positions. Haruhime once again started their match. Loki was looking forward to this match as Finn was her strongest card. Yet an uncomfortable feeling began to well up within her.

As a Lancer or spear user, Finn ran towards Tatsuya to negate the distance between them. Tatsuya stood there, and when the spear was about to reach him, he moved faster, side stepping and pulled Finn's spear with his strength which was higher than the pallum. Not expecting such strength, Finn was immediately pulled in, but he kicked Tatsuya on his gut trying to break free. But instead, Tatsuya's own legs countered them. He who has mastered martial arts wasn't a good opponents against those who fight close combat.

In terms of battle experiences, Finn have more, especially with his age. But in terms of killing and fighting humans, especially one on one, Tatsuya have an insurmountable advantage over Finn. Seeing that he can't win with just weapons, Finn pointed his spear backwards and activated his skill.

Tatsuya who activated his Elemental Eyes saw what it was instantly. In place of reading sequences, he read magic circle that appeared for a split second and memorized it.

From within Finn's spear, a projectile like attack flew towards Tatsuya fastly, making Tatsuya to jump back and use decomposition to cancel the spell. Seeing his spell being cancelled, Finn was amazed.

"By the way, Raven, Finn also uses a shortsword. Though not a master in it, he mainly use spear."

Ash said to Raven who was leaning on the wall. Raven nodded. But he wasn't interested. He couldn't find any trace of sword intent from the little pallum. If he is the same age as him, then he should atleast have even a little sword intent. Zoro, who is still 17 years old have a small intent which Raven found interesting. That was why he thought of Zoro than others. Zoro had potential. Though only to the level of being the strongest swordsman in that world.

By the time, the match finished, it was a tie. Though both of them held back a lot, if Tatsuya were to give in his all, Finn won't even be able to defend himself. Finn himself seems to understand this as well.

Loki was a little upset, but she sighed and thanked Ash for giving them a chance to spar. Then she together with her familia left.