
Unkillable (trust me, I tried)

What if I told you, you wake up one day. Everything has changed, everyone looks different. Everyone acts different, and everyone wants to kill you. But they can’t. That’s my day to day life.

FrankJack · Võ hiệp
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1 Chs

What does water taste like?

'My name is George. I am a 4'9 white college student. I go to Alabama State University, better known as ASU. Go hornets!'

'Anyhow, I'm dead. Or at least I think I am. I can't feel my limbs, toes, hands, hell even my tongue. It's a unique experience… I hate it. Oh, did I mention everything is black too? And I mean, pitch black.'

'Maybe I'm a ghost! Or this is just another case of one to many pills and I'm in a fever dream, who knows. Hmm… Maybe, I really am dead. I'm not sure anymore. It feels like it's been hours, days even.'

'I've tried retracing my steps, and I can't think of anything except for that one time I hit my head and found myself in the ER. Good times, nurse was pretty hot too.'

'Anyhow, I'm losing track of myself. I know my name is George, I went to ASU. Always been below 5 foot, and I'm pretty good beer pong. And yet… I can't remember anything else.'

'Damn. This. Sucks. Like, a lot.'

"Number 92B?"

'Oh, there goes that voice again.'

"Please head to the blue light"

'And I still can't find that damnable blue light.'

"Please head to the blue light, Number 92B."

'Oh… That's a new one. Where is this blue light oh holy one?'

"Please head to the blue light, Number 92B."

'And it ignores me again. I've lost track how many times it's repeated that phrase. First was 12A, now it's 92B. I assume I'm 92B. But the funny thing is, I have no idea where the blue light is.'

"Please head to the blue light, Number 92B."

'Ma'am, Sir, whatever the hell you are. I have no clue, where or what this blue light is. I'm sure you're tired of repeating that phrase, again and again. But I need you to realize… I HAVE NO DAMN IDEA WHERE THE HELL THE BLUE LIGHT IS!'

"Please head to the blue light, Number 92B."


"Please head to the blue light to your left, Number 92B."

'Left?… Left?… I go left?… Just like that.'

'Oh. Ain't that a thing. There is a blue light! Ain't that just prettiest thing! It got lil' stars and all too! Ooo, ain't that just cute.'


'Huh. Feels like that one time I stuck a shock vac on my…'

"Hello, Number 92B. You've kept me waiting."


"Yes, Uh. You see here Number 92B. You're not supposed to be here. You're not supposed to exist! Haha. Funny."

'What?.. Wah? Eh?!?'

"Yes, yes, I know. It's terrible. We've done bad, you see. You're not supposed to even exist. That is, until… Universe 158 1/4 F, recycles."

"Per se, that would mean you're an early bloomer!"

'What the hell?…'

"Yes, I know. It looks real bad on us. And well… We can't have that, so here's the deal. We're going to recycle you!"

"Don't worry, it won't hurt. You'll just be… Like now."

'Listen here, whatever the hell you are. I can't see, feel, or breath. But I do know this. You sick bastards have done something to me.'

"Oh. You can't see? Apologies, here let me fix that… Simon! We got another outer!"





'Uhhhh… What the hell.'

"Hey, kid. That was a pretty big fall you took, you good?" A rough voice spoke.

'What? Woah… This is new… I can feel, but I can't see.'

"Can you speak kid? Wait, let me just get that off of you. There how's that?" The rough voice spoke.

Suddenly a world of vibrant colors and smells entered George's senses. An alleyway full of gunk, trash bags, and an old beggar, followed by the stench of smoke and rotten tomatoes.

"Kid, wake up. How many fingers am I holding up?" The old man asked.


"Huh, well… We know you're alive. Shame you can't talk though." The old man frowned.

'What?… Of course I can talk, I'm talking right now!'

"Alright kiddo, let me pull you out of that mess before the insurgents come." The old man said as he pulled me out.

Looking around us both, I got a better look at the environment, burnt, distorted, and greasy. As if I was in a futuristic version of rundown New York. The only difference was the sky being orange, and the pavement had glowing blue lines.

"Cmon kiddo, quit ogling the floor, we gotta go." The old man said in a hurry as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the alleyway.

As we left the alleyway everything shocked me. People with bluish skin? A woman with multiple eyes? A dog walking a floating fish? What the hell?…

'Seeing my hands now is strange… Were they always so flimsy and grey? And what's with this red line going down my wrist?'

"Cmon kid, keep up. Quit playing with your BioLine, we gotta keep moving." The old man shouted as we entered a crowd.

'Is it just me or did the air get heavy?'

"STEP AWAY FROM THE CHILD" A chilling robotic voice spoke above us.

Looking up, I was met with the largest drone I've ever seen. A behemoth of innovation, with red dead eyes and a large claw protruding from its insides.

"RUN CHILD RUN!" The old man shouted as his arm formed into a ebony blade.

I didn't know what to do, so I ran. I ran and ran, until I couldn't run anymore. Little did I know, that whole scenario happened in my head.


"DAMMIT KID, I SAID RUN!" The old man screamed again as he tore into the drone.

'I-I can't… I can't run. I just can't…'

As I stood to the side, more and more drones appeared, all taking aim at the old beggar. Little by little, the old beggar was overwhelmed and pulled apart by multiple metallic arms.


'H-he's d-dead..'


A loud explosion rang out, causing one of the drones to explode, throwing rubble and debris into the air.


Four more explosions followed, now all that remained was three drones. As the drones separated and re arranged themselves, another shot followed.

'AGH!' 'What the hell?…' I shouted as I felt something punch me on my shoulder.


As more explosions hit me, I flew into the air, landing beside the remains of my fallen friend.

'W-what… What the hell is going on?!..'

*POP* The last explosion hit me on my forehead causing me to lose consciousness.

And yet, as my body lay dead once more. I'm still alive. This is odd. I felt afraid. And yet, I feel… Tranquil. As if I am unaware I just died.

But… I'm alive. I know I am.. I just… Gotta wake up.

Opening my eyes once more I see a group of oddly dressed people. That is if you can even call them people.

"G3, I thought you said you neutralized him." A pink 4 eyed being said aloud.

"He should be dead, why? Is the lil' bastard still kicking?" A dry airy voice spoke from a small floating box.

"He's… Not resisting, but he's awake…" A brown coated yellow being replied whilst poking me with a metal rod.

"Just give em a 82 dose, that should incapacitate em." The floating box replied.

"Gotcha." The pink being replied as it attempted to stab me with a green syringe.

"It… Won't go through. Must be a Holmes." The pink being said out loud as it swapped the needle for a larger one.

"Nope. This one is a regular. Just another Xanxer." A purple humanoid replied as it flicked its tendrils back in forth.

'The hell are these aliens talking about?..' I thought to myself.

"Nope, definitely a Holmes. You see those green and orange eyes? And that grey ashen skin of his. Definitely a Holmes." The pink being replied.

'You know what. Screw this.'

"Uhhh. Captain… Subject A9 is moving." The pink being stuttered as it slowly backed up.

'Captive my ass. Nah, I'm not dying again.' I thought to myself as I slowly rose up.

Looking around me, I saw a battlefield. I was just in a city. How the hell did this become a battlefield?…

The ground was split into two, the sky was shrouded in redish smoke. The air smelled like charcoal and bleach. Multiple bodies lay around me, all covered in a metallic orange blanket.

'Did… All of this happen because of me?…'

As I stared at the oddly dressed humanoids, I pointed at the bodies, then at myself. Then I pointed at them.

Little did I know. That caused them to explode in a green paste. *BOOOM*

'So… This is what I've become.' I contemplated, wondering why I was so calm about this.

Walking towards the remains of the oddly dressed beings. One of them survived. They stared at me, as if I was… Death.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!" The pink being screamed. As I approached it and rubbed its chin.

'Heheh… Pickle chin.'

As the pink being screamed, the small floating box heard the pink being.



'Huh. It… Died. Heh.' I laughed internally seeing the small box under a pile of rubble and ash.

Unbeknownst to me. A large flying beast crashed onto the ground. Sending dust and ash into the air, quickly as it landed. Four heavily suited beings jumped off the beast.


Small explosions bounced off of my skin, 'Huh. I can't feel the pain anymore. Weird… But neat.'

"DIE YOU BASTARD!" One of the heavily armored beings yelled.

'No, just go away.' I muttered, as I flicked my hands at them. Causing the one who yelled to be torn in half.

"MACKKK!" The largest of the heavily armed beings yelled, turning towards their comrade. Before turning back to me, and spraying me with a large amount of light.

'Bright…' I muttered, as I flicked my hand toward all of them.

*FWOOM* *POP* The remaining heavily armed beings were pulled together into a small hole the size of a dime, before eventually exploding into a thick paste of red goo.

Fearing for its life, the flying beast ducked its heads and curled into a ball.

'I wonder if it's fluffy with all those feathers?…' I wondered as I walked away from the once proud city now left shattered battlefield.

'The hell happened to me in the last 2 hours?…' I thought to myself. I was… Calm. To calm. I just killed 8 people… Well… The old guy killed himself. So it's really just 7.

'I… Wish I could go back.' *POP*


And just like that. I'm back where I started. Back into the alley way.

"Hey, kid. That was a pretty big fall you took, you good?" A rough voice spoke.

'Oh, hey it's you again.'

"Can you speak kid? Wait, let me just get that off of you. There how's that?" The old man asked.

'I'm thirsty. I wonder what water taste like?'