
Universal Genocide System

Julian sanchez a young man at the age of 21 is a big fan of the Warhammer 40k universe as well as several other famous universes. in his spare time he reads manga and light novels as well as anime. He lives at the US border town of el paso in Southern Texas and lives a very boring life as hes stuck at home with online classes. He had been born with vast intelligence so although he had trouble learning online it was not much of an issue. one day he is attacked by a cartel during his routine trip into Mexico for business and gets randomly teleported to a new world. everything he comes across shocks him but he somehow adapts and survives. He learns he has a powerful system but little does he know what kind of consequences using it will bring to his personality.

ForgottenKnight · Kỳ huyễn
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46 Chs

A Kings Hospitality

Julian Flew out of the strange black portal and fell into a dark empty cave.

After a couple of hours Julian awoke and immediately felt confused, He looked around but could not see anything in the darkness.

" Hello! " Julian yelled into the darkness

His voice echoed throughout the cave but there was no response. He moved his hands around him and felt a strange object meet his right hand. Before he could think a sharp pain flowed all over his hand and moved all over his body causing him to curse in pain. He quickly removed his hand but the pain didn't go away and instead increased dramatically. He felt like he was being stabbed in every inch of his body and didn't even have the strength to scream. His body stiffened up and saw a bright light to the right of him exactly where the strange object was. His eyes were blurry so he couldn't see it clearly but he could make out that it was moving towards him slowly.


He laid there confused and scared, the pain became so terribly that he became completely numb and laid there motionless like a corpse. His eyes staring intently at the strange object that had now reached his arm and was beginning to climb up it towards his back. soon he lost sight of it, and lost consciousness, the last thing he heard before he went out was.

[ congratulating you have successfully fused with the Great Genocide Heart ]

[ Mission Recuperate ]

[ Rewards ??? ]

[Failure: Be reincarnated into a tree ]


2 full days later he regained his conscious and looked around. To his surprise he could see through the darkness. He quickly moved his body into a sitting position against the cave wall and began to cry. He didn't know what was happening and his mind was screwed from the intense pain he felt earlier. HIs sleep wasn't peaceful either, during the 2 days he was asleep he suffered from endless nightmares about his family and friends. He looked around the cave and he could not find the strange object he had felt before which only made him feel crazier.

" MOM! DAD! "

He cried for 3 hours continuously calling out the names of his loved ones but there was no reply, only silence. He was about to call out again but a loud and deep voice rang out in his ears like a Speaker at full volume.

" Who's Crying In my home "

The voice sounded like an ancient wise man and Julian immediately stopped crying and instead replied in a raspy voice.

" Who's there! "

The deep voice let out a laugh

" This is my home, you will answer first! "

Julian slowly got up not knowing what was happening or who was talking to him but he replied once again in a weak and raspy voice.

" My name is Julian, I don't know how I got here, Can you help me? "

He walked forward and was about to turn the corner but he fell to the ground without warning as his body was severely fatigued. He looked at his body in shock and found that he was literally skin and bone, not a single speck of his once muscular body remained.

" ah there u are Little one "

The voice broke Julian out of his stupor and he looked to the right and saw a big red ball about 40 feet away at the end of the cave hallway, in the center of the ball was a black line going from the top to the bottom.

He wanted to scream but he didn't have the energy to and instead spoke again.

" Can you help me "

The voice sounded again but this time it sounded worried and quickly answered

" good lord you are skinnier than the undead that roam outside of my home! quickly grab onto my tail and I will pull you out. "

' Tail? ' Julian heard this and was confused.

before he had time to think about it a long tail flew into the cave and landed in front of him. Looking at the tail he was once again shocked, this hallway was at least 40 feet long and this things tail reached him easily! Just how big was this unknown beast.

" grab onto my tail " The voice resounded in the cave

" i can't! i don't have the energy to move. "

" ok then just hang on real quick "

the voice faded and the tail moved quickly and wrapped around Julian gently without hurting him and moved him outside the small cave. The moment he came out of the cave he was frightened. In front of him was a 400 foot tall Blue Dragon with an 800 foot wingspan curled up on the cavern floor. He couldn't take his eyes off the Gigantic dragon and failed to see the beautiful Cavern around them. The cavern was at least 1,000 feet tall and 3,000 feet wide with crystal stalagmites hanging from the ceiling and gold covering most of the ground as well as various gemstones, armors and weapons as well as a couple of guns.

HIs mind was perplexed at the sight of the dragon and he said very weakly.

" Dragon! yo-ou-you-u ar-ar-r a a a drag-drago-dragon!! "

He once again fell into a stupor as he could not believe what he was seeing.


He screamed internally

" yes I am a dragon Little ape, Now why are you here and why are you so skinny? "

Julian completely ignored the question as he looked around the cavern in awe. his mind went completely blank when he noticed the unfathomable pile of treasure around him.

" My home is quite Beautiful is it not? "

The dragon spoke cheerfully as he noticed Julian's face as he stared at the treasure.

" This place is amazing!! "


His stomach growled loudly and he felt a pain in his stomach, he didn't think about it but he was starving and incredibly thirsty.

The dragon heard the loud grumble and laughed as he put Julian down gently.

" I don't know how you made it in here without me seeing but I will put that matter aside for a moment. Here is some food to eat and some water to drink, once you feel better we can have a nice long chat. "

The dragon dropped a deer sized piece of raw meat in front of him as well as a large pot of clear blue water. He looked at the raw bloody meat in front of him and was repulsed but the sheer hunger he was experiencing made him ignore it and dig in like a wild animal. His body lacked the energy but the sheer will to survive moved his jaw up and down and allowed him to swallow the food. soon he ate 2 pounds of raw meat and drank 2 liters of water before passing out from exhaustion.

He woke up the next day and noticed his body had very small changes but overall he was a lot better than he was before. he was still mostly skin and bone but now he had a little bit of energy to spare. The dragon looked to be sleeping so he continued to eat and drink for a whole week until he finally had enough strength to move around.

He was about to get up and stretch but was freaked out by a sudden beep in his hear causing him to fall back down.

[ Mission ( recuperate ) Completed ]

Rewards: Building GloveX1, 1 Highly Advanced Artificial Intelligence, Body Reconstruction LV1

A screen popped up in front of him, he stared at the screen in a daze completely unaware his body was going through a qualitative change. Normally such a change would be incredibly pain full but his nerves were fried so he felt nothing until the very end of the change when his nerves recovered.

" AHHHHH " He screamed in pain

The scream awoke the dragon who looked at him puzzled

" What has happened to you little ape? "

The dragon asked this but when he saw Julian's body he became incredibly confused. The young man he had seen barely a week ago had made it to the peak of the flesh refinement stage and was only inches away from the Bone refinement stage.

" Little Ape how did you Reach the Peak of the Flesh Refinement stage so quickly? "

Julian looked up confused

" what do you mean "

He looked down at this body and couldn't believe his eyes, his body was in better shape then when he was back at earth.

" what's happened to me!? " He yelled in a hysterical voice.

He looked back at the screen in front of him and saw the Body Construction level one and began to think about many different things.

' am I in a cultivation world? was I blessed with a system like Lin fan from the Novel The strongest system or was it more like the legendary mechanic?? what's this building glove? why do I have an Artificial intelligence? '

His mind raced back and forth ignoring the dragon who was speaking to him.

' equip Building Glove '

With his thought a white mechanical glove appeared on his right hand shocking both him and the Dragon next to him.

" WHAT IS THAT! ANSWER ME!! " The dragon yelled angry that he had been ignored by a lowly ape.

" I don't know " replied Julian

The Dragon became annoyed and yelled even louder

" DON'T LIE TO ME!!! "

Julian began to panic and yelled as loud as he could

" I truly do Not Know please calm down and let us talk like you asked! "

The dragon settled down and asked in a calm voice.

" who are you and how did you get here? "

To which Julian calmly replied

" My name is Julian and I do not know how I got here, I am dead serious I have no recollection of how I got here. "

He truly did not know how he got here, the only thing he knew was he was transported into this cave for unknown reasons.

" Hmph "

Before the dragon asked another question Julian asked his own

" who are you and where am I? "

The dragon gave him a are you serious look before calmly answering.

" I am Grivacre the Eternal King Of the Lighting Dragons and the territory of Arcadia is where you are located. Now answer me this, how did you suddenly reach the Peak of Flesh refinement and how did you make that shiny glove appear out of thin air? "

Julian let out an awkward laugh before speaking

" I'm completely serious when I say this but I don't know and I don't know, also what's this flesh refinement you speak of? is it Body refinement? "

Grivacre became even more annoyed and confused by his answer and even became a little angry

" Do you take me for a fool! "

He stood up and spread his wings filling up most of the cavern, his figure was incredibly domineering and Julian quickly yelled out in desperation

" Please believe me I do not know! I cannot remember anything! "

He didn't want to tell the dragon he had a system so he continued to play dumb and decided to play the amnesia card.

Grivacre Didn't believe what Julian had to say and Black Lighting quickly gathered around his body like Ghedora unleashing a lighting attack.

Julian became terrified and pleaded as much as he could to the point of tears but Grivacre did not relent and continued to gather lighting into his mouth. At the moment Julian thought he was going to die The lighting quickly dispersed and Grivacre sighed deeply.

" I believe you for now. "

Grivacre Looked at Julian with reluctance but finally returned to normal. Nobody below nirvana or ensoulment could withstand his intimidation and would spill all their secrets in exchange for life but this weak little ape barely at the peak of flesh refinement did not spill anything in front of him. this led him to believe he was telling the truth but he couldn't understand how he made such a drastic recovery and even broke through to the peak of the flesh refinement stage within a week. and the weird glove, he had originally thought The ape had a storage ring but he checked him several hundred times with his Psychic force and found nothing.

" well Little Ape what are you going to do now? "

Julian thought for a minute and spoke low

" Are there any of my kind in this world? "

Julian was hopeful but Grivacre's next sentence made him extremely sad.

" Not that I have ever seen and I have been through several hundred territories, but i have seen blue apes, purple apes, short apes and long eared apes but this is the first time I've seen this type of ape. "

" well who lives in this territory? "

" The territory Of Arcadia is inhabited solely by My race, The Lighting Dragon and some Lighting Attributed Draconian's. "

" what about the territories around Arcadia? " Julian asked hopeful but was once again shot down by Grivacre's answer.

" To the east is the Vistaril Domain ruled by Utiss The king of the Fire Dragons and to the west is Harkin territory ruled by Varkan the King of the earth Dragons, The rest of the territories around Arcadia are ruled by Draconian's as for the other Dragon kings they each live several dozens territories away from me. "

Julian was happy to learn about the surrounding territories but felt uneasy at the fact that the only species around him were Draconian's.

" How big is the territory? "

Julian had read several novels and was prepared to hear an exaggerated answer so what he got didn't surprise him as much.

" my territory stretches 546k miles east 678k west 2.4 mil north and 1.3 mil south from this exact location. "

Julian took a deep breath after hearing such Bs

" You said this territory was inhabited by dragons and Draconian's right? Well how do i survive here? "

Grivacre thought about this for a couple minutes before finally answering

" i can gift you my bloodline and allow you to mutate into a royal blooded lighting attributed Draconian, but if i do this you must work for me. "

" I Agree! "

" what!? "

Grivacre was surprised the little ape in front of him agreed so hastily

" you do realize by doing this you will forsake your original species and there is no way to revert to your original species. "

" I understand, personally I'm not a big fan of other species but there is none of my kind anywhere in the vast land you have travelled so i am fine converting to a species that i can actually live in and grow in. "

although he wasn't in a very stable mental state at the moment his several years of manga and light novels allowed him to adapt slowly to his new reality. The hardest part of coming to reality with his new world was his family, he missed them severely that's why he became so sad when he learned there was no humans in this world. He felt that there may be humans in the far off territories but considering the size of the Arcadian territory he felt it would be centuries before he made contact with any of them, that is if they even existed.

" alright give me 5 minutes to prepare a vile "

" ok "

Julian didn't mind waiting and decided to check his stats in the meantime.

Name: Julian Sanchez

Bloodline: Blood God Bloodline

Job: Beginner Mechanic 0/10

Titles: N/A

Psychic Force: 0/10

Cultivation: EXP0/10 qi gathering 1

Body Refinement: 0/1,000 Flesh refinement 10

+ 10 strength +10 Stamina +10 dexterity + 10 Endurance +10 Agility +10 Vitality

Stats: Strength- 16 Dexterity- 14 Stamina- 26 Intelligence- 36 Charisma- 5 Luck-1 Endurance-22 Agility- 17 Vitality-18

Unlock points- 0

Chaos Sparks- 0

Divinity Tokens- 0

Confirmed Kills 0

[ Achievement 1 kill 10 living beings 0/10 ]

+ 10 to all stats except luck and charisma

[ Inventory ]

[ Cultivation ]

[ Body refinement ]

[ Psychic abilities ]

[ Crafting/Building ]

[ Achievements ]

[ Missions ]

[ Genocide shop ]

After reading his stats he was shocked. he had not only cultivation but body refining and Psychic powers. he also clicked on each and everything so he found out His Psychic force was increased by completing missions or consuming soul stones while his cultivation had an EXP style which he figured meant he had to kill and complete missions for and his body refinement told him he had to train his body with either beatings, fire or various other techniques. His Chaos tokens and Divinity tokens were used to purchase Psychic Abilities and confirmed kills were the currency for the Genocide Shop where he could purchase powerups and powerful abilities. He had no current missions and all the Achievements were grayed out and did not display their requirements. The Crafting/Building tab was his Favorite as he found out he could convert any item in the world into Mass Value or M.V. for short using a Mass Converter aka an M.C.

Now out of all these thing what caught his eye the most after the crafting tab was his Bloodline. He apparently had the Blood God bloodline, he had absolutely no idea how good it was but from his love of Warhammer 40k he had an idea and was extremely excited.

this may be an unpopular decison for those of u who have added my story to your collection but i thought about it for a while and didn't like the way my story was going and it had so many mistakes so i decided to remake it with better details and story telling as well a better stat system and power path. my sysopsis is still a bit weird im not sure if ill keep it as is. anyway i hope u still like it. for those who are new ignore this and enjoy the story my friends

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