A person who has a unique personality reincarnates into another world where he realizes that the world he is in has a lot of fictional characters he knew of.
On a bright sunny day where clouds mostly cover the sky. Sunflowers blooming looking towards the sun. The spring breeze cooling the surrounding area.
Inside an apartment in Japan there's a 20 year old young man sleeping casually on his bed. the ray of the sun touching his face causing him to open his eyes slowly and groggily.
"Damn.. Sun-chan its early in the morning and your already on top of my face with your heat." he says jokingly to no one but himself. He stood up from his bed raising both of his arms stretching pointing upwards towards the sun almost like he is praising it.
"Probably should freshen up and go to work. dont want to be late and make the little salary I earn more little." he immediately heads towards the bathroom not taking of his clothes since he is already naked.
He quickly took a shower and dresses up. he opens the door of his apartment and walks out but before he closes the door behind him he says "Goodbye Apartment-san let's see each other again after my work.".
He closes the apartment door and walks down the stairs of his apartment building. "Yosh! Kirai this is the 29th day of work tomorrow we will get our first ever salary!" he enthusiastically says.
While walking towards the place he works at he saw a girl with black hair staring at him.
The girl tells him "The day you've been waiting for is close.." when he heard what the girl said he got goosebumps and his hair stood up. 'weird.. why did I get goosebumps?' he thought to himself. "Yeah little one! my salary is so close!" he tells the little girl. the girl replies "You dont seem to understand."
"Hmm?" he is wondering what this girl what she is talking about. when he was about to ask he was cut off by a teenager. "Yosh Lilith come on!" the boy yells to the girl. the girl looks at the teenager and looks back at Kirai. She walks towards him and walks away while still looking at Kirai.
"What a... weird kid. Oh no I got to go!" snapping out of his daze, he immediately walks away to the opposite direction of the park they were in. When he reached his workplace or the cafe he works at called "Bizarre Adventure". He was met with a girl the the same age as him holding a trash bag.
"Kirai-san go inside and change quickly! our manager is making sure all the employees are in time" she tells Kirai. "Thank you Miza-san!" he replies while heading inside quickly hoping for the manager not to notice he was almost late.
He changes his clothes to his uniform and immediately heads towards the front so that he can serve customers and act like he was there the whole time.
(6 Hours later.)
"Finally my shift is done." he softly complains to himself making sure no one heard him. 'Tomorrow money is coming my way' he thought while smiling. He changed his clothes to his casual clothes that he wore earlier. Then he went outside saying his goodbyes to his co workers. while walking on the sidewalk someone tug his shirt. when he turned around he saw a 17 years old girl with a student uniform.
"U-Uhm S-Senpai can i have your n-number please.." she asks Kirai. "Oh sure. I wouldn't mind giving my number to someone as pretty as you." he says while smiling. the girl blushes not expecting for him to agree and call her pretty. After they exchanged contacts they waved each other off going the opposite direction of each other.
'Why do i feel like something is gonna happen today? why am i worrying about what that kid said?' he asks himself worryingly. 'Because you always try to please everyone dumbass.' A voice suddenly says, the voice very similar to his own.
'Hey Kira! why are you talking less nowadays? I can lend you my body tomorrow when we get our first payment!' he says to the voice named Kira. (I dont want to. If i took control of your body I would just watch anime and laze around. Fuuu... why is your life so boring.) Kira says. 'Hehe. You know.. our life isn't that boring since we both have the same body. It's kinda cool to have a split personality.' Kirai replies.
(Huuuh? its only cool because i always save your ass when something goes wrong and you need to beat some dumb bastards ass.) says Kira reminding Kirai of the things that happened in their life. 'I know... well lets talk later I dont want to doze of while walking.'
Kirai on his way back to his apartment helping people he can on his way home. Kirai likes to help the people he sees on his way home. sometimes the people stop him from helping since they think he is helping them everyday but he insists. His life is already boring he might as well help people and maybe hopefully something good will happen.
On his way home he went inside a 7-Eleven store and took a break for a minute since he can stay for a while and so he can buy something to drink. He picked up an Iced tea on the cooler of the store. when he bought his bottle of ice tea and sit on a chair inside the store next to the AC.
Whilst he was on his phone scrolling trying to find a good anime or manga he can watch with Kira. A person with a ski mask enters the store and walks to the cashier with a gun on his hands. "Hand over the money inside the cash register!" the robber demands pointing his gun towards the cashier. the cashier nodded and took money from the cash register but took it a bit slowly hoping someone will call the cops.
A Grandma who was close to the robber tries to sneak away but the robber notices her "Hey Old lady dont move or I'll make sure you'll never make cookies for your grandchildren again!" scaring the poor grandmother.
'Kira! control my body quick he might shoot the old lady!' Kirai asking for Kira's help. (He has a gun idiot. If we try to stop this we might die!) Kira complains whoever Kirai wants to help them 'That's the point in the of chance we die we might be able to save their lives! its 2 birds in 1 stone! we stop the robbery and we save their lives.'.
(Ugh.. Fuck it fine if we somehow manage to be able to live after this, im making you watch Boku no Pico for 4 hours straight while i sleep.) Kirai hearing what Kira said sweatdrops.
Kira who was now in control of their body snuck up on the robber who is still looking at the scared grandma. he gets up close and personal and grabbed the guy's hand pointing it upwards so if he shoots the bullets will only go to the ceiling. the robber who was confused on what's happening tries to get out of his grip to point the gun at Kira and shoot him only to be shocked that he cant move his right arm out of Kira's grip.
Their body is strong from helping people everyday non stop. Seeing that he cant get the gun out of the robbers hands bites the robbers wrist making the robber lose his grip on the gun. When the gun was on the floor Kira kicks it strongly to the opposite side of the store.
Kira grins thinking that the only thing he has to do is beat this guy up and go home to watch how Kirai will suffer from watching the show that can break someones mind. He looks back at the robber only to feel extremely hot and painfully stingy on his stomach. (KIRA!) Kira hearing Kirai scream looks down only to find a knife on his stomach.
Kira who is not caring for the robber anymore since he has to kill him otherwise he might die. lunges at the robber biting on his neck like tiger killing a deer. Blood splatters from the robbers neck onto the walls of the store leaving only 2/3 of the robbers neck. The robber holding his neck tries to breathe only to stop the bleeding only to find his lifeless body 5 seconds later.
"Ptui." Kira who felt the blood on his mouth from the robbers neck spits whatever's inside his mouth and kneeling a second after because of his strength leaving his body. "F-Fuck Kirai... Yo..You. dumb basta-" he mutters before falling unconscious bleeding with a knife on his stomach. Kirai who was watching this in both of their minds can only scream Kira's name repeatedly.