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This is a perfect way to portrait Conan world Murder, Secret Organisation is just another Tuesday
She's the best AOE thought Could probably make Tsunami by her own Idk Alice Balance Breaker, it could have a fire storm or idk throwing lava or something, could be the best AOE and single target DPS Azrail is the best support. Heal, buff, debuff, teleport, recon, anything you wanted DPS not there yet But, he could nuke the entire Earth Easily the best AOE dmg 💀
They are tragic being Live for everyone but themselves, they might think this is their own selfishness, but alas, it's but illusion
Damn She's aged like wine
I would say that I will wait until we got 10 - 20 chapters To actually see how much I would love this fict Because I love and still think this is the best Pokémon fict before the remake Please, I know I'm nobody, but, I'm putting a lot, I mean a lot of expectations, since you are the author, and this is the story that I adore, I hope this would be a great rework!!
Here we go again Next chapter Devil Whisper (7) At least we got a lot of actual Devils in this arc... Khaos Brigade (11) when?
Sakayanagi SAKAYANAGI Arisu Her name alone have weight Easiest is crazy
LOL That now how the LEGAL system works And he knew it It's just a blabbering of a madman